Steel Design for the Civil PE and Structural SE Exams

Frederick S. Roland ... 408 pages -Publisher: Professional Publications; 2nd edition (November, 2014) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1591264839 - ISBN-13: 978-1591264835 ...

Steel Design for the Civil PE and Structural SE Exams gives you a thorough overview of the concepts and methods you’ll need to solve problems in steel analysis and design on the Civil and Structural PE exams. Sharpen your problem-solving skills and assess your knowledge of how to apply important specifications with 37 exam-like, multiple-choice practice problems, each one accompanied by a detailed, step-by-step solution showing both LRFD and ASD methods. Prepare to pass the Civil and Structural PE exams: Clear explanations of required codes and standards + Detailed examples illustrating a wide range of common situations +Confidence-building practice problems +Side-by-side LRFD and ASD solutions + Thorough index and easy-to-use lists of tables, figures, problems, and nomenclature. Topics Covered: Allowable Strength Design (ASD) + Bolted Connections + Combined Stress  + Members + Composite Steel Members + Flanges and Weds with Concentrated Loads + History and Development of Structural Steel + Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) + Loads and Load Combinations + Plate Girders + Steel Beam Design + Steel Column Design + Tension Member  + Design + Welded Connections. Referenced Codes and Standards: Steel Construction Manual and Specification (AISC 325 and AISC 360) + Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE 7) + International Building Code (IBC).

Steel Design for the Civil PE and Structural SE Exams, Frederick S. Roland

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