
Richard W. Hamming ... Publisher: ‎Dover Publications; (November, 2004) - Language:‎ English - 880 pages - ISBN-10:‎ 0486439453 - ISBN-13:‎ 978-0486439457.

Understanding calculus is vital to the creative applications of mathematics in numerous areas. This text focuses on the most widely used applications of mathematical methods, including those related to other important fields such as probability and statistics. The four-part treatment begins with algebra and analytic geometry and proceeds to an exploration of the calculus of algebraic functions and transcendental functions and applications. In addition to three helpful appendixes, the text features answers to some of the exercises. Appropriate for advanced undergraduates and graduate students, it is also a practical reference for professionals. 1985 edition. 310 figures. 18 tables.

Jon Krohn, Grant Beyleveld, Aglaé Bassens ... Publisher: ‎ Addison-Wesley Professional; (September, 2019) - Language: ‎ English - 416 pages - ISBN-10: ‎ 0135116694 - ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0135116692.

Deep learning is one of today’s hottest fields. This approach to machine learning is achieving breakthrough results in some of today’s highest profile applications, in organizations ranging from Google to Tesla, Facebook to Apple. Thousands of technical professionals and students want to start leveraging its power, but previous books on deep learning have often been non-intuitive, inaccessible, and dry. In Deep Learning Illustrated, three world-class instructors and practitioners present a uniquely visual, intuitive, and accessible high-level introduction to the techniques and applications of deep learning. Packed with vibrant, full-color illustrations, it abstracts away much of the complexity of building deep learning models, making the field more fun to learn, and accessible to a far wider audience.

Part I’s high-level overview explains what Deep Learning is, why it has become so ubiquitous, and how it relates to concepts and terminology such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Networks, and Reinforcement Learning. These opening chapters are replete with vivid illustrations, easy-to-grasp analogies, and character-focused narratives. Building on this foundation, the authors then offer a practical reference and tutorial for applying a wide spectrum of proven deep learning techniques. Essential theory is covered with as little mathematics as possible, and illuminated with hands-on Python code. Theory is supported with practical “run-throughs” available in accompanying Jupyter notebooks, delivering a pragmatic understanding of all major deep learning approaches and their applications: machine vision, natural language processing, image generation, and videogaming. To help readers accomplish more in less time, the authors feature several of today’s most widely-used and innovative deep learning libraries, including TensorFlow and its high-level API, Keras; PyTorch, and the recently-released high-level Coach, a TensorFlow API that abstracts away the complexity typically associated with building Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms.

Ann Lehman, Norm O'Rourke, Larry Hatcher, Edward J. Stepanski ... 481 pages - Language: ‎ English - Publisher: ‎ SAS Institute; (February, 2005) - ISBN-10: ‎1590475763 - ISBN-13: 978-1590475768.

Doing statistics in JMP has never been easier! Learn how to manage JMP data and perform the statistical analyses most commonly used in research in the social sciences and other fields with JMP for Basic Univariate and Multivariate Statistics: A Step-by-Step Guide, authored by Ann Lehman, Norm O'Rourke, Larry Hatcher, and Edward Stepanski. Clearly written instructions guide you through the basic concepts of research and data analysis, enabling you to easily perform statistical analyses and solve problems in real-world research. Step by step, you'll discover how to obtain descriptive and inferential statistics, summarize results, perform a wide range of JMP analyses, interpret the results, and more. Topics include: screening data for errors and selecting subsets with the JMP Distribution platform, computing the coefficient alpha reliability index (Cronbach's alpha) for a multiple-item scale, performing bivariate analyses for all types of variables, performing a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), performing a multiple regression, and using the JMP Fit Model platform to perform a one-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). This user-friendly book introduces researchers and students of the social sciences to JMP and to elementary statistical procedures, while more advanced statistical procedures that are presented make it an invaluable reference guide for experienced researchers as well.

António Campos e Matos, Luís Ribeiro e Sousa, Johannes Kleberger, Paulo Lopes Pinto ... 202 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (June, 2006) - Language:‎ English - ISBN-10: 0415400058 - ISBN-13:‎ 978-0415400053.

Tunnels have a high degree of risk that needs to be assessed and managed. Underground works intersect and interact with natural materials, incorporating their characteristics as structural components of their own stability. For this reason geotechnical risk analyses are implemented at all phases of tunnel construction, from design through to post-construction maintenance. Analysis of geotechnical risk involves a group of studies which lead to the identification and evaluation of the potential probability of error and the consequences of its occurrence. This volume considers construction and safety, financing and control, and exploration and maintenance. Eminent specialists discuss risk assessment and management, based both on advanced theoretical concepts and on practical experience. The book is of interest to a wide range of professionals involved in planning, construction and management of tunnels: entrepreneurs, designers, consultants and contractors.

Cameron Davidson-Pilon  ... 256 pages - Publisher: ‎Addison-Wesley Professional; (October, 2015) - Language: English -  ISBN-10: 0133902838 - ISBN-13: 978-0133902839.

Bayesian methods of inference are deeply natural and extremely powerful. However, most discussions of Bayesian inference rely on intensely complex mathematical analyses and artificial examples, making it inaccessible to anyone without a strong mathematical background. Now, though, Cameron Davidson-Pilon introduces Bayesian inference from a computational perspective, bridging theory to practice–freeing you to get results using computing power. Bayesian Methods for Hackers illuminates Bayesian inference through probabilistic programming with the powerful PyMC language and the closely related Python tools NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib. Using this approach, you can reach effective solutions in small increments, without extensive mathematical intervention.

Davidson-Pilon begins by introducing the concepts underlying Bayesian inference, comparing it with other techniques and guiding you through building and training your first Bayesian model. Next, he introduces PyMC through a series of detailed examples and intuitive explanations that have been refined after extensive user feedback. You’ll learn how to use the Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm, choose appropriate sample sizes and priors, work with loss functions, and apply Bayesian inference in domains ranging from finance to marketing. Once you’ve mastered these techniques, you’ll constantly turn to this guide for the working PyMC code you need to jumpstart future projects.

Coverage includes: • Learning the Bayesian “state of mind” and its practical implications • Understanding how computers perform Bayesian inference • Using the PyMC Python library to program Bayesian analyses • Building and debugging models with PyMC • Testing your model’s “goodness of fit” • Opening the “black box” of the Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm to see how and why it works • Leveraging the power of the “Law of Large Numbers” • Mastering key concepts, such as clustering, convergence, autocorrelation, and thinning • Using loss functions to measure an estimate’s weaknesses based on your goals and desired outcomes • Selecting appropriate priors and understanding how their influence changes with dataset size • Overcoming the “exploration versus exploitation” dilemma: deciding when “pretty good” is good enough • Using Bayesian inference to improve A/B testing • Solving data science problems when only small amounts of data are available.

Randall Pruim ... 820 pages - Publisher: American Mathematical Society; 2nd Edition (April, 2018) - Language: English - ISBN-10: ‎1470428482 - ISBN-13: 978-1470428488.

Foundations and Applications of Statistics simultaneously emphasizes both the foundational and the computational aspects of modern statistics. Engaging and accessible, this book is useful to undergraduate students with a wide range of backgrounds and career goals. The exposition immediately begins with statistics, presenting concepts and results from probability along the way. Hypothesis testing is introduced very early, and the motivation for several probability distributions comes from p-value computations. Pruim develops the students' practical statistical reasoning through explicit examples and through numerical and graphical summaries of data that allow intuitive inferences before introducing the formal machinery. The topics have been selected to reflect the current practice in statistics, where computation is an indispensible tool. In this vein, the statistical computing environment $\textsf{R}$ is used throughout the text and is integral to the exposition. Attention is paid to developing students' mathematical and computational skills as well as their statistical reasoning. Linear models, such as regression and ANOVA, are treated with explicit reference to the underlying linear algebra, which is motivated geometrically. Foundations and Applications of Statistics discusses both the mathematical theory underlying statistics and practical applications that make it a powerful tool across disciplines. The book contains ample material for a two-semester course in undergraduate probability and statistics. A one-semester course based on the book will cover hypothesis testing and confidence intervals for the most common situations.

Subal C. Kumbhakar, Hung-Jen Wang, Alan P. Horncastle ... 374 pages - Language: ‎ English - Publisher: ‎ Cambridge Univ. Press; (January, 2015) - ISBN-10: ‎ 1107609461 - ISBN-13: 978-1107609464.

Stochastic Frontier Analysis Using Stata provides practitioners in academia and industry with a step-by-step guide on how to conduct efficiency analysis using the stochastic frontier approach. The authors explain in detail how to estimate production, cost, and profit efficiency and introduce the basic theory of each model in an accessible way, using empirical examples that demonstrate the interpretation and application of models. This book also provides computer code, allowing users to apply the models in their own work, and incorporates the most recent stochastic frontier models developed in academic literature. Such recent developments include models of heteroscedasticity and exogenous determinants of inefficiency, scaling models, panel models with time-varying inefficiency, growth models, and panel models that separate firm effects and persistent and transient inefficiency. Immensely helpful to applied researchers, this book bridges the chasm between theory and practice, expanding the range of applications in which production frontier analysis may be implemented.

Rémy Lentzner ... 111 pages - Language: ‎English - Publisher: Remylent; (April, 2021).

Excel makes life easier because its powerful functions are easily accessible. With the spreadsheet you can handle numbers, dates, formulas or simply text. This book will be an asset to improve your skills by learning more complex functions and finally to save a lot of time. The examples presented in this manual will help you to analyse data better. Do not hesitate to test them in order to discover excel's strengths. It reflects real management situations. You can reproduce them with all Excel versions. Accessible to all, this manual guides you, step by step, to increase your knowledge.

Russell Hibbeler ... 923 pages - Language: English - ISBN-10: 1292247304 - ISBN-13: 978-1292247304.

For Fluid Mechanics courses found in Civil and Environmental, General Engineering, and Engineering Technology and Industrial Management departments.Fluid Mechanics is intended to provide a comprehensive guide to a full understanding of the theory and many applications of fluid mechanics. The text features many of the hallmark pedagogical aids unique to Hibbeler texts, including its student-friendly, clear organization. The text supports the development of student problem-solving skills through a large variety of problems, representing a broad range of engineering disciplines that stress practical, realistic situations encountered in professional practice, and provide varying levels of difficulty. The text offers flexibility in that basic principles are covered in chapters 1-6, and the remaining chapters can be covered in any sequence without the loss of continuity.Updates to the 2nd Edition result from comments and suggestions from colleagues, reviewers in the teaching profession, and many of the author’s students, and include expanded topic coverage and new Example and Fundamental Problems intended to further students’ understanding of the theory and its applications.Pearson Mastering™ Engineering is not included. Students, if Pearson Mastering Engineering is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. Mastering Engineering should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.Reach every student by pairing this text with Pearson Mastering EngineeringMastering is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, Mastering personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student.

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