The first introductory geotechnical engineering textbook to cover both saturated and unsaturated soil mechanics: Most
books designed for an introductory course in geotechnical engineering
focus on saturated soil mechanics. Geotechnical Engineering: Unsaturated
and Saturated Soils takes a new approach, based on the fundamentals of
unsaturated soils and extends the description to a wide variety of
Written by an international leader in the field, this comprehensive introduction presents geotechnical engineering as dealing with a true three-phase soil while treating saturated soil as a special case, rather than the other way around. It covers numerous topics that reveal the vast domain covered by geotechnical engineering and its important contributions to many elements of infrastructure. It includes, in addition to conventional subjects, a number of topics typically left out of undergraduate geotechnical courses, such as: Engineering geology + Rocks + Site investigation and in situ tests + Geophysics + Problem solving methods and soil models + Thermodynamics for soils + Earthquake geo-engineering + Erosion + Geoenvironmental + Geosynthetics + Ground improvement+ Technical communications. Geotechnical Engineering: Unsaturated and Saturated Soils takes students beyond the usual confines of an undergraduate introduction to become a useful reference as they enter graduate studies or begin their careers.
Written by an international leader in the field, this comprehensive introduction presents geotechnical engineering as dealing with a true three-phase soil while treating saturated soil as a special case, rather than the other way around. It covers numerous topics that reveal the vast domain covered by geotechnical engineering and its important contributions to many elements of infrastructure. It includes, in addition to conventional subjects, a number of topics typically left out of undergraduate geotechnical courses, such as: Engineering geology + Rocks + Site investigation and in situ tests + Geophysics + Problem solving methods and soil models + Thermodynamics for soils + Earthquake geo-engineering + Erosion + Geoenvironmental + Geosynthetics + Ground improvement+ Technical communications. Geotechnical Engineering: Unsaturated and Saturated Soils takes students beyond the usual confines of an undergraduate introduction to become a useful reference as they enter graduate studies or begin their careers.