
Bernd S. Palm ... 436 pages - ISBN-10: 0367417391 - ISBN-13: 978-0367417390 ... Publisher: Routledge; (February, 2020) - Language: : English.

Master the complexities of the world's bestselling 2D and 3D software with Introduction to AutoCAD 2020. Ideally suited to new users, and relevant for both AutoCAD 2020 and AutoCAD 2021, this book will be a useful resource for drawing modules in both vocational and introductory undergraduate courses in engineering and construction. Experienced users will also find the updated images, commands and software information to be essential reading in order to adapt to the latest AutoCAD interface. A comprehensive, step-by-step introduction to the latest release of AutoCAD. Covering all the basic principles and acting as an introduction to 2D drawing, it also contains extensive coverage of all 3D topics, including 3D solid modelling and rendering.

Written by a member of the Autodesk Developer Network. + Hundreds of colour pictures, screenshots and diagrams illustrate every stage of the design process. + Worked examples and exercises provide plenty of practice material to build proficiency with the software. Further education students will find this an invaluable textbook for City & Guilds AutoCAD qualifications as well as the relevant Computer Aided Drawing units of BTEC National Engineering, Higher National Engineering and Construction courses from Edexcel. Students enrolled in Foundation Degree courses containing CAD modules will also find this a very useful reference and learning aid.

Paul Richard ... 960 pages - Publisher: Macromedia Press; (July, 2019) ... AmazonSIN: B07VXRBF7W - Language: English.

Introduction to AutoCAD 2020 addresses advances in technology and introduces students to 2-dimensional drawing skills and commands using the 2020 release of AutoCAD. Straightforward explanations focus on actual drawing procedures, and illustrations show what to expect on the computer screen. It continuously builds on concepts covered in previous chapters, contains exercises combined with in-text notes, and offers examples that provide the “how and why” of AutoCAD fundamentals. Projects are included at the end of each chapter and provide hands-on experience creating various types of mechanical, architectural, civil, and electrical drawings. This text is appropriate for introductory and intermediate AutoCAD courses.

Introduces AutoCAD, drafting skills, editing techniques, working with complex objects, annotating drawings, outputting your work, advanced drawing and construction methods, and collaborating with others on the web. + Pedagogy reinforces learning objectives throughout, with chapter objectives; key term definitions; command grids that concisely offer multiple ways of achieving task at hand; and discipline icons that identify the field of study throughout. + “New” version icons highlight new software features quickly. + Hands-on exercises appear throughout the text to reinforce learning, and end-of-chapter projects require students to demonstrate a full understanding of the concepts presented in the chapter. Introduction to AutoCAD 2020 provides students with the tools they need to develop drafting skills with AutoCAD.

Richard J. Brook, Gregory C. Arnold ... 256 pages - ISBN-10: 0824772520 - ISBN-13: 978-0824772529 ... Publisher : CRC Press; (December, 2018) - Language: English.

For a solid foundation of important statistical methods, the concise, single-source text unites linear regression with analysis of experiments and provides students with the practical understanding needed to apply theory in real data analysis problems.Stressing principles while keeping computational and theoretical details at a manageable level, Applied Regression Analysis and Experimental Design features an emphasis on vector geometry and least squares to unify and provide an intuitive basis for most topics covered… abundant examples and exercises using real-life data sets clearly illustrating practical of data analysis…essential exposure to MINITAB and GENSTAT computer packages , including computer printouts…and important background material such as vector and matrix properties and the distributional properties of quadratic forms.Designed to make theory work for students, this clearly written, easy-to-understand work serves as the ideal texts for courses Regression, Experimental Design, and Linear Models in a broad range of disciplines. Moreover, applied statisticians will find the book a useful reference for the general application of the linear model.

Richard McElreath ... 612 pages - ISBN-10: 036713991X - ISBN-13: 978-0367139919 ... Publisher : Chapman and Hall/CRC; 2nd Edition (March, 2020) - Language: English.

Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan builds your knowledge of and confidence in making inferences from data. Reflecting the need for scripting in today's model-based statistics, the book pushes you to perform step-by-step calculations that are usually automated. This unique computational approach ensures that you understand enough of the details to make reasonable choices and interpretations in your own modeling work. The text presents causal inference and generalized linear multilevel models from a simple Bayesian perspective that builds on information theory and maximum entropy. The core material ranges from the basics of regression to advanced multilevel models. It also presents measurement error, missing data, and Gaussian process models for spatial and phylogenetic confounding.

The second edition emphasizes the directed acyclic graph (DAG) approach to causal inference, integrating DAGs into many examples. The new edition also contains new material on the design of prior distributions, splines, ordered categorical predictors, social relations models, cross-validation, importance sampling, instrumental variables, and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. It ends with an entirely new chapter that goes beyond generalized linear modeling, showing how domain-specific scientific models can be built into statistical analyses. Features: Integrates working code into the main text + Illustrates concepts through worked data analysis examples + Emphasizes understanding assumptions and how assumptions are reflected in code + Offers more detailed explanations of the mathematics in optional sections + Presents examples of using the dagitty R package to analyze causal graphs + Provides the rethinking R package on the author's website and on GitHub

Alan C. Acock ... 500 pages - ISBN-10: 1597181420 - ISBN-13: 978-1597181426 ... Publisher: Stata Press; 4th Edition (April, 2014) - Language: English.

A Gentle Introduction to Stata, Fourth Edition is for people who need to learn Stata but who may not have a strong background in statistics or prior experience with statistical software packages. After working through this book, you will be able to enter, build, and manage a dataset, and perform fundamental statistical analyses. This book is organized like the unfolding of a research project. You begin by learning how to enter and manage data and how to do basic descriptive statistics and graphical analysis. Then you learn how to perform standard statistical procedures from t tests, nonparametric tests, and measures of association through ANOVA, multiple regression, and logistic regression. Readers who have experience with another statistical package may benefit more by reading chapters selectively and referring to this book as needed. The fourth edition has incorporated numerous changes that were new with Stata 13. Coverage of the marginsplot command has expanded. This simplifies the construction of compelling graphs. There is a new chapter showing how to estimate path models using the sem (structural equation modeling) command. Menus have been updated, and several minor changes and corrections have been included based on suggestions from readers.

Taufik Abrão ... 292 pages - Publisher: (February, 2013) ... Language: English - ISBN-13: 978-9535109839.

Heuristic Search is an important sub-discipline of optimization theory and finds applications in a vast variety of fields, including life science and engineering. Search methods have been useful in solving tough engineering-oriented problems that either could not be solved any other way or solutions take a very long time to be computed. This book explores a variety of applications for search methods and techniques in different fields of electrical engineering. By organizing relevant results and applications, this book will serve as a useful resource for students, researchers and practitioners to further exploit the potential of search methods in solving hard optimization problems that arise in advanced engineering technologies, such as image and video processing issues, detection and resource allocation in telecommunication systems, security and harmonic reduction in power generation systems, as well as redundancy optimization problem and search-fuzzy learning mechanisms in industrial applications.

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