
Peter J. Brockwell, Richard A. Davis ... 439 pages - Publisher: Springer; 3rd edition (August, 2016) - Language: English.

This book is aimed at the reader who wishes to gain a working knowledge of time series and forecasting methods as applied to economics, engineering and the natural and social sciences. It assumes knowledge only of basic calculus, matrix algebra and elementary statistics. This third edition contains detailed instructions for the use of the professional version of the Windows-based computer package ITSM2000, now available as a free download from the Springer Extras website. The logic and tools of time series model-building are developed in detail. Numerous exercises are included and the software can be used to analyze and forecast data sets of the user's own choosing. The book can also be used in conjunction with other time series packages such as those included in R. The programs in ITSM2000 however are menu-driven and can be used with minimal investment of time in the computational details.

The core of the book covers stationary processes, ARMA and ARIMA processes, multivariate time series and state-space models, with an optional chapter on spectral analysis. Many additional special topics are also covered. New to this edition: A chapter devoted to Financial Time Series - Introductions to Brownian motion, Lévy processes and Itô calculus - An expanded section on continuous-time ARMA processes.

Himansu Sekhar Behera, Janmenjoy Nayak, Bighnaraj Naik, Danilo Pelusi ... 829 pages - Publisher: Springer; (August, 2019) - Language: English.

This proceeding discuss the latest solutions, scientific findings and methods for solving intriguing problems in the fields of data mining, computational intelligence, big data analytics, and soft computing. This gathers outstanding papers from the fifth International Conference on “Computational Intelligence in Data Mining” (ICCIDM), and offer a “sneak preview” of the strengths and weaknesses of trending applications, together with exciting advances in computational intelligence, data mining, and related fields.

Hamid Reza Pourghasemi, Mauro Rossi ... 296 pages - Publisher: Springer; (December, 2018) - Language: English.

This edited volume assesses capabilities of data mining algorithms for spatial modeling of natural hazards in different countries based on a collection of essays written by experts in the field. The book is organized on different hazards including landslides, flood, forest fire, land subsidence, earthquake, and gully erosion. Chapters were peer-reviewed by recognized scholars in the field of natural hazards research. Each chapter provides an overview on the topic, methods applied, and discusses examples used. The concepts and methods are explained at a level that allows undergraduates to understand and other readers learn through examples. This edited volume is shaped and structured to provide the reader with a comprehensive overview of all covered topics. It serves as a reference for researchers from different fields including land surveying, remote sensing, cartography, GIS, geophysics, geology, natural resources, and geography. It also serves as a guide for researchers, students, organizations, and decision makers active in land use planning and hazard management.

Pedro Ponce-Cruz, Arturo Molina Gutiérrez, Ricardo A. Ramírez-Mendoza, Efraín Méndez Flores, Alexandro Antonio Ortiz Espinoza, David Christopher Balderas Silva ... 178 pages - Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC; (June, 2020) ... Language: English - AmazonSIN: B08LGNKST8.

Metaheuristic optimization has become a prime alternative for solving complex optimization problems in several areas. Hence, practitioners and researchers have been paying extensive attention to those metaheuristic algorithms that are mainly based on natural phenomena. However, when those algorithms are implemented, there are not enough books that deal with theoretical and experimental problems in a friendly manner so this book presents a novel structure that includes a complete description of the most important metaheuristic optimization algorithms as well as a new proposal of a new metaheuristic optimization named earthquake optimization. This book also has several practical exercises and a toolbox for MATLAB® and a toolkit for LabVIEW are integrated as complementary material for this book. These toolkits allow readers to move from a simulation environment to an experimentation one very fast. This book is suitable for researchers, students, and professionals in several areas, such as economics, architecture, computer science, electrical engineering, and control systems.

The unique features of this book are as follows: Developed for researchers, undergraduate and graduate students, and practitioners + A friendly description of the main metaheuristic optimization algorithms + Theoretical and practical optimization examples + A new earthquake optimization algorithm + Updated state-of-the-art and research optimization projects.

Anil K. Chopra ... 992 pages - ISBN-10: 1292249188 - ISBN-13: 978-1292249186 ... Publisher: Pearson; 5th edition (October, 2019) - Language: English.

For courses in Structural Dynamics. Structural dynamics and earthquake engineering for both students and professional engineersAn expert on structural dynamics and earthquake engineering, Anil K. Chopra fills an important niche, explaining the material in a manner suitable for both students and professional engineers with his Fifth Edition of Dynamics of Structures: Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering. No prior knowledge of structural dynamics is assumed, and the presentation is detailed and integrated enough to make the text suitable for self-study. As a textbook on vibrations and structural dynamics, this book has no competition. The material includes many topics in the theory of structural dynamics, along with applications of this theory to earthquake analysis, response, design, and evaluation of structures, with an emphasis on presenting this often difficult subject in as simple a manner as possible through numerous worked-out illustrative examples. The Fifth Edition includes new sections, figures, and examples, along with relevant updates and revisions.

James K. Wight ... 1168 pages - Publisher: Pearson; 7th edition (April, 2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 013348596X - ISBN-13: 978-0133485967.

Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design uses the theory of reinforced concrete design to teach readers the basic scientific and artistic principles of civil engineering. The text takes a topic often introduced at the advanced level and makes it accessible to all audiences by building a foundation with core engineering concepts. The Seventh Edition is up-to-date with the latest Building Code for Structural Concrete, giving readers access to accurate information that can be applied outside of the classroom. Readers are able to apply complicated engineering concepts to real world scenarios with in-text examples and practice problems in each chapter. With explanatory features throughout, the Seventh Edition makes the reinforced concrete design a theory all engineers can learn from.

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