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Multiple Regression and Beyond 3rd Edition

Timothy Z. Keith ... 654 pages - Publisher: Routledge; 3rd edition (January, 2019) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1138061441 - ISBN-13: 978-1138061446.

Multiple Regression and Beyond offers a conceptually-oriented introduction to multiple regression (MR) analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM), along with analyses that flow naturally from those methods. By focusing on the concepts and purposes of MR and related methods, rather than the derivation and calculation of formulae, this book introduces material to students more clearly, and in a less threatening way. In addition to illuminating content necessary for coursework, the accessibility of this approach means students are more likely to be able to conduct research using MR or SEM--and more likely to use the methods wisely. This book: • Covers both MR and SEM, while explaining their relevance to one another • Includes path analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and latent growth modeling • Makes extensive use of real-world research examples in the chapters and in the end-of-chapter exercises • Extensive use of figures and tables providing examples and illustrating key concepts and techniques.

Multiple Regression and Beyond 3rd Edition, Timothy Z. Keith

... Coming.SOON: Machine Learning Algorithms and Applications in Engineering by Prasenjit Chatterjee, Morteza Yazdani, Francisco Fernández-​Navarro, Javier Pérez-​Rodríguez (CRC Press, 2023).

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