
Allen Downey ... 200 pages - Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 2nd edition (July, 2018) ... Language: English - ASIN: B07FFC87K8 by Amazon.

Complexity science uses computation to explore the physical and social sciences. In Think Complexity, you’ll use graphs, cellular automata, and agent-based models to study topics in physics, biology, and economics.Whether you’re an intermediate-level Python programmer or a student of computational modeling, you’ll delve into examples of complex systems through a series of worked examples, exercises, case studies, and easy-to-understand explanations. In this updated second edition, you will: Work with NumPy arrays and SciPy methods, including basic signal processing and Fast Fourier Transform + Study abstract models of complex physical systems, including power laws, fractals and pink noise, and Turing machines + Get Jupyter notebooks filled with starter code and solutions to help you re-implement and extend original experiments in complexity; and models of computation like Turmites, Turing machines, and cellular automata + Explore the philosophy of science, including the nature of scientific laws, theory choice, and realism and instrumentalism. Ideal as a text for a course on computational modeling in Python, Think Complexity also helps self-learners gain valuable experience with topics and ideas they might not encounter otherwise.

Roxy Peck, Tom Short ... 729 pages - Publisher: Cengage Learning; 2nd edition (January, 2018) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1337558087 - ISBN-13: 978-1337558082.

Statistics: Learning from Data 2nd Edition helps you learn to think like a statistician. It pays particular attention to areas that students often struggle with -- probability, hypothesis testing, and selecting an appropriate method of analysis. Supported by learning objectives, real-data examples and exercises, and technology notes, this book helps you to develop conceptual understanding, mechanical proficiency, and the ability to put knowledge into practice.

Steve McKillup ... 420 pages - Publisher: Cambridge Univ. Press; 2nd edition (November, 2011) ... Language: English - ASIN: B0072J3KAO by Amazon.

An understanding of statistics and experimental design is essential for life science studies, but many students lack a mathematical background and some even dread taking an introductory statistics course. Using a refreshingly clear and encouraging reader-friendly approach, this book helps students understand how to choose, carry out, interpret and report the results of complex statistical analyses, critically evaluate the design of experiments and proceed to more advanced material. Taking a straightforward conceptual approach, it is specifically designed to foster understanding, demystify difficult concepts and encourage the unsure. Even complex topics are explained clearly, using a pictorial approach with a minimum of formulae and terminology. Examples of tests included throughout are kept simple by using small data sets. In addition, end-of-chapter exercises, new to this edition, allow self-testing. Handy diagnostic tables help students choose the right test for their work and remain a useful refresher tool for postgraduates.

Sorin Draghici ... 1036 pages - Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC; 2nd edition (April, 2016) ... Language: English - ASIN: B00O5D331Q by Amazon.

Richly illustrated in color, Statistics and Data Analysis for Microarrays Using R and Bioconductor, Second Edition provides a clear and rigorous description of powerful analysis techniques and algorithms for mining and interpreting biological information. Omitting tedious details, heavy formalisms, and cryptic notations, the text takes a hands-on, example-based approach that teaches students the basics of R and microarray technology as well as how to choose and apply the proper data analysis tool to specific problems.

New to the Second Edition: Completely updated and double the size of its predecessor, this timely second edition replaces the commercial software with the open source R and Bioconductor environments. Fourteen new chapters cover such topics as the basic mechanisms of the cell, reliability and reproducibility issues in DNA microarrays, basic statistics and linear models in R, experiment design, multiple comparisons, quality control, data pre-processing and normalization, Gene Ontology analysis, pathway analysis, and machine learning techniques. Methods are illustrated with toy examples and real data and the R code for all routines is available on an accompanying CD-ROM. With all the necessary prerequisites included, this best-selling book guides students from very basic notions to advanced analysis techniques in R and Bioconductor. The first half of the text presents an overview of microarrays and the statistical elements that form the building blocks of any data analysis. The second half introduces the techniques most commonly used in the analysis of microarray data.

John MacInnes ... 334 pages - Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd; (December, 2016) ... Language: English - ASIN: B01JZ7IRCG by Amazon.

Many professional, high-quality surveys collect data on people's behaviour, experiences, lifestyles and attitudes. The data they produce is more accessible than ever before. This book provides students with a comprehensive introduction to using this data, as well as transactional data and big data sources, in their own research projects. Here you will find all you need to know about locating, accessing, preparing and analysing secondary data, along with step-by-step instructions for using IBM SPSS Statistics.

You will learn how to: Create a robust research question and design that suits secondary analysis + Locate, access and explore data online + Understand data documentation + Check and 'clean' secondary data + Manage and analyse your data to produce meaningful results + Replicate analyses of data in published articles and books. Using case studies and video animations to illustrate each step of your research, this book provides you with the quantitative analysis skills you'll need to pass your course, complete your research project and compete in the job market. Exercises throughout the book and on the book's companion website give you an opportunity to practice, check your understanding and work hands on with real data as you're learning.

Robert W. Christopherson, Ginger Birkeland ... 688 pages - Publisher: Pearson; 10th edition (February, 2017) ... Language: English - ASIN: B06WVT65WP by Amazon.

The most authoritative introduction to physical geography with new applications to real-world geography: Among the most highly regarded texts in physical geography, Robert Christopherson’s best-selling Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography is known for its meticulous attention to detail, up-to-date accuracy, and rich integration of climate change science. Uniquely organized, the text presents Earth systems topics as they naturally occur: atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. This interconnected and organic systems-based approach is highlighted in strong pedagogical tools, a structured learning path, and current, updated information. The 10th Edition includes new features and activities that help readers apply geography to the real world, revised infographics, and new exercises designed to enhance learning.

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