Articles by "Steel"

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N. Subramanian ... 864 pages - Publisher: Oxford Univ. Press; (March, 2011) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0198068816 - ISBN-13: 978-0198068815

Design of Steel Structures is designed to meet the requirements of undergraduate students of civil and structural engineering. This book will also prove useful for postgraduate students and serve as an invaluable reference for practicing engineers unfamiliar with the limit state design of steel structures. The book provides an extensive coverage of the design of steel structures in accordance with the latest code of practice for general construction in steel (IS 800 : 2007). The book is based on the modern limit state approach to design and covers topics such as properties of steel, types of steel structures, important areas of structural steel technology, bolted connections, welded connections, design of trusses, design of plate girders, and design of beam columns. Each chapter features solved examples, review questions, and practice problems as well as ample illustrations to supplement the text.

Hiroyuki Aoyama ... 300 pages - Publisher: World Scientific Publishing; (January, 2002) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1860942393 - ISBN-13: 978-1860942396 ...

This text presents the results of a Japanese national research project carried out in 1988-1993, usually referred to as the New RC Project. Developing advanced reinforced concrete building structures with high strength and high quality materials under its auspices, the project aimed to promote construction of high-rise reinforced concrete buildings in highly seismic areas such as Japan. The project covered all the aspects of reinforced concrete structures, namely materials, structural elements, structural design, construction and feasibility studies. In addition to presenting these results, the text includes two chapters giving an elementary explanation of modern analytical techniques - finite element analysis and earthquake response analysis.

Frederick S. Roland ... 408 pages -Publisher: Professional Publications; 2nd edition (November, 2014) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1591264839 - ISBN-13: 978-1591264835 ...

Steel Design for the Civil PE and Structural SE Exams gives you a thorough overview of the concepts and methods you’ll need to solve problems in steel analysis and design on the Civil and Structural PE exams. Sharpen your problem-solving skills and assess your knowledge of how to apply important specifications with 37 exam-like, multiple-choice practice problems, each one accompanied by a detailed, step-by-step solution showing both LRFD and ASD methods. Prepare to pass the Civil and Structural PE exams: Clear explanations of required codes and standards + Detailed examples illustrating a wide range of common situations +Confidence-building practice problems +Side-by-side LRFD and ASD solutions + Thorough index and easy-to-use lists of tables, figures, problems, and nomenclature. Topics Covered: Allowable Strength Design (ASD) + Bolted Connections + Combined Stress  + Members + Composite Steel Members + Flanges and Weds with Concentrated Loads + History and Development of Structural Steel + Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) + Loads and Load Combinations + Plate Girders + Steel Beam Design + Steel Column Design + Tension Member  + Design + Welded Connections. Referenced Codes and Standards: Steel Construction Manual and Specification (AISC 325 and AISC 360) + Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE 7) + International Building Code (IBC).

David C. MacLaughlin, Hector Estrada ... 256 pages - Publisher: Cengage Learning; 2nd edition (January, 2009) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1401890326 - ISBN-13: 978-1401890322 ...

Practical and easy to use, this text lays a solid groundwork for beginning and intermediate students to pursue careers in architecture, construction, or civil engineering. The text clarifies the vital interdependence between structural steel design and fabrication drawings, equipping students to work flexibly with both. First and foremost a drafting book, Structural Steel Drafting and Design gives an overview of structural design theory while providing numerous examples, illustrations, and real-world assignments. Students also become acquainted with critical tables and reference material from industry-standard sources, as well as the merits of Load and Resistance Factor Design and Allowable Strength Design.

Louis F. Geschwinder ... 460 pages - Publisher: Wiley; (August, 2007) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0471475580 - ISBN-13: 978-0471475583 ...

Based on the understanding that the strength of an element or structure can be determined independently of the design philosophy, the 2005 unified ANSI/AISC 360-o5 Specification for Structural Steel Buildings Successfully brought together the two divergent approaches to the design of steel structures, the ASD and the LRFD. Unified Design of Steel Structures demystifies this new specification for both practicing engineers and students. Ranging from the fundamentals to more advanced topics, you'll master the essentials of unified design, including: The principles of limit states design and how these principles are incorporated into both LRFD and ASD approaches + The development of load factors, resistance factors, and safety factors + The development of load factors, resistance factors, and safety factors. + The various shapes and grades of steel available for construction. + The various member types-tension, compression, and bending + Plate girders, the design of bracing, and composite members + Connection design-potential connection types and the strength of bolts, welds, and connecting elements; simple connections; and moment resisting connections.

Mohamed A. El-Reedy ... 327 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; 1st edition (June, 2009) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1420088912 - ISBN-13: 978-1420088915 ...

Advanced Materials and Techniques for Reinforced Concrete Structures  discusses how to create safety and economy in design, construction, and maintenance operations plans. The author presents up-to-date data on advanced materials and techniques, exploring the advantages and disadvantages of different structure systems in durability, reliability, construction, and architectural requirements. From China to Kuala Lumpur to Dubai to downtown New York, amazing buildings and unusual structures create attention with the uniqueness of their design. While attractive to developers and investors, the safe and economic design and construction of reinforced concrete buildings can sometimes be problematic. Highlighting the competitive nature of the business, the author delineates the statistical parameters that govern quality control in concrete construction projects, defining complicated statistical terms and the theoretical background needed for determining and meeting quality control criteria. He begins with a discussion of how to control the project to meet the owner’s requirements and includes coverage of the international codes for different loads that affect buildings. The book details traditional and emerging materials used in concrete technology such as high-strength, high-performance, and self-compacted concrete as well as those used in all construction stages for various climates. It concludes with a description of a risk-based maintenance plan for reinforced concrete structures. A guidebook and handbook, this resource provides the information required for decision-making on structure systems, materials, construction methods, and maintenance plans. Filled with case studies, it delineates practical applications and up-to-date methods for designing and constructing buildings that are aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound.

Sing-Ping Chiew, Yan-Qing Cai ... 104 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; 1st edition (April, 2018) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0815384602 - ISBN-13: 978-0815384601. 

This book is the companion volume to Design Examples for High Strength Steel Reinforced Concrete Columns – A Eurocode 4 Approach. Guidance is much needed on the design of high strength steel reinforced concrete (SRC) columns beyond the remit of Eurocode 4. Given the much narrower range of permitted concrete and steel material strengths in comparison to EC2 and EC3, and the better ductility and buckling resistance of SRC columns compared to steel or reinforced concrete, there is a clear need for design beyond the guidelines. This book looks at the design of SRC columns using high strength concrete, high strength structural steel and high strength reinforcing steel materials – columns with concrete cylinder strength up to 90 N/mm2, yield strength of structural steel up to 690 N/mm2 and yield strength of reinforcing steel up to 600 N/mm2 respectively. The companion volume provides detailed worked examples on use of these high strength materials. This book is written primarily for structural engineers and designers who are familiar with basic EC4 design, and should also be useful to civil engineering undergraduate and graduate students who are studying composite steel concrete design and construction. Equations for design resistances are presented clearly so that they can be easily programmed into design spreadsheets for ease of use.

Terri Meyer Boake ... 184 pages - Publisher: Birkhauser; (January, 2014) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 3038215147 - ISBN-13: 978-3038215141.

Diagrids are advanced framing systems composed of diagonal steel grids. Developed a decade ago for spectacular buildings like the Swiss Re ("the gherkin") in London, diagrid structures connect a breathtaking appearance with tangible advantages: a massive reduction in material use, a gain of available floor surface area and more flexibility. For the first time, this book gives a comprehensive account of the key aspects of this structural system.

Terri Meyer Boake ... 184 pages - Publisher: Walter De Gruyter; (February, 2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 3038215740 - ISBN-13: 978-3038215745 ...

This book provides the means for a better control and purposeful consideration of Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel (AESS). It deploys a detailed categorization of AESS uses according to design context, building typology and visual exposure. In a rare combination, this approach makes high-quality benchmarks compatible with economies in terms of material use and workforce. The author ranks among the world's best scholars on this topic.

Zhenhai Guo ... 606 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; (August, 2014) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0128008598 - ISBN-13: 978-0128008591 ...

Principle of Reinforced Concrete introduces the main properties of structural concrete and its mechanical behavior under various conditions as well as all aspects of the combined function of reinforcement and concrete. Based on the experimental investigation, the variation regularity of mechanical behavior, working mechanism, and calculation method are presented for the structural member under various internal forces. After examining the basic principle and analysis method of reinforced concrete, the book covers some extreme circumstances, including fatigue load, earthquake, explosion, high temperature (fire accident), and durability damage, and the special responses and analysis methods of its member under these conditions. This work is valuable as a textbook for post-graduates, and can be used as a reference for university teachers and under-graduates in the structural engineering field. It is also useful for structural engineers engaged in scientific research, design, or construction. + Focuses on the principles of reinforced concrete, providing professional and academic readers with a single volume reference. + Experimental data enables readers to make full use of the theory presented. + The mechanical behavior of both concrete and reinforcement materials, plus the combined function of both are covered, enabling readers to understand the behaviors of reinforced concrete structures and their members. + Covers behavior of the materials and members under normal and extreme conditions.

Branko Edward Gorenc, Ronald Tinyou, Arun Syam ... 413 pages - Publisher: Univ. of New South Wales Press; 7th edition (September, 2005) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0868405736 - ISBN-13: 978-0868405735.

The seventh edition of Steel Designers' Handbook text is fully revised and covers the extensive revision of the 'loading code', which is renamed as structural Design Actions Standard, General Principals. AS/ANZ 1170.0 and its companion parts, 1170.1 to 1170.3. The volume of revisions and new terminology necessitated the first three chapters to be substantially rewritten. This edition is based on AS 4100: 1998, which incorporates revisions to the original 1990 edition.

Zhenhai Guo, Xudong Shi ... 336 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; (May, 2011) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0123869625 - ISBN-13: 978-0123869623 ...

Concrete as a construction material goes through both physical and chemical changes under extreme elevated temperatures. As one of the most widely used building materials, it is important that both engineers and architects are able to understand and predict its behavior in under extreme heat conditions. Brief and readable, this book provides the tools and techniques to properly analysis the effects of high temperature of reinforced concrete which will lead to more stable, safer structures. Based on years of the author’s research, Reinforced Concrete at Elevated Temperatures four part treatment starts with an unambiguous and thorough exposition of the mechanical behaviors of materials at elevated temperature followed by a discussion of Temperature field of member sections, Mechanical behaviors of members and structures at elevated temperature, ending with Theoretical analysis and practical calculation methods.  The book provides unique insight into: Coupling thermal-mechanical constitutive relation of concrete * Exceptional analyses of beams and columns of rectangular section with three surfaces and two adjacent surfaces exposing to high temperature * Measurement and analysis of redistribution of internal forces of statically indeterminate structure during heating-loading process * Finite element analysis and calculation charts for two-dimensional temperature field of structural members * Finite element analysis and simplified calculation method for reinforced concrete structure at elevated temperature. With this book, engineers and architects can effectively analyze the effect of high temperature on concrete and materials which will lead to better designs of fire resistant and damage evaluation and treatment after fire. Tools and techniques for analyzing the effects of high temperature on concrete and reinforcement materials. - Measurement and analysis of redistribution of internal forces of statically indeterminate structure during the heating-loading process. - Finite element analysis and calculation charts for two-dimensional temperature field of structural members. - Finite element analysis and simplified calculation method for reinforced concrete structure at elevated temperature.

Rolf Kindmann, Matthias Kraus ... 552 pages - Publisher: Ernst & Sohn; 1st edition (May, 2011) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1580931626 - ISBN-13: 978-1580931625 ...

This book presents the design of steel structures using finite element methods (FEM) according to the current state of the art in Germany and the rest of Europe. After a short introduction on the basics of the design, this book illustrates the FEM with a focus on internal forces, displacements, critical loads and modal shapes. Next to finite element procedures for linear calculations considering the stress states of normal force, biaxial bending and warping torsion, non-linear calculations and the stability cases of flexural buckling, lateral torsional buckling and plate buckling are concentrated on significantly. In this context, design procedures for stability according to the standard Eurocode 3 is introduced and discussed. In addition, important fundamental issues are covered, such as the determination of cross-section properties as well as the elastic and plastic cross-section resistance. Complementary, finite element procedures for cross sections are dealt with, which will have an increasing importance in future. This book has evolved within the teaching activities of the authors in the lecture Computer-oriented Design of Steel Structures on the Master?s Program Computational Engineering at the University of Bochum. It covers the total variety of demands needed to be discussed for the safe, economic and modern design of steel structures.

Theodore Galambos, Andrea Surovek ... 384 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 1st edition (April, 2008) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0470037784 - ISBN-13: 978-0470037782 ...

 Practical guide to structural stability theory for the design of safe steel structures Not only does this book provide readers with a solid foundation in structural stability theory, it also offers them a practical, working knowledge of how this theory translates into design specifications for safe steel structures. Structural Stability of Steel features detailed discussions of the elastic and inelastic stability of steel columns, beams, beam-columns, and frames alongside numerous worked examples. For each type of structural member or system, the authors set forth recommended design rules with clear explanations of how they were derived. Following an introduction to the principles of stability theory, the book covers: * Stability of axially loaded planar elastic systems * Tangent-modulus, reduced-modulus, and maximum strength theories * Elastic and inelastic stability limits of planar beam-columns * Elastic and inelastic instability of planar frames * Out-of-plane, lateral-torsional buckling of beams, columns, and beam-columns The final two chapters focus on the application of stability theory to the practical design of steel structures, with special emphasis on examples based on the 2005 Specification for Structural Steel Buildings of the American Institute of Steel Construction. Problem sets at the end of each chapter enable readers to put their newfound knowledge into practice by solving actual instability problems. With its clear logical progression from theory to design implementation, this book is an ideal textbook for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students in structural engineering. Practicing engineers should also turn to this book for expert assistance in investigating and solving a myriad of stability problems.

Victor Gioncu, Federico M. Mazzolani ... 525 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; 1st edition (December, 2013) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0415242630 - ISBN-13: 978-0415242639 ...

Providing real world applications for different structural types and seismic characteristics, Seismic Design of Steel Structures combines knowledge of seismic behavior of steel structures with the principles of earthquake engineering. This book focuses on seismic design, and concentrates specifically on seismic-resistant steel structures. Drawing on experience from the Northridge to the Tohoku earthquakes, it combines understanding of the seismic behavior of steel structures with the principles of earthquake engineering. The book focuses on the global as well as local behavior of steel structures and their effective seismic-resistant design. It recognises different types of earthquakes, takes into account the especial danger of fire after earthquake, and proposes new bracing and connecting systems for new seismic resistant steel structures, and also for upgrading existing reinforced concrete structures. Includes the results of the extensive use of the DUCTROCT M computer program, which is used for the evaluation of the seismic available ductility, both monotonic and cyclic, for different types of earthquakes + Demonstrates good design principles by highlighting the behavior of seismic-resistant steel structures in many applications from around the world + Provides a methodological approach, making a clear distinction between strong and low-to-moderate seismic regions  + This book serves as a reference for structural engineers involved in seismic design, as well as researchers and graduate students of seismic structural analysis and design.

Qing Quan Liang ... 458 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; 1st edition (October, 2014) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0415532205 - ISBN-13: 978-0415532204 ...

Steel and composite steel–concrete structures are widely used in modern bridges, buildings, sport stadia, towers, and offshore structures. Analysis and Design of Steel and Composite Structures offers a comprehensive introduction to the analysis and design of both steel and composite structures. It describes the fundamental behaviour of steel and composite members and structures, as well as the current design criteria and procedures given in Australian standards AS/NZS 1170, AS 4100, AS 2327.1, Eurocode 4, and AISC-LRFD specifications. Featuring numerous step-by-step examples that clearly illustrate the detailed analysis and design of steel and composite members and connections, this practical and easy-to-understand text: Covers plates, members, connections, beams, frames, slabs, columns, and beam-columns + Considers bending, axial load, compression, tension, and design for strength and serviceability + Incorporates the author’s latest research on composite members. Analysis and Design of Steel and Composite Structures is an essential course textbook on steel and composite structures for undergraduate and graduate students of structural and civil engineering, and an indispensable resource for practising structural and civil engineers and academic researchers. It provides a sound understanding of the behaviour of structural members and systems.

József Farkas, Károly Jármai ... 265 pages - Publisher: Springer; (May, 2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 3642427936 - ISBN-13: 978-3642427930 ...

This book helps designers and manufacturers to select and develop the most suitable and competitive steel structures, which are safe, fit for production and economic. An optimum design system is used to find the best characteristics of structural models, which guarantee the fulfilment of design and fabrication requirements and minimize the cost function. Realistic numerical models are used as main components of industrial steel structures. Chapter 1 containts some experiences with the optimum design of steel structures - Chapter 2 treats some newer mathematical optimization methods. - Chapter 3 gives formulae for fabrication times and costs. - Chapters 4 deals with beams and columns. Summarizes the Eurocode rules for design. - Chapter 5 deals with the design of tubular trusses. - Chapter 6 gives the design of frame structures and fire-resistant design rules for a frame. - In Chapters 7 some minimum cost design problems of stiffened and cellular plates and shells are worked out for cases of different stiffenings and loads. - Chapter 8 gives a cost comparison of cylindrical and conical shells. The book contains a large collection of literatures and a subject list and a name index.

Farzad Hejazi, Tan Kar Chun ... 129 pages - Publisher: Springer; 1st edition (April, 2018) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 9811088357 - ISBN-13: 978-9811088353 ...

This book is tailored to the needs of structural engineers who are seeking to become familiar with the design of steel structures based on Eurocode 3. It explains each step of the design process using comprehensive flow charts, tables and equations as well as numerous examples. The useful appendices, including general sections and properties as well as general formulas for shear force, maximum bending moment and deflection for several selected loading conditions, offer designers a valuable source of reference. The book also introduces a specially developed design-aid program, which provides immediate results without the need for modeling, and as such considerably reduces the time needed for the design stage.

T. J. MacGinley ... 272 pages - Publisher: E&FN Spon; 2nd edition (April, 1998) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0419179305 - ISBN-13: 978-0419179306 ...

The second edition of this well-known book provides a series of practical design studies of a range of steel structures. It is extensively revised and contains numerous worked examples, including comparative designs for many structures.

Digital Canal Software Collection 2018 [Size 803 MB] ... Retaining Wall: Retaining Wall quickly and easily designs and checks retaining wall systems, including the wall, footing toe and heel and a footing key if necessary. Steel Design: Steel Design software that easily designs or checks steel beams, columns and single span beam- columns using the ASD and LRFD standards. Wind Analysis: Wind software designed to conveniently calculate design wind pressures using ASCE’s “Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures”. Spread Footing: With Spread Footing, footings for hundreds of columns can be designed in less than an hour. VersaFrame: VersaFrame has all the features needed to ‘get the job done’ without becoming overly complex – keeping you in total control. Key features include a sparse matrix solver, automatic area load distribution, fluid loads, load patterning, moving loads, reinforced concrete design, steel design, frequency analysis, P-delta analysis, geometry generator, member elements, plate elements, brick elements and much more.

Concrete Beam Design: Concrete Design software that designs one-way flexural members, including beams, one-way slabs and joists. Concrete Column Design: Concrete Design software that will design or check concrete columns for axial tension, compression and biaxial moments. Timber Design: Design or check any continuous beam or column using the latest building codes (NDS, IBC, ASCE) in just a couple of minutes. Unlimited load and support conditions, automatic load generation and much more… Masonry Wall: Masonry Wall is a design tool for the design of masonry bearing walls, walls that are subject to axial and transverse loads. Frame for AutoCAD: Our Frame Analysis software is the only frame analysis and design program that is truly integrated with AutoCAD.  At the heart of Frame Analysis and Design is the 30+ years proven STRAAD Finite Element engine. Multiple Load Footing: With the Multiple Load Footing program, define combined trapezoidal, strap, or rectangular footings with multiple loads. Shear Wall Analysis: Analyze a building which is laterally supported by shear walls for the shears and moments in each of the shear walls. Static Pile Analysis: Perform vertical and lateral soil-structure interaction analyses for anything from a fence post to a deep pile.  Advanced features include plastic behavior of the soil, skin friction and lateral subgrade reaction that varies with depth.

Pile Group Analysis: Analyze a group of piles for loads in any direction using the same advanced soil-structure model used in the Static Pile program. Piles may be located at different elevations and be battered independently. Pile Cap Analysis & Design: With the Pile Cap program, analyze any pile arrangement and design the pile cap accordingly, including cap thickness, steel requirements, and rebar spacing. Aluminum Design: Design or check aluminum members for axial loads, biaxial bending and deflections.  Supported shapes include wide flanges, tubes, angles, channels, Tees, pipes and double angles. Flat Slab Analysis & Design: Analyze and design flat slab or waffle slab floors.  Flat slabs may have drop panels at columns and columns may have capitals. Composite Steel Design: Design or check encased and composite beams using ASD and LRFD design codes.  Beams can be designed for full or partial composite action. General Section Properties: Calculate the centroidal axis locations, moments of inertia, radius of gyration, section moduli and product moment of inertia for virtually any shape.

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