Articles by "MATLAB"

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David E. Hiebeler ... 233 pages - Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC; (June, 2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1466568380 - ISBN-13: 978-1466568389 ... 

The First Book to Explain How a User of R or MATLAB Can Benefit from the Other: In today’s increasingly interdisciplinary world, R and MATLAB® users from different backgrounds must often work together and share code. R and MATLAB® is designed for users who already know R or MATLAB and now need to learn the other platform. The book makes the transition from one platform to the other as quick and painless as possible. Enables R and MATLAB Users to Easily Collaborate and Share Code: The author covers essential tasks, such as working with matrices and vectors, writing functions and other programming concepts, graphics, numerical computing, and file input/output. He highlights important differences between the two platforms and explores common mistakes that are easy to make when transitioning from one platform to the other.

Stephen J. Chapman ... 432 pages - Publisher: CL Engineering; 2nd edition (November, 2008) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 049529568X - ISBN-13: 978-0495295686 ...

Stephen Chapman's Essentials of MATLAB Programming is a successful freshman-level text that is useable in a wide range of courses. This brief text serves two purposes - it teaches how to program using MATLAB as a technical programming language as well as teaching students the basics of computer programming. Using top-down design methodology, the text encourages students to think about the proper design of a program before coding. Problem solving skills as well as the ability to locate desired functions within MATLAB are also presented making this text a useful reference tool.

Machine Learning Classification Algorithms using MatLab [Size: 580 MB] ... This course is designed to cover one of the most interesting areas of machine learning called classification. I will take you step-by-step in this course and will first cover the basics of MATLAB. Following that we will look into the details of how to use different machine learning algorithms using MATLAB. Specifically, we will be looking at the MATLAB toolbox called statistic and machine learning toolbox. We will implement some of the most commonly used classification algorithms such as K-Nearest Neighbor, Naive Bayes, Discriminant Analysis, Decision Tress, Support Vector Machines, Error Correcting Output Codes and Ensembles. Following that we will be looking at how to cross validate these models and how to evaluate their performances. Intuition into the classification algorithms is also included so that a person with no mathematical background can still comprehend the essential ideas. The following are the course outlines.

Table of Contents: - Segment 1: Instructor and Course Introduction - Segment 2: MATLAB Crash Course - Segment 3: Grabbing and Importing Dataset - Segment 4: K-Nearest Neighbor - Segment 5: Naive Bayes - Segment 6: Decision Trees - Segment 7: Discriminant Analysis - Segment 8: Support Vector Machines - Segment 9: Error Correcting Output Codes - Segment 10: Classification with Ensembles - Segment 11: Validation Methods - Segment 12: Evaluating Performance. This course is really good for a beginner. It will help you to start from the ground up and move on to more complicated areas. You receive knowledge from a Ph.D. in Computer science (machine learning) with over 10 years of teaching and research experience.

Learn Neural Networks using Matlab Course [Size: 187 MB] ... MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is a multi-paradigm numerical computing environment and fourth-generation programming language developed by MathWorks. Although MATLAB is intended primarily for numerical computing, but by optional toolboxes, using the MuPAD symbolic engine, has access to symbolic computing capabilities too. One of these toolboxes is Neural Network toolbox. This toolbox is free, open source software for simulating models of brain and central nervous system, based on MATLAB computational platform. In these courses you will learn the general principles of Neural Network Toolbox designed in Matlab and you will be able to use this Toolbox efficiently as well.

The list of contents is: - Introduction: in this chapter the Neural Network Toolbox is Defined and introduced. An overview of neural network application is provided and the neural network training process for pattern recognition, function fitting and clustering data in demonstrated. - Neuron models:  A description of the neuron model is provided, including simple neurons, transfer functions, and vector inputs and single and multiple layers neurons are explained. The format of input data structures is very effective in the simulation results of both static and dynamic networks. So this effect is discussed in this chapter too. And finally the incremental and batch training rule is explained. - Perceptron networks: In this chapter the perceptron architecture is shown and it is explained how to create a perceptron in Neural network toolbox. The perceptron learning rule and its training algorithm is discussed and finally the network/Data manager GUI is explained. - Linear filters: in this chapter linear networks and linear system design function is discussed. The tapped delay lines and linear filters are discussed and at the end of the chapter LMS algorithm and linear classification algorithm used for linear filters are explained. - Backpropagation networks: The architecture, simulation, and several high-performance backpropagation training algorithms of backpropagation networks are discussed in this chapter. - Conclusion: in this chapter the memory and speed of different backpropagation training algorithms are illustrated. And at the end of the chapter all these algorithms are compared to help you select the best training algorithm for your problem in hand. - Matlab Software Installation: You are required to install the Matlab Software on your machine, so you can start executing the codes, and examples we work during the course.

Amos Gilat, Vish Subramaniam ... 480 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 1st edition (April, 2007) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0471734403 - ISBN-13: 978-0471734406 ...

Following a unique approach, this innovative book integrates the learning of numerical methods with practicing computer programming and using software tools in applications. It covers the fundamentals while emphasizing the most essential methods throughout the pages. Readers are also given the opportunity to enhance their programming skills using MATLAB to implement algorithms. They'll discover how to use this tool to solve problems in science and engineering. A clear and concise guide to numerical methods and their application: Mastering numerical methods has never been easier than with Gilat/Subramaniam’s Numerical Methods For Engineers and Scientists: An Introduction with Applications Using MATLAB. Uniquely accessible and concise, this book takes an innovative approach that integrates the study of numerical methods with hands-on programming practice using the popular MATLAB environment to solve realistic problems in engineering and science. Ideal for both students and professionals who would like to become more adept at numerical methods, Numerical Methods For Engineers and Scientists familiarizes you with: The mathematical background and fundamentals of numerical methods + Solving  nonlinear equations + Solving a system of linear equations + Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors + Function approximation, curve fitting, and interpolation + Differentiation + Integration + First-order and higher-order ODEs + Initial and boundary value problems. Using MATLAB’s built-in functions as tools for solving problems, you will practice applying numerical methods for analysis of real-world problems. All the information is presented in manageable, step-by-step fashion, supported by a large number of annotated examples and end-of-chapter problems. Lucid, carefully structured, and flexibly designed to fulfill a wide range of academic and practical needs, this book will help you develop the skills in numerical methods that will serve you well as a practicing engineer.

Amos Gilat ... 416 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 5th edition (January, 2014) ... Language: English- ISBN-10: 1118629868 - ISBN-13: 978-1118629864 ...

More college students use Amos Gilat’s MATLAB: An Introduction with Applications than any other MATLAB textbook. This concise book is known for its just-in-time learning approach that gives students information when they need it. The new edition gradually presents the latest MATLAB functionality in detail. Equally effective as a freshmen-level text, self-study tool, or course reference, the book is generously illustrated through computer screen shots and step-by-step tutorials, with abundant and motivating applications to problems in mathematics, science, and engineering.

Eugeniy E. Mikhailov ... 266 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; 1st edition (February, 2018) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1498738281 - ISBN-13: 978-1498738286 ...

This book offers an introduction to the basics of MATLAB programming to scientists and engineers. The author leads with engaging examples to build a working knowledge, specifically geared to those with science and engineering backgrounds. The reader is empowered to model and simulate real systems, as well as present and analyze everyday data sets. In order to achieve those goals, the contents bypass excessive "under the hood" details, and instead gets right down to the essential, practical foundations for successful programming and modeling. Readers will benefit from the following features: Teaches programming to scientists and engineers using a problem-based approach, leading with illustrative and interesting examples. + Emphasizes a hands-on approach, with "must know" information and minimal technical details. + Utilizes examples from science and engineering to showcase the application of learned concepts on real problems. + Showcases modeling of real systems, gradually advancing from simpler to more challenging problems. + Highlights the practical uses of data processing and analysis in everyday life.

Won Y. Yang, Young K. Choi, Jaekwon Kim, Man Cheol Kim, H. Jin Kim, Taeho Im ... 755 pages - Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC; 1st edition (February, 2018) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1138059331 - ISBN-13: 978-1138059337 ...

The aim of this book is to help the readers understand the concepts, techniques, terminologies, and equations appearing in the existing books on engineering mathematics using MATLAB. Using MATLAB for computation would be otherwise time consuming, tedious and error-prone. The readers are recommended to have some basic knowledge of MATLAB.

Matthew P. Coleman ... 683 pages - Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC; 2nd edition (June, 2013) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1439898464 - ISBN-13: 978-1439898468 ...

An Introduction to Partial Differential Equations with MATLAB®, Second Edition illustrates the usefulness of PDEs through numerous applications and helps students appreciate the beauty of the underlying mathematics. Updated throughout, this second edition of a bestseller shows students how PDEs can model diverse problems, including the flow of heat, the propagation of sound waves, the spread of algae along the ocean’s surface, the fluctuation in the price of a stock option, and the quantum mechanical behavior of a hydrogen atom. Suitable for a two-semester introduction to PDEs and Fourier series for mathematics, physics, and engineering students, the text teaches the equations based on method of solution. It provides both physical and mathematical motivation as much as possible. The author treats problems in one spatial dimension before dealing with those in higher dimensions. He covers PDEs on bounded domains and then on unbounded domains, introducing students to Fourier series early on in the text.

Cesar Perez Lopez ... 368 pages - Publisher: Apress; 1st edition (December, 2014) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 148420350X - ISBN-13: 978-1484203507 ...

MATLAB Mathematical Analysis is a reference book that presents the techniques of mathematical analysis through examples and exercises resolved with MATLAB software. The purpose is to give you examples of the mathematical analysis functions offered by MATLAB so that you can use them in your daily work regardless of the application. The book supposes proper training in the mathematics and so presents the basic knowledge required to be able to use MATLAB for calculational or symbolic solutions to your problems for a vast amount of MATLAB functions. The book begins by introducing the reader to the use of numbers, operators, variables and functions in the MATLAB environment. Then it delves into working with complex variables. A large section is devoted to working with and developing graphical representations of curves, surfaces and volumes. MATLAB functions allow working with two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphics, statistical graphs, curves and surfaces in explicit, implicit, parametric and polar coordinates. Additional work implements twisted curves, surfaces, meshes, contours, volumes and graphical interpolation. The following part covers limits, functions, continuity and numerical and power series. Then differentiation is addressed in one and several variables including differential theorems for vector fields. Thereafter the topic of integration is handled including improper integrals, definite and indefinite integration, integration in multiple variables and multiple integrals and their applications. Differential equations are exemplified in detail, Laplace transforms, Tayor series, and the Runga-Kutta method and partial differential equations.

Bassem R. Mahafza ... 552 pages - Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC; 1st edition (June, 2000) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1584881828 - ISBN-13: 978-1584881827 ...

Imagine the ideal radar book. What criteria define it?: Provides a detailed useful reference for working engineers and can serve as an advanced graduate textbook * Stands on its own as a complete presentation of the subject * Includes examples and exercise problems * Helps readers move beyond the theory into the real world of radar design and analysis. Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MATLAB does all this and more. Based on the philosophy that radar systems should not be difficult to understand or complicated to analyze and design, it focuses on radar fundamentals, principles, and rigorous but easy-to-follow derivations. Each chapter provides all the necessary mathematical and analytical coverage needed for understanding radar theory. Among this book's most outstanding features is the integration of Matlab 5.0 functions and programs within each chapter to further enhance understanding of the theory and provide a source for establishing radar system design requirements. All of these functions and programs can be downloaded from the CRC Web site - saving users more than $1,000 in acquiring similar software. All of this plus nearly 1,300 equations, almost 300 illustrations, more than 200 examples and end-of-chapter problems, and six appendices means that Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MATLAB meets all the criteria. Your search for the ideal resource for radar engineering is over.

Martin H. Trauth ... 427 pages ... Publisher: Springer; 4th edition (February, 2015) ... Language: English - AmazonSIN: B018C2STZU.

MATLAB® is used for a wide range of applications in geosciences, such as image processing in remote sensing, the generation and processing of digital elevation models and the analysis of time series. This book introduces methods of data analysis in geosciences using MATLAB, such as basic statistics for univariate, bivariate and multivariate datasets, time-series analysis, signal processing, the analysis of spatial and directional data and image analysis. The revised and updated Fourth Edition includes sixteen new sections and most chapters have greatly been expanded so that they now include a step by step discussion of all methods before demonstrating the methods with MATLAB functions. 

New sections include: Array Manipulation; Control Flow; Creating Graphical User Interfaces; Hypothesis Testing; Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test; Mann-Whitney Test; Ansari-Bradley Test; Detecting Abrupt Transitions in Time Series; Exporting 3D Graphics to Create Interactive Documents; Importing, Processing and Exporting LANDSAT Images; Importing and Georeferencing TERRA ASTER Images; Processing and Exporting EO-1 Hyperion Images; Image Enhancement; Correction and Rectification; Shape-Based Object Detection in Images; Discriminant Analysis; and Multiple Linear Regression. The text includes numerous examples demonstrating how MATLAB can be used on data sets from earth sciences. The book’s supplementary electronic material (available online through Springer Link) includes recipes that include all the MATLAB commands featured in the book and the example data.

H. Mendel ... 218 pages - Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publ.; (October, 2016) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1539439321 - ISBN-13: 978-1539439325 ...

This book initiates the reader into the techniques of data analysis with MATLAB. The major contents are as follows: Data Processing Importing and Exporting Data Plotting Data Missing Data Representing Missing Data Values Working with NaNs Interpolating Missing Data Inconsistent Data Filtering Data Detrending Data Differencing Data Interactive Data Exploration Marking Up Graphs with Data Brushing Making Graphs Responsive with Data Linking Interacting with Graphed Data Data Brushing with the Variables Editor Using Data Tips to Explore Graphs Descriptive Statistics Functions for Calculating Descriptive Statistics Regression Analysis Linear Correlation Linear Regression Fitting Data with Curve Fitting Toolbox Functions Interactive Fitting Programmatic Fitting MATLAB Functions for Polynomial Models Linear Model with Nonpolynomial Terms Multiple Regression Time Series Analysis Time Series Objects Time Series Data Sample Time Series Constructor Time Series Tools Importing and Exporting Data Plotting Time Series Selecting Data for Analysis Editing Data, Time, Attributes, and Events Processing and Manipulating Time Series

GUIs (also known as graphical user interfaces or UIs) provide point-and-click control of software applications, eliminating the need to learn a language or type commands in order to run the application. MATLAB apps are self-contained MATLAB programs with GUI front ends that automate a task or calculation. The GUI typically contains controls such as menus, toolbars, buttons, and sliders. Many MATLAB products, such as Curve Fitting Toolbox, Signal Processing Toolbox, and Control System Toolbox include apps with custom user interfaces. You can also create your own custom apps, including their corresponding UIs, for others to use.

Ronald L. Lipsman, Jonathan M. Rosenberg ... 276 pages - Publisher: Springer; 1st edition (December, 2017) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 3319650696 - ISBN-13: 978-3319650692 ...

This comprehensive treatment of multivariable calculus focuses on the numerous tools that MATLAB® brings to the subject, as it presents introductions to geometry, mathematical physics, and kinematics. Covering simple calculations with MATLAB®, relevant plots, integration, and optimization, the numerous problem sets encourage practice with newly learned skills that cultivate the reader’s understanding of the material. Significant examples illustrate each topic, and fundamental physical applications such as Kepler’s Law, electromagnetism, fluid flow, and energy estimation are brought to prominent position. Perfect for use as a supplement to any standard multivariable calculus text, a “mathematical methods in physics or engineering” class, for independent study, or even as the class text in an “honors” multivariable calculus course, this textbook will appeal to mathematics, engineering, and physical science students. MATLAB® is tightly integrated into every portion of this book, and its graphical capabilities are used to present vibrant pictures of curves and surfaces. Readers benefit from the deep connections made between mathematics and science while learning more about the intrinsic geometry of curves and surfaces. With serious yet elementary explanation of various numerical algorithms, this textbook enlivens the teaching of multivariable calculus and mathematical methods courses for scientists and engineers.

Shashi Kant Mishra, Bhagwat Ram ... 327 pages - Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC; 1st edition (August, 2017) - Language: English - ISBN-10: 1138092266 - ISBN-13: 978-1138092266 ...

This book is based on the lecture notes of the author delivered to the students at the Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, India. It covers simplex, revised simplex, two-phase method, duality, dual simplex, complementary slackness, transportation and assignment problems with good number of examples, clear proofs, MATLAB codes and homework problems. The book will be useful for both students and practitioners.

A. J. M. Ferreira ... 235 pages - Publisher: Springer; (December, 2008) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1402091990 - ISBN-13: 978-1402091995 ...

This book illustrates how MATLAB compact and powerful programming framework can be very useful in the finite element analysis of solids and structures. The book shortly introduces finite element concepts and an extensive list of MATLAB codes for readers to use and modify. The book areas range from very simple springs and bars to more complex beams and plates in static bending, free vibrations and buckling problems. This book intend to supply readers with some MATLAB codes for finite element analysis of solids and structures. After a short introduction to MATLAB, the book illustrates the finite element implementation of some problems by simple scripts and functions. The following problems are discussed: • Discrete systems, such as springs and bars • Beams and frames in bending in 2D and 3D • Plane stress problems • Plates in bending • Free vibration of Timoshenko beams and Mindlin plates, including laminated composites • Buckling of Timoshenko beams and Mindlin plates The book does not intends to give a deep insight into the finite element details, just the basic equations so that the user can modify the codes. The book was prepared for undergraduate science and engineering students, although it may be useful for graduate students.

David Halpern, Howard B. Wilson ... 696 pages - Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC; 3rd edition (September, 2002) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 158488262X - ISBN-13: 978-1584882626 ...

Since its introduction in 1984, MATLAB's ever-growing popularity and functionality have secured its position as an industry-standard software package. The user-friendly, interactive environment of MATLAB 6.x, which includes a high-level programming language, versatile graphics capabilities, and abundance of intrinsic functions, helps users focus on their applications rather than on programming errors. MATLAB has now leapt far ahead of FORTRAN as the software of choice for engineering applications.

Rao V. Dukkipati ... 680 pages - Publisher: Anshan Publishers; (October, 2010) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1904798675 - ISBN-13: 978-1848290433

This book presents an introduction to MATLAB and its applications in engineering problem solving. It is designed as an introductory course in MATLAB for engineers. The classical methods of electrical circuits,control systems, numerical methods, optimization, direct numerical integration methods, engineering mechanics and mechanical vibrations are covered using MATLAB software. The numerous worked examples and unsolved exercise problems are intended to provide the reader with an awareness of the general applicability to electrical circuits, control systems, numerical methods, optimization, direct numerical integration methods, engineering mechanics and mechanical vibrations using MATLAB. Contents: MATLAB Basics - Electrical Circuits - Control Systems - Numerical Methods - Optimization - Direct Numerical Integration Methods - Engineering Mechanics - Mechanical Vibration.

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