Artificial Neural Networks for Engineers and Scientists

S. Chakraverty, Susmita Mall ... 157 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (July, 2017) ... Language: English - ASIN: B0744Q3RW2 by Amazon.

Differential equations play a vital role in the fields of engineering and science. Problems in engineering and science can be modeled using ordinary or partial differential equations. Analytical solutions of differential equations may not be obtained easily, so numerical methods have been developed to handle them. Machine intelligence methods, such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), are being used to solve differential equations, and these methods are presented in Artificial Neural Networks for Engineers and Scientists: Solving Ordinary Differential Equations. This book shows how computation of differential equation becomes faster once the ANN model is properly developed and applied.

S. Chakraverty, Susmita Mall, Artificial Neural Networks for Engineers and Scientists: Solving Ordinary Differential Equations

... Coming.SOON: Shallow Learning vs. Deep Learning : A Practical Guide for Machine Learning Solutions by Ömer Faruk Ertuğrul; Josep M. Guerrero; Musa Yilmaz (Springer, 2024).

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