
Cheng Liu, Jack B. Evett ... 448 pages - Publisher: Prentice Hall; 6th edition (2008) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0136141234 - ISBN-13: 978-0136141235 ...

This laboratory book reflects the most commonly used methods of both field and laboratory testing to evaluate soil properties for engineering purposes. Designed to conform to the latest information from the American Society for Testing and Materials, it familiarizes students with the standards that practicing engineers and architects cite in contracts and specifications. Each test includes a definition, scope, and objective and step-by-step procedures, data, and calculations sequences. Typical values for most tests are included, as well as completely worked numerical examples. This edition continues its simple and direct style and features updated testing procedures and a new chapter on in-field testing and soil exploration.

Karoly A. Zalka ... 284 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (July, 2012) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0415595738 - ISBN-13: 978-0415595735 ...

A sound and more modern Eurocode-based approach to design is the global approach, where the structures are considered as whole units, rather than to use traditional element-based design procedures. Although large frameworks and even whole buildings are now routinely analysed using computer packages, structural engineers do not always understand complex three-dimensional behaviour and thus manipulate the stiffness and the location of the bracing units to achieve an optimum structural arrangement. This guide deals with two categories of multi-storey structures. It can be used for the plane stress, stability and frequency analysis of individual bracing units such as frameworks, coupled shear walls and cores. In addition, and perhaps more importantly, it can be used for the three dimensional stress, stability and frequency analysis of whole buildings consisting of such bracing units. The closed-form solutions in the book may also prove to be useful at the preliminary design stage when quick checks are needed with different structural arrangements. Their usefulness cannot be overemphasized for checking the results of a finite element (computer-based) analysis when the input procedure involves tens of thousands of items of data and where mishandling one item of data may have catastrophic consequences. In addition to the critical load, the fundamental frequency, the maximum stresses and the top deflection of frameworks, coupled shear walls, cores and their spatial assemblies, a very important new piece of information is the "safety factor" of the structure (either a single unit or a whole building), which also acts as the performance indicator of the structure. MathCAD worksheets can be downloaded from the book’s accompanying website.

Lymon C. Reese, William M. Isenhower, Shin-Tower Wang ... 608 pages - Publisher: Wiley; (2006) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0471431591 - ISBN-13: 978-0471431596.

This is one of a kind coverage on the fundamentals of foundation analysis and design. "Analysis and Design of Shallow and Deep Foundations" is a significant new resource to the engineering principles used in the analysis and design of both shallow and deep, load bearing foundations for a variety of building and structural types. Its unique presentation focuses on new developments in computer aided analysis and soil structure interaction, including foundations as deformable bodies. 

Written by the world's leading foundation engineers, "Analysis and Design of Shallow and Deep Foundations" covers everything from soil investigations and loading analysis to major types of foundations and construction methods. It also features: coverage on computer assisted analytical methods, balanced with standard methods such as site visits and the role of engineering geology; methods for computing the capacity and settlement of both shallow and deep foundations; field testing methods and sample case studies, including projects where foundations have failed, supported with analyses of the failure.

Joe G. Eisley, Antony M. Waas ... 638 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 1st edition (September, 2011) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0470977620 - ISBN-13: 978-0470977620 ...

Analysis of Structures offers an original way of introducing engineering students to the subject of stress and deformation analysis of solid objects, and helps them become more familiar with how numerical methods such as the finite element method are used in industry. Eisley and Waas secure for the reader a thorough understanding of the basic numerical skills and insight into interpreting the results these methods can generate. Throughout the text, they include analytical development alongside the computational equivalent, providing the student with the understanding that is necessary to interpret and use the solutions that are obtained using software based on the finite element method. They then extend these methods to the analysis of solid and structural components that are used in modern aerospace, mechanical and civil engineering applications.

Singiresu S. Rao ... 840 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 4th edition (2014)... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0470183527 - ISBN-13: 978-0470183526 ...

This is the only book on the market that discusses all the important methods of optimization. All the methods are presented in a simple language in the most comprehensive manner. Nonlinear, linear, geometric, dynamic and stochastic programming techniques are presented with a focus on engineering applications. Other more specialized methods such as optimal control, multiobjective optimization, genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, neural networks and fuzzy optimization methods are also included. In each case examples and cases are presented to show how the mtheod is actually used in the real world.

Braja M. Das, G. V. Ramana ... 656 pages- Publisher: Cengage Learning; 2nd edition (2010)... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0495411345- ISBN-13: 978-0495411345 ...

Principles of Soil Dynamics is an unparalleled reference book designed for an introductory course on Soil Dynamics. Authors Braja M. Das, best selling authority on Geotechnical Engineering, and Ramana V. Gunturi, Dean of the Civil Engineering Department at the India Institute of Technology in New Delhi, present a well revised update of this already well established text. The primary focus of the book is on the applications of soil dynamics and not on the underlying principles. The material covered includes the fundamentals of soil dynamics, dynamic soil properties, foundation vibration, soil liquefaction, pile foundation and slope stability.

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