R and MATLAB by David E. Hiebeler (2015)

David E. Hiebeler ... 233 pages - Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC; (June, 2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1466568380 - ISBN-13: 978-1466568389 ... 

The First Book to Explain How a User of R or MATLAB Can Benefit from the Other: In today’s increasingly interdisciplinary world, R and MATLAB® users from different backgrounds must often work together and share code. R and MATLAB® is designed for users who already know R or MATLAB and now need to learn the other platform. The book makes the transition from one platform to the other as quick and painless as possible. Enables R and MATLAB Users to Easily Collaborate and Share Code: The author covers essential tasks, such as working with matrices and vectors, writing functions and other programming concepts, graphics, numerical computing, and file input/output. He highlights important differences between the two platforms and explores common mistakes that are easy to make when transitioning from one platform to the other.

R and MATLAB, David E. Hiebeler

... Our aim is Engineering Education Without Barriers: The notion of education being free for all is a revolutionary concept that is capable of transforming the world to a better place. Education has the power to uplift individuals, families, and entire societies out of poverty and provide them with opportunities for growth and development. Education is a human need, and it is essential for personal and societal progress. In today's world, technological advancement has made it possible to access education for free or at a reduced cost. This has become a game-changer in education, breaking down barriers and leveling the field for students across countries, societies, and classes.

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