Asphalt Materials Science and Technology

James G. Speight ... 650 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; 1st edition (November, 2015) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0128002735 - ISBN-13: 978-0128002735 ...

Asphalt is a complex but popular civil engineering material. Design engineers must understand these complexities in order to optimize its use. Whether or not it is used to pave a busy highway, waterproof a rooftop or smooth out an airport runway, Asphalt Materials Science and Technology acquaints engineers with the issues and technologies surrounding the proper selection and uses of asphalts. With this book in hand, researchers and engineering will find a valuable guide to the production, use and environmental aspect of asphalt. + Covers the Nomenclature and Terminology for Asphalt including: Performance Graded (PG) Binders, Asphalt Cement (AC), Asphalt-Rubber (A-R) Binder, Asphalt Emulsion and Cutback Asphalt - Includes Material Selection Considerations, Testing, and applications - Biodegradation of Asphalt and environmental aspects of asphalt use.

Asphalt Materials Science and Technology, James G. Speight

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