Concrete Beam Design: Concrete Design software that designs one-way flexural members, including beams, one-way slabs and joists. Concrete Column Design: Concrete Design software that will design or check concrete columns for axial tension, compression and biaxial moments. Timber Design: Design or check any continuous beam or column using the latest building codes (NDS, IBC, ASCE) in just a couple of minutes. Unlimited load and support conditions, automatic load generation and much more… Masonry Wall: Masonry Wall is a design tool for the design of masonry bearing walls, walls that are subject to axial and transverse loads. Frame for AutoCAD: Our Frame Analysis software is the only frame analysis and design program that is truly integrated with AutoCAD. At the heart of Frame Analysis and Design is the 30+ years proven STRAAD Finite Element engine. Multiple Load Footing: With the Multiple Load Footing program, define combined trapezoidal, strap, or rectangular footings with multiple loads. Shear Wall Analysis: Analyze a building which is laterally supported by shear walls for the shears and moments in each of the shear walls. Static Pile Analysis: Perform vertical and lateral soil-structure interaction analyses for anything from a fence post to a deep pile. Advanced features include plastic behavior of the soil, skin friction and lateral subgrade reaction that varies with depth.
Pile Group Analysis: Analyze a group of piles for loads in any direction using the same advanced soil-structure model used in the Static Pile program. Piles may be located at different elevations and be battered independently. Pile Cap Analysis & Design: With the Pile Cap program, analyze any pile arrangement and design the pile cap accordingly, including cap thickness, steel requirements, and rebar spacing. Aluminum Design: Design or check aluminum members for axial loads, biaxial bending and deflections. Supported shapes include wide flanges, tubes, angles, channels, Tees, pipes and double angles. Flat Slab Analysis & Design: Analyze and design flat slab or waffle slab floors. Flat slabs may have drop panels at columns and columns may have capitals. Composite Steel Design: Design or check encased and composite beams using ASD and LRFD design codes. Beams can be designed for full or partial composite action. General Section Properties: Calculate the centroidal axis locations, moments of inertia, radius of gyration, section moduli and product moment of inertia for virtually any shape.