The increasing necessity to solve complex
problems in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering requires the
development of new ideas, innovative methods and numerical tools for
providing accurate numerical solutions in affordable computing times. This
book presents the latest scientific developments in Computational
Dynamics, Stochastic Dynamics, Structural Dynamics and Earthquake
Engineering in thirty-five self-contained contributions. The selected
state-of-the-art chapters are revised and extended versions of the
papers which were presented as plenary, semi-plenary and keynote
lectures at the thematic COMPDYN 2007 Conference. This
volume will benefit researchers and engineering professionals working on
structural dynamics, earthquake engineering and computational
mechanics. Readers will get acquainted with advanced computational
methods and software tools, which can assist them in tackling complex
problems in dynamic/seismic analysis and design. Moreover, it will raise
the awareness of important application areas and the social impact of
the scientific and technical fields involved.