Shuming Wang, Junzo Watada ... 248 pages - Publisher: Springer; (March, 2012) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1441995595 - ISBN-13: 978-1441995599 ...
Covering in detail both theoretical and practical perspectives, this
book is a self-contained and systematic depiction of current fuzzy
stochastic optimization that deploys the fuzzy random variable as a core
mathematical tool to model the integrated fuzzy random uncertainty. It
proceeds in an orderly fashion from the requisite theoretical aspects of
the fuzzy random variable to fuzzy stochastic optimization models and
their real-life case studies. The volume reflects the fact
that randomness and fuzziness (or vagueness) are two major sources of
uncertainty in the real world, with significant implications in a number
of settings. In industrial engineering, management and economics, the
chances are high that decision makers will be confronted with
information that is simultaneously probabilistically uncertain and
fuzzily imprecise, and optimization in the form of a decision must be
made in an environment that is doubly uncertain, characterized by a
co-occurrence of randomness and fuzziness. This book begins by outlining
the history and development of the fuzzy random variable before
detailing numerous optimization models and applications that include the
design of system controls for a dam.