Articles by "Geotechnical Engineering"

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Y.M. Cheng, J.H. Wang, L. Liang, W.H. Fung Ivan... 592 pages - Language: ‎English - Publisher: Bentham Science Publishers; (April, 2020) - ISBN-10: 9811437386 - ISBN-13: ‎978-9811437380. 

Numerical Methods and Implementation in Geotechnical Engineering explains several numerical methods that are used in geotechnical engineering. The first part of this reference set includes methods such as the finite element method, distinct element method, discontinuous deformation analysis, numerical manifold method, smoothed particle hydrodynamics method, material point method, plasticity method, limit equilibrium and limit analysis, plasticity, slope stability and foundation engineering, optimization analysis and reliability analysis. The authors have also presented different computer programs associated with the materials in this book which will be useful to students learning how to apply the models explained in the text into practical situations when designing structures in locations with specific soil and rock settings.This reference book set is a suitable textbook primer for civil engineering students as it provides a basic introduction to different numerical methods (classical and modern) in comprehensive readable volumes.

GeoStru GeoApps 2022-2023 [Size: 400 MB] ...
Easy MASW 2022.28.6.999, EasyRefract 2022.21.4.898, ESD 2023.2.1.489, GDW 2022.21.2.1000, GFAS 2022.12.0.857, Liquiter 2022.24.5.1054, PC 2022.14.4.816, RC-SEC 2022.14.1.1061, Slope 2023.30.6.1521, Static Probing 2021.20.2.968...

Easy Refract is the a software dedicated to the interpretation of seismic refraction surveys using the reciprocal method and the generalized reciprocal method (G.R.M.) The definition of the array geometry is extremely flexible and does not impose constraints on the number of shots to be used in the analysis. Easy MASW is a software for the interpretation and archiving of seismic data using the MASW method (Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface Waves). It is a very easy-to-use application that, with simple steps, performs the analysis of the shear waves velocities. The software allows the inversion using more modes. During the spectral processing phase the user can view the dispersion of a customizable synthetic model and the results are plotted directly on the velocity-frequency spectrum. The generation of the velocity-frequency spectrum has been improved to allow a more effective identification of modes. The user can select the points on which the inversion is performed directly on the velocity-frequency spectrum and assign to each point the mode to which it refers. ESD is a software for the check of earth small dams under both static and seismic conditions.

GDW analyzes walls in gabions, simple concrete weirs and GABIONS weirs in static ad seismic conditions. GDW has advanced graphics features including the three-dimensional view through which you can examine in detail the inputs made. Safety checks are carried out for load combinations defined by the user in accordance with the directives imposed by new regulations. GFAS (Geotechnical and F.E.M. analysis System) is a product for mechanical analysis of soil using finite elements methods. This is a complete solution that integrates all functions required for the analysis of geotechnical problem areas such as: Tunnels; Slope Stability; Excavations; Embankment settlements; Foundation Settlements; Interaction between structures and soils. Liquiter software is designed for soil liquefaction analysis and supports a wide variety of field tests. The results of the analysis are presented as: Safety Factor Soil Liquefaction / Probability of Soil Liquefaction; Cyclic mobility of clay; Liquefaction of sand and clay; CSR, variable CSR with depth from SHAKE results; Reconsolidation Settlement, Lateral Spreading; Residual Strength.... etc.

Nainan Kurian ... 384 pages - Language: ‎English - Publisher: Alpha Science International; (January, 2013) - ISBN-10: 1842657909 - ISBN-13: ‎978-1842657904.

Representing a unique approach to the vast array of topics in modern geotechnical and foundation engineering this book presents across eight chapters subjects such as, special and new Foundations, new retaining techniques, applications of geosynthetics and an array of other topics. Between them they cover a survey of topics alongside areas of modern geotechnical interest at the international level. The case histories include the foundations of the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur and Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the geotechnical intervention in the restoration of the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the construction of the Suez and Panama Canals, making it an interesting addition to the library of anyone involved in the geotechnical and structural engineering communities.

S. Wang, P. Hagan, C. Cao ... 422 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; (August, 2016) ... Language: English - ISBN-13: 978-0128105535.

Advances in Rock-Support and Geotechnical Engineering brings together the latest research results regarding the theory of rock mechanics, its analytical methods and innovative technologies, and its applications in practical engineering. This book is divided into six sections, rock tests, rock bolting, grouted anchor, tunneling engineering, slope engineering, and mining engineering. Coverage includes fracture hinged arching process and instability characteristics of rock plates, failure modes of rock bolting, scale effects, and loading transfer mechanism of the grouted anchor. Also covered are recent innovations and applications in tunneling engineering, slope engineering, and mining engineering. This book provides innovative, practical, and rich content that can be used as a valuable reference for researchers undertaking tunneling engineering, slope engineering, mining engineering, and rock mechanics, and for onsite technical personnel and teachers and students studying the topics in related universities. Key Features: Enriches new theories on failure modes of rock plates, rock bolting mechanisms, and anchor loading transfer * Develops new methods of evaluating the stability of slope engineering and the roof stability of the mined-out areas * Includes fracture hinged arching process and instability characteristics of rock plates, failure modes of rock bolting, scale effects, and loading transfer mechanism of the grouted anchor. Readership: Researchers engaging in tunneling engineering, slope engineering, mining engineering and rock mechanics; teachers and graduate students in the related subjects; on-site technical persons wishing to create a foundation for understanding these topics, refresh their knowledge, or expand their expertise in this area.

Ming Xiao ... 424 pages - Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 1st edition (May, 2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0470632232 - ISBN-13: 978-0470632239.

This accessible, clear, concise and contemporary text in geotechnical engineering design covers the major design topics, making it the one stop shop for students. Packed with self-test problems and projects, and with a detailed online solution manual, it presents the state of the art in engineering practice, including soil nail walls, liquefaction, earthquake foundation design and erosion controls. Geotechnical Engineering Design explains fundamental design principles and approaches in geotechnical engineering, offering an introduction to engineering geology, subsurface explorations, shallow and deep foundations, slope stability analyses and remediation, filters and drains, earth retaining structures, geosynthetics, and basic seismic evaluations of slope stability, lateral earth pressures, and liquefaction. Readers are expected to have taken a soil mechanics course and already understand the principles of engineering properties of soils. The he book applies these principles and focuses on the design methodologies in geotechnical engineering. Individual chapters present particular design approaches, followed by a detailed sample problem demonstrating it. The chapters begin by explaining why that design topic is important in engineering practice. Hundreds of illustrations on field applications and design approaches are provided throughout the text. Wherever designs are presented, sample problems and solutions are included and homework problems at the end of each chapter test students’ basic understanding of the concepts and design approaches as well as challenging them to solve real-world design issues. A unique aspect of the book is the inclusion of Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design, the European Standard for the design of geotechnical structures. The design approaches of many topics in this book use both limit state design (in Europe) and allowable stress design (in the USA) so two sets of solutions in many sample problems are provided to show both design methodologies. Both British Standards and America Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards are referred to. This allows an international audience to understand the commonalities and differences in geotechnical engineering designs worldwide.

B. C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain, A. K. Jain ... 940 pages - Publisher: Laxmi Publications; 17th edition (December, 2005) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 8170087910 - ISBN-13: 978-8170087915.

Soil Mechanics And Foundations is written especially for students pursuing civil engineering. It provides a comprehensive understanding of soil characteristics and properties. It even contains experiments to help students gain a practical insight into soil mechanics. With all structures having earth as its common foundation, its essential that students of civil engineering understand this main component. A safe structure can only be built when there is thorough knowledge of its foundation. This book contains 34 chapters and covers topics like Clay Mineralogy, Well Hydraulics, Stress Distribution, Compaction, Stability of Slopes, Well, Pile and Machine Foundations, Bulkheads and Cofferdams, Stabilisation of Soils, Permeability, and more. It explains in detail about Elements of Elasticity, Earth Pressure, Bearing Capacity, and Shear Strength. The book also contains 21 lab experiments.

Sanjay Kumar Shukla ... Language: ‎ English - Publisher: ‎ CRC Press; (December, 2021).

This book presents mainly the geotechnical details of geomaterials (soils and rocks) found in all the 36 states and union territories of India. There are 37 chapters in this book. Chapter 1 provides an overview of geomaterials, focusing on their engineering properties as determined based on the project site investigations and laboratory/field tests; this will help readers understand the technical details explained throughout the book, with each chapter dealing with geomaterials of one state/union territory only.

Each chapter, contributed by a team of authors, follows a common template with the following sections: introduction, major types of soils and rocks, properties of soils and rocks, use of soils and rocks as construction materials, foundation and other geotechnical structures, other geomaterials, natural hazards, case studies and field tests, geoenvironmental impact on soils and rocks, concluding remarks and references. All the chapters cover highly practical information and technical data for application in ground infrastructure projects, including foundations of structures (buildings, towers, tanks, machines and so on), highway, railway and airport pavements, embankments, retaining structures/walls, dams, reservoirs, canals and ponds, and landfills and tunnels. These details are also highly useful for professionals dealing with mining, oil and gas projects and agricultural and aquacultural engineering projects. Although this book covers the Indian ground characteristics, the information provided can be helpful in some suitable forms to the professionals of other countries having similar ground conditions and applications.

Ammar Dhouib ... 305 pages - Language: ‎English - Publisher:‎ Wiley-ISTE; (December, 2022).

Geotechnical engineering is now a fundamental component of construction projects. The first volume of this book therefore paves the way for the development of a lasting partnership between soil and foundations. Applied Geotechnics for Construction Projects 1 first defines, identifies and classifies soils, exploring their complexities and weaknesses, and then outlines the basic principles of stresses and strains that establish and develop within soils. The third chapter of the book introduces and develops methods of soil investigation in order to experimentally determine the geotechnical parameters that are useful in the design stage of construction projects.

Each chapter of this first volume is illustrated with photographs of example construction sites and concludes with concrete examples of real projects. The result is a combination of geotechnical expertise and lessons learned from experience, both of which are highly valuable in the field of applied geotechnics for construction projects.

Pavel G. Talalay ... 645 pages - Language: ‎English- Publisher: Springer; (January, 2023) - AmazonSIN:‎ B0BRHY16RW.

This book provides a comprehensive review of drilling technologies in the polar regions, from the portable drilling equipment for shallow sampling and coring, to heavy drilling equipment for deep onshore and offshore drilling. Particular attention is given to safe drilling methods in permafrost. In recent years, interest in drilling in the polar regions has increased under the pressure of the geopolitical “rush” and the undiscovered resource potential. In addition, borehole monitoring of permafrost thermal states is urgently needed to obtain evidence of climate change. The book focuses on the latest drilling technologies but also discusses the historical development of sampling, and drilling tools and devices, over the last 60–70 years providing valuable insights into a way forward and future possibilities.

LimitState: GEO v3.6.1.26217 x64 [Size: 127 MB] ... This is a powerful geotechnical analysis Software. It provides unique geotechnical analysis capabilities to rapidly determine the critical failure mechanism and margin of safety for any problem. It tackles any ultimate limit state analysis or design problem involving slope stability, bearing capacity, walls, foundations, reinforced soil, or complex combined systems.

It can handle design and analysis problems of any geometry and loading conditions. No need to resort to application-specific hand calculations, spreadsheets, or software applications that attempt to automate these. It is as straightforward as conventional Limit Equilibrium methods but can model global soil failure, retaining wall stability, and bending failure. It can model supported and unsupported excavations, considering the effects of surface surcharges. Identify a wide range of failure mechanisms, including base heave and lateral instability.

LimitState: GEO is the only commercially available geotechnical software product to use the ground-breaking Discontinuity Layout Optimization (DLO) limit analysis technology that allows one tool to rapidly and directly evaluate stability, whatever the problem geometry. LimitState: GEO has been designed to be extremely easy to use, fully compatible with Eurocode 7, and output has been validated against a wide range of benchmark problems. Examples of the many applications of the software include: Footings / foundations + Cantilever stem walls + Reinforced soil + Slope stability + Seismic forces + Gabion walls + Gravity retaining walls + Deep excavations.

John Hughes, Robert Whittle ... 352 pages - Language:‎ English - Publisher: ‎CRC Press; (November, 2022) - ISBN-10: ‎1032060948 - ISBN-13: ‎978-1032060941.

High Resolution Pressuremeters and Geotechnical Engineering focuses on pressuremeters with internal transducers that allow measurement of strength, stiffness and in situ reference stress. It outlines the principles and the basics of the technology, gives guidance on good practice and making reliable analysis, provides case studies, and compares the pressuremeter test with similar ones from other devices to enable engineers to make informed choices.

A unique, up-to-date guide to high resolution pressuremeters with internal transducers + Contextualises analyses and advice to enable an informed choice of testing processes + Presents analyses previously unpublished in book form.

This practical guide will suit professionals at the consultancy level, pressuremeter practitioners and site investigation companies.

Mohammed Elshafie, Giulia Viggiani, Robert Mair ... 902 pages - Language: ‎English - Publisher: CRC Press; 2nd edition (November, 2022) - AmazonSIN: B0BDGQBFN3.

Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground comprises a collection of 112 papers, the Fujita Lecture, three Special Lectures and the Bright Spark Lecture presented at the Tenth International Symposium on Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, held in Cambridge, United Kingdom, 27-29 June 2022. This second edition includes four general reports on the symposium themes. The symposium is the latest in a series which began in New Delhi in 1994, and was followed by symposia in London (1996), Tokyo (1999), Toulouse (2002), Amsterdam (2005), Shanghai (2008), Rome (2011), Seoul (2014) and Sao Paulo (2017). This was organised by the Geotechnical Research Group at the University of Cambridge, under the auspices of the Technical Committee TC204 of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE). Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground includes contributions from more than 25 countries on research, design and construction of underground works in soft ground. 

The contributions cover: Field case studies + Sensing technologies and monitoring for underground construction in soft ground + Physical and numerical modelling of tunnels and deep excavations in soft ground + Seismic response of underground infrastructure in soft ground + Design and application of ground improvement for underground construction + Ground movements, interaction with existing structures and mitigation measures.

The general reports give an overview of the papers submitted to the symposium, covered in four technical sessions. The proceedings include the written version of the five invited lectures covering topics ranging from developments in geotechnical aspects of underground construction, tunnelling and groundwater interaction (short and long-term effects), the influence of earth pressure balance shield tunnelling on pre-convergence and segmental liner loading (field observations, modelling and implications on design). Similar to previous editions, Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground represents a valuable source of reference on the current practice of analysis, design, and construction of tunnels and deep excavations in soft ground. The book is particularly aimed at academics and professionals interested in geotechnical and underground engineering.

B. G. Clarke ... 352 pages - Language: ‎English - Publisher: ‎CRC Press; 2nd edition (November, 2022) - AmazonSIN: B0BLY2VVLD.

The pressuremeter is a versatile piece of ground investigation equipment that can be used to test any type of soil or rock in situ. It quantifies in-situ stress, stiffness, strength and permeability – the essential properties needed to design geotechnical structures. The results are used in pressuremeter specific design methods, empirical design methods and numerical analyses.

This reference book covers the types of pressuremeter and the control equipment, methods of installation, test procedures, methods of analysis including direct and indirect methods of interpretation, and application in design. This is supported by an exemplar specification for field operations with the interpretation of the results. Engineers are given enough detail to apply the results confidently.

This comprehensive and thorough discussion of pressuremeter testing in geotechnical design draws on over forty years’ experience in geotechnical engineering. It is essential for professional and academic engineering geologists and geotechnical, civil and structural engineers involved in ground investigation and geotechnical design.

Optum G2 2021 v2.2.20 and Optum G3 2021 v2.1.6 [Size: 220 MB] ...
is the ideal solution for shallow foundation analysis and design. The unique Optum analysis type of Limit Analysis provides a means for determining bearing capacities in an efficient and convenient manner. Rigorous upper and lower bounds can be computed to bracket the true solution from above and below, thus providing an in-built means of numerical verification. Elastoplastic and consolidation analysis are available for determining settlements.

OPTUM G3 is the ideal solution for shallow foundation analysis and design. The unique Optum analysis type of Limit Analysis provides a means for determining bearing capacities in an efficient and convenient manner. Rigorous upper and lower bounds can be computed to bracket the true solution from above and below, thus providing an in-built means of numerical verification. Elastoplastic analysis is available for determining settlements.

Robert D. Holtz, William D. Kovacs, Thomas C. Sheahan ... Language: English - Publisher: ‎Pearson; 3rd edition (July, 2022) - ISBN-13: 9780137604388.

An Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering offers a descriptive, elementary introduction to geotechnical engineering with applications to civil engineering practice. It focuses on the engineering classification, behavior and properties of soils necessary for the design and construction of foundations and earth structures.

Ruwan Rajapakse ... 508 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; 2nd edition (December, 2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0128046988 - ISBN-13: 978-0128046982. 

Geotechnical Engineering Calculations and Rules of Thumb, Second Edition, offers geotechnical, civil and structural engineers a concise, easy-to-understand approach to selecting the right formula and solving even most difficult calculations in geotechnical engineering. A "quick look up guide", this book places formulas and calculations at the reader’s finger tips. In this book, theories are explained in a "nutshell" and then the calculation is presented and solved in an illustrated, step-by-step fashion. In its first part, the book covers the fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering: Soil investigation, condition and theoretical concepts. In the second part it addresses Shallow Foundations, including bearing capacity, elastic settlement, foundation reinforcement, grillage design, footings, geogrids, tie and grade beams, and drainage. This session ends with a chapter on selecting foundation types. The next part covers Earth Retaining Structures and contains chapters on its basic concepts and types, gabion walls and reinforced earth walls. The following part covers Geotechnical Engineering Strategies providing coverage of softwares, instrumentation, excavations, raft design, rock mechanics, dip angle and strike, rock stabilization equipment, soil anchors, tunnel design, seismology, geosynthetics, and slurry cutoff walls. The final part is on Pile Foundations including content on design on sandy soils, clay soils, pin piles, negative skin friction, caissons and pile clusters. In this new and updated edition the author has incorporated new software calculation tools, current techniques for foundation design, liquefaction information, seismic studies, laboratory soil tests, geophysical techniques, new concepts for foundation design and Dam designs. All calculations have been updated to most current material characteristics available in the market. Practicing Geotechnical, Civil and Structural Engineers may find in this book an excellent companion to their day-to day work, benefiting from the clear and direct calculations, examples, and cases. Civil Engineering students may find particular interest in the concise theory presented in the beginning of each chapter. Calculations both in FPS and SI metric systems; Convenient access to all needed calculations; Access to concise theory that helps understand the calculations; Case studies from around the world; Includes new software calculation tools.

Ruwan A. Rajapakse ... 378 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; 2nd edition (February, 2016) - Language: English - AmazonSIN: B01C74LU96.

Pile Design and Construction Rules of Thumb presents Geotechnical and Civil Engineers a comprehensive coverage of Pile Foundation related theory and practice. Based on the author’s experience as a PE, the book brings concise theory and extensive calculations, examples and case studies that can be easily applied by professional in their day-to-day challenges. In its first part, the book covers the fundamentals of Pile Selection: Soil investigation, condition, pile types and how to choose them. In the second part it addresses the Design of Pile Foundations, including different types of soils, pile groups, pile settlement and pile design in rock. Next, the most extensive part covers Design Strategies and contains chapters on loading analysis, load distribution, negative skin friction, design for expansive soils, wave equation analysis, batter piles, seismic analysis and the use of softwares for design aid. The fourth part covers Construction Methods including hammers, Inspection, cost estimation, load tests, offshore piling, beams and caps. In this new and updated edition the author has incorporated new pile designs such as helical, composite, wind turbine monopiles, and spiral coil energy piles. All calculations have been updated to most current materials characteristics and designs available in the market. Also, new chapters on negative skin friction, pile driving, and pile load testing have been added. Practicing Geotechnical, and Civil Engineers will find in this book an excellent handbook for frequent consult, benefiting from the clear and direct calculations, examples, and cases. Civil Engineering preparing for PE exams may benefit from the extensive coverage of the subject. Convenient for day-to-day consults; Numerous design examples for sandy soils, clay soils, and seismic loadings; Now including helical, composite, wind turbine monopiles, and spiral coil energy piles; Methodologies and case studies for different pile types; Serves as PE exam preparation material.

Jean-Louis Briaud ... 1024 pages - Publisher: Wiley; (October, 2013) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0470948566 - ISBN-13: 978-0470948569.

The first introductory geotechnical engineering textbook to cover both saturated and unsaturated soil mechanics: Most books designed for an introductory course in geotechnical engineering focus on saturated soil mechanics. Geotechnical Engineering: Unsaturated and Saturated Soils takes a new approach, based on the fundamentals of unsaturated soils and extends the description to a wide variety of applications.

Written by an international leader in the field, this comprehensive introduction presents geotechnical engineering as dealing with a true three-phase soil while treating saturated soil as a special case, rather than the other way around. It covers numerous topics that reveal the vast domain covered by geotechnical engineering and its important contributions to many elements of infrastructure. It includes, in addition to conventional subjects, a number of topics typically left out of undergraduate geotechnical courses, such as: Engineering geology + Rocks + Site investigation and in situ tests + Geophysics + Problem solving methods and soil models + Thermodynamics for soils + Earthquake geo-engineering + Erosion + Geoenvironmental + Geosynthetics + Ground improvement+ Technical communications. Geotechnical Engineering: Unsaturated and Saturated Soils takes students beyond the usual confines of an undergraduate introduction to become a useful reference as they enter graduate studies or begin their careers.

P. Purushothama Raj ... 880 pages - Publisher: Pearson; 2nd edition (July, 2013) ... Language: English - AmazonSIN: B00I962Z3C.

Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 2nd edition Presents the principles of soil mechanics and foundation engineering in a simplified yet logical manner that assumes no prior knowledge of the subject. It includes all the relevant content required for a sound background in the subject, reinforcing theoretical aspects with comprehensive practical applications. Contents: chapter 1: soil formation and composition chapter 2: index properties of soils chapter 3: identification and classification of soils chapter 4: compaction of soils chapter 5: permeability and capillarity chapter 6: seepage chapter 7: stress and stress distribution in soil chapter 8: consolidation and consolidation settlement chapter 9: shear strength of soils chapter 10: laboratory measurement of soil properties chapter 11: lateral earth pressure chapter 12: earth- retaining structures chapter 13: stability of slopes chapter 14: bearing capacity of soils chapter 15: shallow foundations chapter 16: pile foundation chapter 17: drilled piers and caisson foundations chapter 18: ground investigation chapter 19: soil improvement chapter 20: embankment dams chapter 21: dynamic loading of soil chapter 22: environmental geotechnology chapter 23: introductory rock mechanics chapter 24: pavements.

Oasys Greta v19.3.5.0 [Size: 102 MB] ...
Oasys Greta is a tool for civil and geotechnical engineers that provides comprehensive stability analysis for gravity retaining walls, and forms part of our Geotechnical Suite Pro and Geotechnical Suite bundles.

For the stability analysis of gravity retaining wall design, Oasys Greta provides users with the ability to validate and standardise in-house calculations across projects.

Civil and geotechnical engineers responsible for routine gravity retaining wall design use Oasys Greta as it provides a validated, robust and user-friendly method of calculations, ensuring acceptable and appropriate QA and QC standards are met.

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