Articles by "Water"

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Ronald E. Heffron ... 304 pages - Publisher: Amer Society of Civil Engineers; (June, 2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0784413576 - ISBN-13: 978-0784413579 ...

Supplies engineers with guidelines and tools for inspecting and evaluating the condition of waterfront structures located in seawater and freshwater environments. Inspections are essential to an effective waterfront facility management program that ensures public safety, reliable service, environmental protection, and reduced maintenance costs. beacause distress to a waterfront structure may not be recognisable from above eater, the inspection must include an assessment of the extent and severity of deterioration from above and ubderwater. This Manual of Practice provides guidance on eight different types of inspection and explains how to match inspection types to project needs. It considers existing waterfront facilities that are constructed of concrete, masonry, metals, composites and wood; facility locations may be near-shore, waterfront, reiverine, or inland. Guidelines are not limited to structure alone, but rather include comprehensive coverage of all aspects of the facility, including fender systems, mechanical and electrical utilities, appurtenant structures, and anchor systems. An extensive appendix addresses special considerations for a variety of specific structure types and systems, such as fixed utilities, equipment, mooring hardware, topside paving and drainage, and safety features.

ASCE ... 406 pages - Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers; (August, 2012) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0784412200 ... ISBN-13: 978-0784412206 ...

Water Control Gates: Guidelines for Inspection and Evaluation provides information and techniques for assessing water control gates, focusing particularly on those controlling reservoirs impounded by a dam. As many dams in the United States reach or pass their 50-year design lives, water control gates and other features must be examined to determine their condition for continued reliable, safe use. This single volume covers the most common types of major water control gates used throughout the last century in the United States. Topics include: description of various water control gates and operating systems; gate operation; gate maintenance; preparing for a gate inspection; conducting visual gate and gate operating system inspections; gate system testing; and the evaluation process. Appendixes provide inspection checklists; example procedures for inspection and testing; guidelines for crane inspection; calculations for determining curvilinear water pressure on a gate face; and potential failure mode examples. The volume includes references and an extensive bibliography. This volume will help owners of dams, whether large or small, to develop a comprehensive plan to actively manage their dam gates. Hydraulic engineers, water resources managers, and emergency planning officials also will rely on this compilation as a reference for managing and maintaining water control gates.

Balram Panigrahi, Megh R. Goyal ... 550 pages - Publisher: Apple Academic Press; 1st edition (March, 2017) ... Language: English - ASIN: B06XDSNZLB by Amazon Digital Services ...

Modeling aspects have added a new dimension in research innovations in all branches of engineering. In the field of soil and water engineering, they are increasingly used for planning, development, and management of land and water resources, including analysis of quantity and quality parameters of surface and ground water, flood forecasting and control measures, optimum allocation and utilization of irrigation water. The application of these models saves considerable time in decision support systems and helps in conservation and optimum allocations of scarce precious natural resources.

Balram Panigrahi, Megh R. Goyal ... 375 pages - Publisher: Apple Academic Press; 1st edition (March, 2017) ... Language: English - ASIN: B06XPJS332 by Amazon Digital Services ...

This book discusses the development of useful models and their applications in soil and water engineering. It covers various modeling methods, including groundwater recharge estimation, rainfall-runoff modeling using artificial neural networks, development and application of a water balance model and a HYDRUS-2D model for cropped fields, a multi-model approach for stream flow simulation, multi-criteria analysis for construction of groundwater structures in hard rock terrains, hydrologic modeling of watersheds using remote sensing, and GIS and AGNPS.

M. Karamouz, A. Ahmadi, M. Akhbari ... 676 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; 1st edition (March, 2011) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1439837562 - ISBN-13: 978-1439837566 ... 

Increasing demand for water, higher standards of living, depletion of resources of acceptable quality, and excessive water pollution due to urban, agricultural, and industrial expansions have caused intense environmental, social, economic, and political predicaments. More frequent and severe floods and droughts have changed the ability and resiliency of water infrastructure systems to operate and provide services to the public. These concerns and issues have also changed the way we plan and manage our surface and groundwater resources. Groundwater Hydrology: Engineering, Planning, and Management presents a compilation of the state-of-the-art subjects and techniques in the education and practice of groundwater and describes them in a systematic and integrated fashion useful for undergraduate and graduate students and practitioners. The book develops a system view of groundwater fundamentals and model-making techniques through the application of science, engineering, planning, and management principles. It discusses the classical issues in groundwater hydrology and hydraulics followed by coverage of water quality issues. The authors delineate the process of analyzing data, identification, and parameter estimation; tools and model-building techniques and the conjunctive use of surface and groundwater techniques; aquifer restoration, remediation, and monitoring techniques; and analysis of risk. They touch on groundwater risk and disaster management and then explore the impact of climate change on groundwater and discuss the tools needed for analyzing future data realization and downscaling large-scale low-resolution data to local watershed and aquifer scales for impact studies. The combined coverage of engineering and planning tools and techniques as well as specific challenges for restoration and remediation of polluted aquifers sets this book apart. It also introduces basic tools and techniques for making decisions about and planning for future groundwater development activities, taking into account regional sustainability issues. An examination of the interface between groundwater challenges, the book demonstrates how to apply systems analysis techniques to groundwater engineering, planning, and management.

Tim Davie ... 220 pages - Publisher: Routledge; 2nd edition (June, 2008) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0415399874 - ISBN-13: 978-0415399876 ... 

In order to manage the world's increasingly scarce water resources we must have a sound understanding of how water moves around the planet and what influences water quality. Fundamentals of Hydrology provides an engaging and comprehensive introduction to this subject and provides real-life examples of water resource management in a changing world.The second edition of this popular book brings the text up-to-date with additional case studies and diagrams and a greater synthesis of water quality with physical hydrology. The chapters on runoff and evaporation have been updated and the final chapter on hydrology in a changing world has more material on water resource management strategies. Additionally the chapter on streamflow analysis now includes a more in-depth section on modelling runoff. The book begins with a comprehensive coverage of precipitation, evaporation, water stored in the ground and as snow and ice, and runoff. These physical hydrological processes show with respect to the fundamental knowledge about the process, its measurement and estimation and how it ties in with water quality. Following this is a section on analyzing streamflow data, including using computer models and combining hydrology and ecology for in-stream flow assessment. A chapter on water quality shows how to measure and estimate it in a variable environment and finishes with a section on pollution treatment. The final chapter brings the text together to discuss water resource management andreal-life issues that are faced by hydrologists in a constantly changing world. Fundamentals of Hydrology is a lively and accessible introduction to the study of hydrology at university level. This new edition continues to provide an understanding of hydrological processes, knowledge of the techniques used to assess water resources and an up-to-date overview of water resource management in a changing world. Throughout the text, wide-ranging examples and case studies are used to clearly explain ideas and methods. Short chapter summaries, essay questions, guides to further reading and a glossary are also included.

Michael P. Paidoussis ... 942 pages - Publisher: Academic Press; 2nd edition (February, 2016) ... Language: English - ASIN: B01BO1ZBIY by Amazon Digital Services ...

The second of two volumes concentrating on the dynamics of slender bodies within or containing axial flow, Volume 2 covers fluid-structure interactions relating to shells, cylinders and plates containing or immersed in axial flow, as well as slender structures subjected to annular and leakage flows. This volume has been thoroughly updated to reference the latest developments in the field, with a continued emphasis on the understanding of dynamical behaviour and analytical methods needed to provide long-term solutions and validate the latest computational methods and codes, with increased coverage of computational techniques and numerical methods, particularly for the solution of non-linear three-dimensional problems. Provides an in-depth review of an extensive range of fluid-structure interaction topics, with detailed real-world examples and thorough referencing throughout for additional detail - Organized by structure and problem type, allowing you to dip into the sections that are relevant to the particular problem you are facing, with numerous appendices containing the equations relevant to specific problems - Supports development of long-term solutions by focusing on the fundamentals and mechanisms needed to understand underlying causes and operating conditions under which apparent solutions might not prove effective.

Richard W. Johnson ... 1580 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; 2nd edition (April, 2016) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1439849552 - ISBN-13: 978-1439849552 ... 

Handbook of Fluid Dynamics offers balanced coverage of the three traditional areas of fluid dynamics―theoretical, computational, and experimental―complete with valuable appendices presenting the mathematics of fluid dynamics, tables of dimensionless numbers, and tables of the properties of gases and vapors. Each chapter introduces a different fluid dynamics topic, discusses the pertinent issues, outlines proven techniques for addressing those issues, and supplies useful references for further research. Covering all major aspects of classical and modern fluid dynamics, this fully updated Second Edition: Reflects the latest fluid dynamics research and engineering applications - Includes new sections on emerging fields, most notably micro- and nanofluidics - Surveys the range of numerical and computational methods used in fluid dynamics analysis and design - Expands the scope of a number of contemporary topics by incorporating new experimental methods, more numerical approaches, and additional areas for the application of fluid dynamics. Handbook of Fluid Dynamics, Second Edition provides an indispensable resource for professionals entering the field of fluid dynamics. The book also enables experts specialized in areas outside fluid dynamics to become familiar with the field.

Yang Hong, Jonathan J. Gourley ... Publisher: CRC Press; 1st edition (July, 2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1138846503 - ISBN-13: 978-1138846500 ... 

Radar Hydrology: Principles, Models, and Applications provides graduate students, operational forecasters, and researchers with a theoretical framework and practical knowledge of radar precipitation estimation. The only text on the market solely devoted to radar hydrology, this comprehensive reference: Begins with a brief introduction to radar - Focuses on the processing of radar data to arrive at accurate estimates of rainfall - Addresses advanced radar sensing principles and applications - Covers radar technologies for observing each component of the hydrologic cycle - Examines state-of-the-art hydrologic models and their inputs, parameters, state variables, calibration procedures, and outputs - Discusses contemporary approaches in data assimilation - Concludes with methods, case studies, and prediction system design - Includes downloadable MATLAB® content. Flooding is the #1 weather-related natural disaster worldwide. Radar Hydrology: Principles, Models, and Applications aids in understanding the physical systems and detection tools, as well as designing prediction systems.

Harvey J. E. Rodda, Max A. Little ... 104 pages - Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; (January, 2016) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1444335499 - ISBN-13: 978-1444335491 ...

Pick up any hydrology textbook and it will not be long before you encounter pages listing sequences of equations representing complex mathematical concepts. Students and practitioners of hydrology will not find this very helpful, as their aim, generally, is to study and understand hydrology, and not to find themselves confronted with material that even students of mathematics would find challenging. Often, equations appear to be copied and pasted into hydrological texts in an attempt to give a more rigorous scientific basis to the narrative. However, they are commonly wrong, poorly explained, without context or background, and more likely to confuse and distance the reader than to enlighten and engage them in the topic. Understanding Mathematical and Statistical Techniques in Hydrology provides full and detailed expositions of such equations and mathematical concepts, commonly used in hydrology. In contrast to other hydrological texts, instead of presenting abstract mathematical hydrology, the essential mathematics is explained with the help of real-world hydrological examples.

Donald A. Bruce ... 447 pages -Publisher: CRC Press; 1st edition (October, 2012) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0415781949 - ISBN-13: 978-0415781947 ... 

Dam and levee remediation has become more prevalent since the start of the twenty-first century. Given the vastness and complexity of the infrastructures involved, keeping up with maintenance needs is very difficult. Major surges in repair are usually triggered by nature’s wake-up calls, such as hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes. The challenge has been to develop methods that ensure safe, effective, reliable, and robust solutions for current and future remediation issues. Specialty Construction Techniques for Dam and Levee Remediation presents the state of practice in North American dam and levee remediation as it relates to the use of specialty geotechnical construction techniques, such as anchors, grouting, cutoff (diaphragm) walls, and deep mixing.

The book focuses on the actual construction processes, describing design and performance aspects of remediation where appropriate. Chapters deal with the application of drilling and grouting methods, methods to install mix-in-place (category 2) cutoff structures, excavated and backfilled trenches (category 1), composite cutoff walls, and stabilization using prestressed rock anchors. The book also provides a comprehensive guide to dam and levee instrumentation, covering planning, operating principles, data management, staffing, and automation. As an educational and salutary example of ineffective efforts, the final chapter presents a case history of a series of remediations performed on a single project, which ultimately proved unsuccessful. A wide range of methods has been developed in response to the challenges that arise in the dam and levee remediation arena and the need for a competitive edge. These new methods are designed and monitored using state-of-the-art techniques, giving rise to the emergence of new intensity and initiative in this field. This book captures this transformation by examining the theory and practice of contemporary remedial techniques, using recent U.S. case histories to provide knowledge and inspiration to readers, both in North America and around the world.

C. Pozrikidis ... 901 pages - Publisher: Springer; 3rd edition (August, 2016) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1489979905 - ISBN-13: 978-1489979902 ...

This book provides an accessible introduction to the basic theory of fluid mechanics and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) from a modern perspective that unifies theory and numerical computation. Methods of scientific computing are introduced alongside with theoretical analysis and MATLAB® codes are presented and discussed for a broad range of topics: from interfacial shapes in hydrostatics, to vortex dynamics, to viscous flow, to turbulent flow, to panel methods for flow past airfoils. The third edition includes new topics, additional examples, solved and unsolved problems, and revised images. It adds more computational algorithms and MATLAB programs. It also incorporates discussion of the latest version of the fluid dynamics software library FDLIB, which is freely available online. FDLIB offers an extensive range of computer codes that demonstrate the implementation of elementary and advanced algorithms and provide an invaluable resource for research, teaching, classroom instruction, and self-study. This book is a must for students in all fields of engineering, computational physics, scientific computing, and applied mathematics. It can be used in both undergraduate and graduate courses in fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, and computational fluid dynamics. The audience includes not only advanced undergraduate and entry-level graduate students, but also a broad class of scientists and engineers with a general interest in scientific computing.

Luis Berga, J.M. Buil, E. Bofill, J.C. De Cea ... 
1412 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (May 25, 2006) ...
Language: English - ASIN: B00UVA6CVU by Amazon Digital Services ...

Water resources stored by dams and reservoirs play an essential role in water resource management, hydropower and flood control. Where there is an extensive network of dam infrastructures, dams have made a major contribution to economic and social development, providing considerable storage capacity per capita. However, dams and reservoirs may also have an important social and environmental impact, and should be studied within the framework of integrated water resource management and sustainable development. Dams and Reservoirs, Societies and Environment in the 21st Century presents the latest research on the role played by dams and reservoirs in 21st century societies, in developed, emergent and developing countries. It analyses the viability of dams and suggests alternative solutions from a holistic perspective, considering the technical, economic, social and environmental aspects. Other issues covered include the social acceptability of dams, public involvement and dam awareness. The book covers subjects ranging from dam engineering, through the benefits and drawbacks of dams, to their social and environmental impact, and contains numerous case studies of the constructive contributions that reservoirs have made to water development and management. The book is a valuable resource for professional and dam engineers, water managers, governmental organizations and commercial enterprises responsible for dam.

Jack Evett, Cheng Liu ... 800 pages - Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 1st edition (January, 1989) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0070197849 - ISBN-13: 978-0070197848 ...

This powerful problem-solver gives you 2,500 problems in fluid mechanics and hydraulics, fully solved step-by-step! From Schaum’s, the originator of the solved-problem guide, and students’ favorite with over 30 million study guides sold—this timesaver helps you master every type of fluid mechanics and hydraulics problem that you will face in your homework and on your tests, from properties of fluids to drag and lift. Work the problems yourself, then check the answers, or go directly to the answers you need using the complete index. Compatible with any classroom text, Schaum’s 2500 Solved Problems in Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics is so complete it’s the perfect tool for graduate or professional exam review! From the Back Cover: Master fluid mechanics and hydraulics with Schaum’s—the high-performance solved-problem guide. It will help you cut study time, hone problem-solving skills, and achieve your personal best on exams! Students love Schaum’s Solved Problem Guides because they produce results. Each year, hundreds of thousands of students improve their test scores and final grades with these indispensable guides. Get the edge on your classmates. Use Schaum’s! If you don't have a lot of time but want to excel in class, this book helps you: Brush up before tests; Find answers fast; Study quickly and more effectively; Get the big picture without spending hours poring over lengthy textbooks. Timesaving features include: Step-by-step solutions to problems; Complete explanations of every step; Thousands of practice problems; Problems from every area of fluid mechanics and hydraulics; Problems grouped by topic; A wealth of problems on each topic; Clear diagrams and illustrations; Comprehensive index. Compatible with any classroom text, Schaum’s 2500 Solved Problems in Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics lets you progress at your own pace and find the anwers you need—fast! This Schaum’s Solved Problem Guide is so complete it’s the perfect tool for graduate or professional exam review!

You get fully solved problems explained step-by-step in chapters on: Properties of Fluids. Fluid Statics. Forces on Submerged Plane Areas. Dams. Forces on Submerged Curved Areas. Buoyancy and Flotation. Kinematics of Fluid Motion. Fundamentals of Fluid Flow. Flow in Closed Conduits. Energy Losses Due to Friction. Minor Energy Losses. Series Pipeline Systems. Parallel Pipeline Systems; Branching Pipeline Systems. Pipe Networks. Dimensional Analysis and Simultude. Flow in Open Channels. Flood Routing. Flow of Compressible Fluids. Unsteady Flow Problems. Flow Measurement. Pumps and Fans. Turbines. Hydraulic and Energy Grade Lines; Forces Developed by Fluids in Motion. Dynamic Drag and Lift. Basic Hydrodynamics. Index.

Pavel Novak, Vincent Guinot, Alan Jeffrey, Dominic E. Reeve ... 
616 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; 1st edition (February, 2010) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0419250204 - ISBN-13: 978-0419250203 ... 

Modelling forms a vital part of all engineering design, yet many hydraulic engineers are not fully aware of the assumptions they make. These assumptions can have important consequences when choosing the best model to inform design decisions. Considering the advantages and limitations of both physical and mathematical methods, this book will help you identify the most appropriate form of analysis for the hydraulic engineering application in question. All models require the knowledge of their background, good data and careful interpretation and so this book also provides guidance on the range of accuracy to be expected of the model simulations and how they should be related to the prototype.

Applications to models include: open channel systems - closed conduit flows - storm drainage systems - estuaries - coastal and nearshore structures -hydraulic structures. This an invaluable guide for students and professionals.

Paulo C. F. Erbisti ... 442 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; 2nd edition (May, 2014) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0415659396 - ISBN-13: 978-0415659390 ...

 Revised and updated, this second edition of Design of Hydraulic Gates maintains the same goal as the original: to be used as a textbook and a manual of design of gates, presenting the main aspects of design, manufacture, installation and operation of hydraulic gates, while introducing new products, technologies and calculation procedures. This edition included new chapters on intake gates and trashrack design, highlighting the aspects of safety, operational and maintenance procedures. To improve the strength against structural failure of intake trashracks, the author proposes a series of rigid calculation assumptions, design parameters and manufacturing procedures, which will certainly result in safer trashracks. Some 340 drawings and photographs, 82 tables, 107 references and 23 worked examples help the reader to understand the basic concepts and calculation methods presented.

M. Hanif Chaudhry ... 583 pages - Publisher: Springer; 3rd edition (September, 2013) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1461485371 - ISBN-13: 978-1461485377 ...

Applied Hydraulic Transients, 3rd Edition covers hydraulic transients in a comprehensive and systematic manner from introduction to advanced level and presents various methods of analysis for computer solution. The book is suitable as a textbook for senior-level undergraduate and graduate students as well as a reference for practicing engineers and researchers. The field of application of the book is very broad and diverse and covers areas such as hydroelectric projects, pumped storage schemes, water-supply systems, cooling-water systems, oil pipelines and industrial piping systems. A strong emphasis is given to practical applications: several case studies, problems of applied nature, and design criteria are included. This will help the design engineers and introduce the students to real-life projects. Up-to-date references are included at the end of each chapter.

Xin-She Yang, Amir Hossein Gandomi,  Siamak Talatahari, Amir Hossein Alavi ... 496 pages - Publisher: Elsevier; 1st edition (December, 2012) ... Language: English - ASIN: B00AMZZR1K by Amazon Digital Services ...

Due to an ever-decreasing supply in raw materials and stringent constraints on conventional energy sources, demand for lightweight, efficient and low cost structures has become crucially important in modern engineering design. This requires engineers to search for optimal and robust design options to address design problems that are often large in scale and highly nonlinear, making finding solutions challenging. In the past two decades, metaheuristic algorithms have shown promising power, efficiency and versatility in solving these difficult optimization problems. This book examines the latest developments of metaheuristics and their applications in water, geotechnical and transport engineering offering practical case studies as examples to demonstrate real world applications. Topics cover a range of areas within engineering, including reviews of optimization algorithms, artificial intelligence, cuckoo search, genetic programming, neural networks, multivariate adaptive regression, swarm intelligence, genetic algorithms, ant colony optimization, evolutionary multiobjective optimization with diverse applications in engineering such as behavior of materials, geotechnical design, flood control, water distribution and signal networks. This book can serve as a supplementary text for design courses and computation in engineering as well as a reference for researchers and engineers in metaheursitics, optimization in civil engineering and computational intelligence. Provides detailed descriptions of all major metaheuristic algorithms with a focus on practical implementation + Develops new hybrid and advanced methods suitable for civil engineering problems at all levels + Appropriate for researchers and advanced students to help to develop their work.

P. D. Smith ... 168 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; (July, 1982) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0408011122 - ISBN-13: 978-0408011129.

BASIC Hydraulics aims to help students both to become proficient in the BASIC programming language by actually using the language in an important field of engineering and to use computing as a means of mastering the subject of hydraulics. The book begins with a summary of the technique of computing in BASIC together with comments and listing of the main commands and statements. Subsequent chapters introduce the fundamental concepts and appropriate governing equations. Topics covered include principles of fluid mechanics; flow in pipes, pipe networks and open channels; hydraulic machinery; and seepage and groundwater flow. Each chapter provides a series of worked examples consisting primarily of an introduction in which the general topic or specific problem to be considered is presented. A program capable of solving the problem is then given, together with examples of the output, sometimes for several different sets of conditions. Finally, in a section headed Program Notes the way the program is constructed and operates is explained, and the engineering lessons to be learned from the program output are indicated. Each chapter also concludes with a set of problems for the student to attempt. This book is mainly intended for the first- and second-year undergraduate student of civil engineering who will be concerned with the application of fundamental fluid mechanics theory to civil engineering problems.

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