R. J. Mitchell ... 266 pages - Publisher: Springer; 1st edition (August, 1983) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0046240047 - ISBN-13: 978-0046240042 ...
Earth structures engineering involves the analysis, design and
construction of structures, such as slopes and dams, that are composed
mainly of earth materials, and this is a growth area in geotechnical
engineering practice. This growth is due largely to increased
involvement in designing various types of earth structures for the
resources industries (slopes, impoundment structures, offshore islands,
mine backfills), to the development of increas ingly large
hydroelectric projects, to the need for more freshwater storage and
diversion schemes, and to the need for transportation, communications
and other facilities in areas where the natural earth materials are
occasionally subject to mass instabilities. Although geotechnical
engineering transects traditional disciplinary boundaries of civil,
geological and mining engineering, the majority of geotechnical
engineers are graduates from civil engineering schools. Here the
geotechnical instruction has been concentrated on soil mechanics and
foundation engineering because foundation engineering has traditionally
been the major component of geotechnical practice. Geotechnical special
ists, however, generally have acquired considerable formal or informal
training beyond their first engineering degree, and an advanced degree
with considerable cross-discipline course content is still considered an
advantage for a young engineer entering a career in geotechnical
engineering. Practical job experience is, of course, a necessary part of
professional development but is readily interpreted and assimilated
only if the required background training has been obtained.