
Xiangyu Kong,‎ Changhua Hu,‎ Zhansheng Duan ... 323 pages - Publisher: Springer; 1st edition (January 9, 2017) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 981102913X - ISBN-13: 978-9811029134 ...

 This book not only provides a comprehensive introduction to neural-based PCA methods in control science, but also presents many novel PCA algorithms and their extensions and generalizations, e.g., dual purpose, coupled PCA, GED, neural based SVD algorithms, etc. It also discusses in detail various analysis methods for the convergence, stabilizing, self-stabilizing property of algorithms, and introduces the deterministic discrete-time systems method to analyze the convergence of PCA/MCA algorithms. Readers should be familiar with numerical analysis and the fundamentals of statistics, such as the basics of least squares and stochastic algorithms. Although it focuses on neural networks, the book only presents their learning law, which is simply an iterative algorithm. Therefore, no a priori knowledge of neural networks is required. This book will be of interest and serve as a reference source to researchers and students in applied mathematics, statistics, engineering, and other related fields.

Jeom Kee Paik, Anil Kumar Thayamballi ... 544 pages - Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; (January, 2003) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0471486329 - ISBN-13: 978-0471486329 ...

Steel plated structures are important in a variety of marine and land–based applications, including ships, offshore platforms, power and chemical plants, box girder bridges and box girder cranes. The basic strength members in steel plated structures include support members (such as stiffeners and plate girders), plates, stiffened panels/grillages and box girders. During their lifetime, the structures constructed using these members are subjected to various types of loading which is for the most part operational, but may in some cases be extreme or even accidental. Ultimate Limit State Design of Steel Plated Structures reviews and describes both fundamentals and practical design procedures in this field. The derivation of the basic mathematical expressions is presented together with a thorough discussion of the assumptions and the validity of the underlying expressions and solution methods. Particularly valuable coverage in the book includes: ∗ Serviceability and the ultimate limit state design of steel structural systems and their components ∗ The progressive collapse and the design of damage tolerant structures in the context of marine accidents ∗ Age related structural degradation such as corrosion and fatigue cracks. Furthermore, this book is also an easily accessed design tool which facilitates learning by applying the concepts of the limit states for practice using a set of computer programs which can be downloaded. In addition, expert guidance on mechanical model test results as well as nonlinear finite element solutions, sophisticated design methodologies useful for practitioners in industries or research institutions, selected methods for accurate and efficient analyses of nonlinear behavior of steel plated structures both up to and after the ultimate strength is reached, is provided. Designed as both a textbook and a handy reference, the book is well suited to teachers and university students who are approaching the limit state design technology of steel plated.

Pankaj Agarwal ... 660 pages - Publisher: Prentice-Hall of India; 1st edition (2006) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 8120328922 - ISBN-13: 978-8120328921 ...

Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures presents the key concepts of earthquake resistant design for various structures and is useful for civil engineers. It can be useful for undergraduate as well as postgraduate civil engineering students. A comprehensive study on the importance and understanding of seismic analysis forms a vital part of the text. It is a guide that puts into practice the concepts behind seismic codes into the planning of buildings. It also talks about the fundamentals of structural dynamic, along with a discussion on engineering seismology. It touches upon various subjects which are a part of the process of Earthquake Resistant Design (ERD) and help when establishing earthquake resistant buildings. Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures connects seismic design and ERD. The other topics it explains are the seismic zoning map of India and the motion studies prevalent in India. As an insight into the subject of ERD, the authors, Pankaj Agarwal and Manish Shrikhande have expanded on the branch of seismic analysis by focusing on concepts like the numerical evaluation of dynamic response, theory of seismic pickups and response spectra. The first edition of Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures was published by PHI in 2006 and is available in paperback. Key Features: The book is an overview of the many benefits and importance of Earthquake Resistant Design. + The pages are equipped with multiple diagrams and illustrations for a better grasp of the concepts.

Makoto Nishibe ... 93 pages - Publisher: Springer; 1st edition (October, 2016) ... Language: English - ASIN: B01MQ4GY08 by Amazon Digital Services ...

This book provides a new way of understanding modern money and markets by stressing their self-fulfilling/self-destructive properties as institutions from evolutionary perspectives. In contrast to an unrealistic view of the neoclassical general equilibrium theory that models the price mechanism of a “concentrated market” without using money, presented here is an alternative theory of markets on how a realistic “dispersive market” using a stock of money and inventory as buffers can work as a multilayered price-quantitative adjustment system. The central features of modern sovereign moneys seen in inconvertible IOUs of central banknotes can be depicted as “The Emperor's New Clothes” that correspond to the U.S. dollar and the Euro void of their own value. The image captures such characteristics of national currencies as “self-fulfilling ideas” by the inertia of conventions in the past and expectations of an uncertain future. Both ideas normally make money more acceptable and circulative so that its value can become more stable unless expectations for the future turn very pessimistic. The same logic also applies to such other currencies as Bitcoin and community currencies. Their recent diffusion has shown that Hayek's idea of denationalization of money and competition between multiple currencies in terms of its qualities, not its quantities sought as in ongoing quantitative easing, become more relevant under current situations. The qualities of money refer not only to stable monetary values and low transaction costs, but also to high ability in creating, sharing, and communicating social and cultural value. The potential of the logic of self-fulfillment of ideas can thus open up a new economic society when we realize that such various non-national currencies all depend on the same logic of money.

K. Connors ...  90 pages - Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (September, 2017) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1976251613 - ISBN-13: 978-1976251610 ...

Bitcoin - The worlds fastest growing and most valuable cryptocurrency: This highly sought after digital currency has taken the world by surprise in the last few years. Rising over 35,000% in only the last four years, this digital currency shows no signs of stopping anytime soon. With a limited supply of bitcoin embedded into the very code that created the blockchain in which bitcoin stands on, there's no telling what the price can go to. This brings us to the basic principal of supply and demand - when supply goes down, demand goes up, and so does the price. Keep reading to learn more about the inter-workings of bitcoin and how to buy, sell, and invest in this booming cryptocurrency! In this book, you will learn: What cryptocurrencies are * What bitcoin is * How bitcoin was created * What blockhain is and how it works * The pros and cons of cryptocurrencies * The technology behind it all * How to determine mining profitability * Where to store it and how to keep it safe * Fun facts about digital currency and exchanges.

C. S. Reddy ... 779 pages - Publisher: McGraw Hill; 2nd edition (January, 2001) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0074623664 - ISBN-13: 978-0074623664 ...

The new edition of this book presents the basic principles of classical and matrix structural analysis. It provides a smooth transition from the classical approaches that are based on physical behaviour of structures in terms of their deflected shapes to a formal treatment of a general class of structures by means of matrix formulation in order to understand how the structural problems can be formulated in order to make them suitable for computer programming. Table of contents 1. Introduction to Structural Analysis 2. Statics of Structures 3. Plane Trusses 4. Space Trusses 5. Displacements-Geometric Methods 6. Displacements-Energy Methods 7. Rolling Loads and Influence Lines 8. Cables and Suspension Bridges 9. Approximate Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Structures 10. Indeterminate Structures-Compatibility Methods 11. Slope-Deflection Method 12. Moment Distribution Method 13. Kani`s Method 14. Column Analogy 15. Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis 16. Transformation of Information in Structures through Matrices 17. Flexibility or Force Method of Analysis 18. Stiffness or Displacement Method of Analysis 19. Plastic Analysis of Steel Structures.

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