Seismic Design of Steel Structures

Victor Gioncu, Federico M. Mazzolani ... 525 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; 1st edition (December, 2013) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0415242630 - ISBN-13: 978-0415242639 ...

Providing real world applications for different structural types and seismic characteristics, Seismic Design of Steel Structures combines knowledge of seismic behavior of steel structures with the principles of earthquake engineering. This book focuses on seismic design, and concentrates specifically on seismic-resistant steel structures. Drawing on experience from the Northridge to the Tohoku earthquakes, it combines understanding of the seismic behavior of steel structures with the principles of earthquake engineering. The book focuses on the global as well as local behavior of steel structures and their effective seismic-resistant design. It recognises different types of earthquakes, takes into account the especial danger of fire after earthquake, and proposes new bracing and connecting systems for new seismic resistant steel structures, and also for upgrading existing reinforced concrete structures. Includes the results of the extensive use of the DUCTROCT M computer program, which is used for the evaluation of the seismic available ductility, both monotonic and cyclic, for different types of earthquakes + Demonstrates good design principles by highlighting the behavior of seismic-resistant steel structures in many applications from around the world + Provides a methodological approach, making a clear distinction between strong and low-to-moderate seismic regions  + This book serves as a reference for structural engineers involved in seismic design, as well as researchers and graduate students of seismic structural analysis and design.

Seismic Design of Steel Structures, Victor Gioncu, Federico M. Mazzolani

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