
Nate Cooper, Kim Gee ... 
264 pages - Publisher: No Starch Press; 1st edition (September 15, 2014)
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1593275226 - ISBN-13: 978-1593275228

Build Your Own Website is a fun, illustrated introduction to the basics of creating a website. Join Kim and her little dog Tofu as she learns HTML, the language of web pages, and CSS, the language used to style web pages, from the Web Guru and Glinda, the Good Witch of CSS.

Once she figures out the basics, Kim travels to WordPress City to build her first website, with Wendy, the WordPress Maven, at her side. They take control of WordPress themes, install useful plugins, and more.

As you follow along, you'll learn how to:
Use HTML tags + Make your site shine with CSS + Customize WordPress to fit your needs + Choose a company to host your site and get advice on picking a good domain name.

The patient, step-by-step advice you'll find in Build Your Own Website will help you get your website up and running in no time. Stop dreaming of your perfect website and start making it!

Henry Dalziel, Alejandro Caceres ... 
76 pages - Publisher: Syngress; 1st edition (January 1, 2015)
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0128027320 - ISBN-13: 978-0128027325 

How to Attack and Defend Your Website is a concise introduction to web security that includes hands-on web hacking tutorials. The book has three primary objectives: to help readers develop a deep understanding of what is happening behind the scenes in a web application, with a focus on the HTTP protocol and other underlying web technologies; to teach readers how to use the industry standard in free web application vulnerability discovery and exploitation tools – most notably Burp Suite, a fully featured web application testing tool; and finally, to gain knowledge of finding and exploiting the most common web security vulnerabilities.

This book is for information security professionals and those looking to learn general penetration testing methodology and how to use the various phases of penetration testing to identify and exploit common web protocols.

How to Attack and Defend Your Website is be the first book to combine the methodology behind using penetration testing tools such as Burp Suite and Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA), with practical exercises that show readers how to (and therefore, how to prevent) pwning with SQLMap and using stored XSS to deface web pages.
Learn the basics of penetration testing so that you can test your own website's integrity and security + Discover useful tools such as Burp Suite, DVWA, and SQLMap + Gain a deeper understanding of how your website works and how best to protect it.

David J. Dowrick ... 520 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 1st edition (December, 2007)
Language: English - ASIN: B000QEC8WI by Amazon Digital Services ...

Encompassing theory and field experience, this book covers all the main subject areas in earthquake risk reduction, ranging from geology, seismology, structural and soil dynamics to hazard and risk assessment, risk management and planning, engineering and the architectural design of new structures and equipment.

Earthquake Risk Reduction: outlines individual national weaknesses that contribute to earthquake risk to people and property; calculates the seismic response of soils and structures, using the structural continuum 'Subsoil - Substructure - Superstructure - Non-structure'; evaluates the effectiveness of given designs and construction procedures for reducing casualties and financial losses; provides guidance on the key issue of choice of structural form; presents earthquake resistant designs methods for the four main structural materials - steel, concrete, reinforced masonry and timber - as well as for services equipment, plant and non-structural architectural components; contains a chapter devoted to problems involved in improving (retrofitting) the existing built environment. Compiled from the author's extensive professional experience in earthquake engineering, this key text provides an excellent treatment of the complex multidisciplinary process of earthquake risk reduction. This book will prove an invaluable reference and guiding tool to practicing civil and structural engineers and architects, researchers and postgraduate students in seismology, local governments and risk management officials.

Lawrence K. Wang, Chih Ted Yang ... 
866 pages - Publisher: Humana Press; (January 11, 2014)
Language: English - ISBN-10: 162703594X - ISBN-13: 978-1627035941

The Handbook of Environmental Engineering series is an incredible collection of methodologies that study the effects of pollution and waste in their three basic forms: gas, solid, and liquid. This exciting new addition to the series, Volume 15: Modern Water Resources Engineering , has been designed to serve as a water resources engineering reference book as well as a supplemental textbook. We hope and expect it will prove of equal high value to advanced undergraduate and graduate students, to designers of water resources systems, and to scientists and researchers. A critical volume in the Handbook of Environmental Engineering series, chapters employ methods of practical design and calculation illustrated by numerical examples, include pertinent cost data whenever possible, and explore in great detail the fundamental principles of the field. Volume 15: Modern Water Resources Engineering, provides information on some of the most innovative and ground-breaking advances in the field today from a panel of esteemed experts.

Manolis Papadrakakis, Dimos C. Charmpis, Yiannis Tsompanakis, Nikos D. Lagaros ... 670 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; 1st edition (December, 2008) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0415452619 - ISBN-13: 978-0415452618 ...

The increasing necessity to solve complex problems in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering requires the development of new ideas, innovative methods and numerical tools for providing accurate numerical solutions in affordable computing times. This book presents the latest scientific developments in Computational Dynamics, Stochastic Dynamics, Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering in thirty-five self-contained contributions. The selected state-of-the-art chapters are revised and extended versions of the papers which were presented as plenary, semi-plenary and keynote lectures at the thematic COMPDYN 2007 Conference. This volume will benefit researchers and engineering professionals working on structural dynamics, earthquake engineering and computational mechanics. Readers will get acquainted with advanced computational methods and software tools, which can assist them in tackling complex problems in dynamic/seismic analysis and design. Moreover, it will raise the awareness of important application areas and the social impact of the scientific and technical fields involved.

American Water Works Association, James Edzwald ... 
1696 pages - Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 6th edition (November 30, 2010)
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0071630112 - ISBN-13: 978-0071630115

Comprehensive, current, and written by leading experts, Water Quality & Treatment: A Handbook on Drinking Water, Sixth Edition covers state-of-the-art technologies and methods for water treatment and quality control. Significant revisions and new material in this edition reflect the latest advances and critical topics in water supply and treatment. Presented by the American Water Works Association, this is the leading source of authoritative information on drinking water quality and treatment.

NEW CHAPTERS ON: Chemical principles, source water composition, and watershed protection + Natural treatment systems + Water reuse for drinking water augmentation + Ultraviolet light processes + Formation and control of disinfection by-products.

DETAILED COVERAGE OF: Drinking water standards, regulations, goals, and health effects + Hydraulic characteristics of water treatment reactors + Gas-liquid processes and chemical oxidation + Coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, and flotation + Granular media and membrane filtration  + Ion exchange and adsorption of inorganic contaminants  + Precipitation, coprecipitation, and precipitative softening + Adsorption of organic compounds by activated carbon + Chemical disinfection  + Internal corrosion and deposition control  + Microbiological quality control in distribution systems  + Water treatment plant residuals management.

R. S. Thomas, B. Hall ... 
380 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann (January 1, 1992)
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1483130819 - ISBN-13: 978-1483130811

CIRIA, the Construction Industry Research and Information Association, is an independent non-profit-distributing body which initiates and manages research and information projects on behalf of its members. This CIRIA Ground Engineering Report is on seawall design.

Bungale S. Taranath ... 722 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; 1st edition (October, 2011) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1439850895 - ISBN-13: 978-1439850893 ...

As software skills rise to the forefront of design concerns, the art of structural conceptualization is often minimized. Structural engineering, however, requires the marriage of artistic and intuitive designs with mathematical accuracy and detail. Computer analysis works to solidify and extend the creative idea or concept that might have started out as a sketch on the back of an envelope. From Sketches on the Back of an Envelope to Elegant, Economical Buildings―The Art of Structural Conceptualization: Bridging the gap between the conceptual approach and computer analysis, Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings: Steel and Composite Construction integrates the design aspects of steel and composite buildings in one volume. Using conceptual thinking and basic strength of material concepts as foundations, the book shows engineers how to use imperfect information to estimate the answer to larger and more complex design problems by breaking them down into more manageable pieces. Written by an accomplished structural engineer, this book discusses the behavior and design of lateral load-resisting systems; the gravity design of steel and composite floors and columns; and methods for determining wind loads. It also examines the behavior and design of buildings subject to inelastic cyclic deformation during large earthquakes―with an emphasis on visual and descriptive analysis―as well as the anatomy of seismic provisions and the rehabilitation of seismically vulnerable steel buildings.

Intuitive Techniques for Construction and Design: The book covers a range of special topics, including performance-based design and human tolerance for the wind-induced dynamic motions of tall buildings. It also presents preliminary analysis techniques, graphical approaches for determining wind and seismic loads, and graphical aids for estimating unit-quantity of structural steel. The final chapter deals with the art of connection design. Forty case studies―from New York’s Empire State Building to Kuala Lumpur’s Petronas Towers―highlight the aspects of conceptualization that are key in the design of tall and ultra-tall buildings. A comprehensive design reference, this book guides engineers to visualize, conceptualize, and realize structural systems for tall buildings that are elegant and economical.

Utpal K. Ghosh ... 264 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (September, 2015) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1498708013 - ISBN-13: 978-1498708012 ...

Design of Welded Steel Structures: Principles and Practice provides a solid foundation of theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for the design of welded steel structures. The book begins by explaining the basics of arc welding, describing the salient features of modern arc welding processes as well as the types and characteristics of welded joints, their common defects, and recommended remedial measures.

The text then: Addresses the analysis and design of welded structures + Explores the design of joints in respect to common welded steel structures + Identifies the cost factors involved in welded steelwork.

Design of Welded Steel Structures: Principles and Practice draws not only from the author’s own experience, but also from the vast pool of research conducted by distinguished engineers around the globe. Detailed bibliographies are included at the end of each chapter.

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