Bitcoin: The Basics of Blockchain and Investing in Cryptocurrency

K. Connors ...  90 pages - Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (September, 2017) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1976251613 - ISBN-13: 978-1976251610 ...

Bitcoin - The worlds fastest growing and most valuable cryptocurrency: This highly sought after digital currency has taken the world by surprise in the last few years. Rising over 35,000% in only the last four years, this digital currency shows no signs of stopping anytime soon. With a limited supply of bitcoin embedded into the very code that created the blockchain in which bitcoin stands on, there's no telling what the price can go to. This brings us to the basic principal of supply and demand - when supply goes down, demand goes up, and so does the price. Keep reading to learn more about the inter-workings of bitcoin and how to buy, sell, and invest in this booming cryptocurrency! In this book, you will learn: What cryptocurrencies are * What bitcoin is * How bitcoin was created * What blockhain is and how it works * The pros and cons of cryptocurrencies * The technology behind it all * How to determine mining profitability * Where to store it and how to keep it safe * Fun facts about digital currency and exchanges.

Bitcoin: The Basics of Blockchain and Investing in Cryptocurrency

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