
Richard J. Finno, Youssef M. A. Hashash, Pedro Arduino ... 
935 pages - Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); (July, 2010) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 078441128X - ISBN-13: 978-0784411285 ...

Proceedings of the 2010 Earth Retention Conference held in Bellevue, Washington, August 14, 2010, organized by the Earth Retaining Structures Committee of the Geo-Institute of ASCE. The 72 papers presented in this proceedings examine the major developments in the design and construction practice of earth retaining structures worldwide, over the past twenty years. The topics analyzed in this proceedings include: supported excavations, mechanically stabilized earth retaining walls, seismic evaluation of retention systems, numerical analyses of retention systems, load and resistance factor design, and landslide stabilization.

R. J. Salter ... 168 pages - Publisher: Humanity Press; (June, 1989) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0333491025 - ISBN-13: 978-0333491027 ...

The increasing need to make the best use of the existing highway network has led to the widespread application of traffic engineering techniques in most urban areas of the developed world. In response to this growing importance of highway traffic engineering and management, many highway technician, undergraduate civil engineering and specialized higher degree courses include a study of highway traffic engineering. This book is intended to be of use to students on these courses by presenting a set of 33 worked examples in a wide range of highway traffic problems designed to illustrate the principles of highway traffic flow and the practical traffic design of highway elements. The book should also be of value to professional engineers who are looking for an introduction to highway traffic engineering or seeking to update their knowledge on this subject.

Zdenek P. Bazant, Luigi Cedolin .... 1040 pages - Publisher: World Scientific; (August, 2010) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 9814317039 - ISBN-13: 978-9814317030 ...

A crucial element of structural and continuum mechanics, stability theory has limitless applications in civil, mechanical, aerospace, naval and nuclear engineering. This text of unparalleled scope presents a comprehensive exposition of the principles and applications of stability analysis. It has been proven as a text for introductory courses and various advanced courses for graduate students. It is also prized as an exhaustive reference for engineers and researchers. The authors' focus on understanding of the basic principles rather than excessive detailed solutions, and their treatment of each subject proceed from simple examples to general concepts and rigorous formulations. All the results are derived using as simple mathematics as possible. Numerous examples are given and 700 exercise problems help in attaining a firm grasp of this central aspect of solid mechanics. The book is an unabridged republication of the 1991 edition by Oxford University Press and the 2003 edition by Dover, updated with 18 pages of end notes.

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