Design of Welded Steel Structures: Principles and Practice

Utpal K. Ghosh ... 264 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (September, 2015) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1498708013 - ISBN-13: 978-1498708012 ...

Design of Welded Steel Structures: Principles and Practice provides a solid foundation of theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for the design of welded steel structures. The book begins by explaining the basics of arc welding, describing the salient features of modern arc welding processes as well as the types and characteristics of welded joints, their common defects, and recommended remedial measures.

The text then: Addresses the analysis and design of welded structures + Explores the design of joints in respect to common welded steel structures + Identifies the cost factors involved in welded steelwork.

Design of Welded Steel Structures: Principles and Practice draws not only from the author’s own experience, but also from the vast pool of research conducted by distinguished engineers around the globe. Detailed bibliographies are included at the end of each chapter.

Design of Welded Steel Structures: Principles and Practice, Utpal K. Ghosh

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