Articles by "Finite Element Model"

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Larry J. Segrelind ... 448 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 2nd edition ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0471806625 - ISBN-13: 978-0471806622

An introductory textbook for senior/graduate couses in finite element analysis taught in all engineering departments. Covers the basic concepts of the finite element method and their application to the analysis of plane structures and two-dimensional continuum problems in heat transfer, irrotational fluid flow, and elasticity. This revised edition includes a reorganization of topics and an increase in the number of homework problems. The emphasis on numerical illustrations make topis clear without heavy use of sophisticated mathematics.

Olek C. Zienkiewicz, Robert L. Taylor, J. Z. Zhu ... 756 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; 7th edition (September, 2013) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1856176339 - ISBN-13: 978-1856176330

The Finite Element Method: Its Basis and Fundamentals offers a complete introduction to the basis of the finite element method, covering fundamental theory and worked examples in the detail required for readers to apply the knowledge to their own engineering problems and understand more advanced applications. This edition sees a significant rearrangement of the book’s content to enable clearer development of the finite element method, with major new chapters and sections added to cover: Weak forms  + Variational forms + Multi-dimensional field problems  + Automatic mesh generation  + Plate bending and shells  + Developments in meshless techniques. Focusing on the core knowledge, mathematical and analytical tools needed for successful application, The Finite Element Method: Its Basis and Fundamentals is the authoritative resource of choice for graduate level students, researchers and professional engineers involved in finite element-based engineering analysis.

    I. M. Smith,  D. V. Griffiths, L. Margetts ... 682 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 5th edition (November, 2013) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1119973341- ISBN-13: 978-1119973348

    Many students, engineers, scientists and researchers have benefited from the practical, programming-oriented style of the previous editions of Programming the Finite Element Method, learning how to develop computer programs to solve specific engineering problems using the finite element method. This new fifth edition offers timely revisions that include programs and subroutine libraries fully updated to Fortran 2003, which are freely available online, and provides updated material on advances in parallel computing, thermal stress analysis, plasticity return algorithms, convection boundary conditions, and interfaces to third party tools such as ParaView, METIS and ARPACK. As in the previous editions, a wide variety of problem solving capabilities are presented including structural analysis, elasticity and plasticity, construction processes in geomechanics, uncoupled and coupled steady and transient fluid flow and linear and nonlinear solid dynamics. Key features: Updated to take into account advances in parallel computing as well as new material on thermal stress analysis + Programs use an updated version of Fortran 2003 + Includes exercises for students + Accompanied by website hosting software. Programming the Finite Element Method, Fifth Edition is an ideal textbook for undergraduate and postgraduate students in civil and mechanical engineering, applied mathematics and numerical analysis, and is also a comprehensive reference for researchers and practitioners.

    G. A. Rombach ... 350 pages - Publisher: ICE Publishing; 2nd edition (November, 2011) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0727741896 - ISBN-13: 978-0727741899

    Numerical calculations based on the finite element design method have become a standard tool for the design of many structures. In this book, the author highlights that complex numerical calculations should not be used to compensate for any lack of practical knowledge of the behaviour of a structure. This new edition up to date with the increasingly complex finite element models and nonlinear material analysis being used in the field. The book focuses on and references Eurocode 2 throughout.

    Mike Fagan ... 336 pages - Publisher: Prentice Hall; (February, 1996) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0582022479 - ISBN-13: 978-0582022478 ...

    This text treats the fundamental principles of the method in a simple, logical manner, placing the emphasis on the practical applications of the method in those areas where it is most commonly used, and so enabling the student to develop a sound understanding of the subject. Using simple, understandable mathematics, backed up by practical modelling details and worked examples, the author explains the theory and then introduces the reader to the more advanced applications and facilities offered by commercial finite packages.

    Paolo Rugarli ... 424 pages - Publisher: Thomas Telford; (January, 2010) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0727740938 - ISBN-13: 978-0727740939 ...
    Structural Analysis with Finite Elements reveals the theory behind the finite element (FE) method as it relates to structural engineering and explains how to overcome commonly encountered problems and errors found in everyday structural modelling with finite element software.

    Joe G. Eisley, Antony M. Waas ... 638 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 1st edition (September, 2011) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0470977620 - ISBN-13: 978-0470977620 ...

    Analysis of Structures offers an original way of introducing engineering students to the subject of stress and deformation analysis of solid objects, and helps them become more familiar with how numerical methods such as the finite element method are used in industry. Eisley and Waas secure for the reader a thorough understanding of the basic numerical skills and insight into interpreting the results these methods can generate. Throughout the text, they include analytical development alongside the computational equivalent, providing the student with the understanding that is necessary to interpret and use the solutions that are obtained using software based on the finite element method. They then extend these methods to the analysis of solid and structural components that are used in modern aerospace, mechanical and civil engineering applications.

    Rolf Kindmann, Matthias Kraus ... 552 pages - Publisher: Ernst & Sohn; 1st edition (May, 2011) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1580931626 - ISBN-13: 978-1580931625 ...

    This book presents the design of steel structures using finite element methods (FEM) according to the current state of the art in Germany and the rest of Europe. After a short introduction on the basics of the design, this book illustrates the FEM with a focus on internal forces, displacements, critical loads and modal shapes. Next to finite element procedures for linear calculations considering the stress states of normal force, biaxial bending and warping torsion, non-linear calculations and the stability cases of flexural buckling, lateral torsional buckling and plate buckling are concentrated on significantly. In this context, design procedures for stability according to the standard Eurocode 3 is introduced and discussed. In addition, important fundamental issues are covered, such as the determination of cross-section properties as well as the elastic and plastic cross-section resistance. Complementary, finite element procedures for cross sections are dealt with, which will have an increasing importance in future. This book has evolved within the teaching activities of the authors in the lecture Computer-oriented Design of Steel Structures on the Master?s Program Computational Engineering at the University of Bochum. It covers the total variety of demands needed to be discussed for the safe, economic and modern design of steel structures.

    Paul M. Kurowski ... 212 pages - Publisher: SAE International; (July, 2004) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 076801140X - ISBN-13: 978-0768011401 ...

    An essential guide for design engineers who use the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) during the product development process, this book turns the FEA into a productivity tool that will help to avoid costly and potentially dangerous mistakes. During the 50 years of its development, FEA evolved from an exotic analysis method accessible only to specialized analysts into a mainstream engineering tool. Phenomenal progress in computer hardware and operating systems combined with similar progress in computer-aided design made FEA the tool of choice for design engineers, who now use it during the product design process. Many books have been written about FEA, however very little FEA literature takes a middle ground approach and specifically addresses the needs of design engineers who use FEA as an everyday design tool. This book attempts to fill that void by focusing on an understanding of FEA fundamentals, which are explained through simple and intuitive examples that can be used by any engineer. This book also takes a practical approach, characteristic to the attitudes of design engineers, and offers readers an opportunity to try all discussed topics by solving downloadable exercises using either their own FEA software or the commercial FEA software StressCheck®, which is licensed for free to readers.

    Klaus-Jurgen Bathe ... 1037 pages - Publisher: Prentice Hall; (1996) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 8126529989 - ISBN-13: 978-8126529988

    For courses in finite element methods, finite element analysis taught in departments of Civil, Mechanical, Aerospace, Agriculture, and Mechanics departments. Course for which this book is appropriate is usually taught to seniors or graduate students. Comprehensive: this text explores the full range of finite element methods used in engineering practice for actual applications in computer-aided design. It provides not only an introduction to finite element methods and the commonality in the various techniques, but explores state-of-the-art methods as well with a focus on what are deemed to become "classical techniques" procedures that will be standard and authoritative for finite element analysis for years to come.

    J. E. Akin ... 512 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; 1st edition (August, 2005) ... Language: English - ASIN: B005H8420Y by Amazon Digital Services ...

    This key text is written for senior undergraduate and graduate engineering students. It delivers a complete introduction to finite element methods and to automatic adaptation (error estimation) that will enable students to understand and use FEA as a true engineering tool. It has been specifically developed to be accessible to non-mathematics students and provides the only complete text for FEA with error estimators for non-mathematicians. Error estimation is taught on nearly half of all FEM courses for engineers at senior undergraduate and postgraduate level; no other existing textbook for this market covers this topic. * The only introductory FEA text with error estimation for students of engineering, scientific computing and applied mathematics * Includes source code for creating and proving FEA error estimators * Complete with homework exercises and supporting website with instructor's solutions manual.

    Casimir Katz ... 484 pages - Publisher: Springer; 1st edition (March, 2004) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 3540404163 - ISBN-13: 978-3540404163 ...

    Structural Analysis with Finite Elements develops the foundations and applications of the finite element method in structural analysis in a language which is familiar to structural engineers. At the same time, it uncovers the structural mechanics behind the finite element method. This innovative text explores and explains issues such as: why finite element results are "wrong", why support reactions are relatively accurate, why stresses at midpoints are more reliable, why averaging the stresses sometimes may not help or why the equilibrium conditions are violated. An additional chapter treats the boundary element method and related software is available at Structural Analysis with Finite Elements provides a new foundation for the finite element method that enables structural engineers to address key questions that arise in computer modelling of structures with finite elements.

    Daryl L. Logan ... 976 pages - Publisher: Cengage Learning; 5th edition (January, 2011) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0495668257 - ISBN-13: 978-0495668251 ...

    A First Course in the Finite Element Method - 5th edition provides a simple, basic approach to the course material that can be understood by both undergraduate and graduate students without the usual prerequisites (i.e. structural analysis). The book is written primarily as a basic learning tool for the undergraduate student in civil and mechanical engineering whose main interest is in stress analysis and heat transfer. The text is geared toward those who want to apply the finite element method as a tool to solve practical physical problems.

    Erasmo Carrera, Maria Cinefra, Marco Petrolo, Enrico Zappino ... 410 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 1st edition (September, 2014) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1119941210 - ISBN-13: 978-1119941217 ...

    This book deals with the Finite Element Method for the analysis of elastic structures such as beams, plates, shells and solids. The modern approach of Unified Formulation (UF), as proposed by the lead author, deals with the consideration of one-dimensional (beams), two-dimensional (plates and shells) and three-dimensional (solids) elements. Applications are given for structures which are typically employed in civil, mechanical, and aerospace engineering fields. Additional topics include mixed order elements, extension to layered composite structures, and the analysis of multifield problems involving mechanical, electrical and thermal loadings.

    Ehab Ellobody ... 682 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; 1st edition (June, 2014) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0124172474 - ISBN-13: 978-0124172470 ...

    In recent years, bridge engineers and researchers are increasingly turning to the finite element method for the design of Steel and Steel-Concrete Composite Bridges. However, the complexity of the method has made the transition slow. Based on twenty years of experience, Finite Element Analysis and Design of Steel and Steel-Concrete Composite Bridges provides structural engineers and researchers with detailed modeling techniques for creating robust design models. The book’s seven chapters begin with an overview of the various forms of modern steel and steel–concrete composite bridges as well as current design codes. This is followed by self-contained chapters concerning: nonlinear material behavior of the bridge components, applied loads and stability of steel and steel–concrete composite bridges, and design of steel and steel–concrete composite bridge components. Constitutive models for construction materials including material non-linearity and geometric non-linearity. + The mechanical approach including problem setup, strain energy, external energy and potential energy), mathematics behind the method.  + Commonly available finite elements codes for the design of steel bridges. + Explains how the design information from Finite Element Analysis is incorporated into Building information models to obtain quantity information, cost analysis.

      J. N. Reddy ... 768 pages - Publisher: Oxford Univ. Press; 2nd edition (January, 2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0199641757 - ISBN-13: 978-0199641758 ...

      The second edition of An Introduction to Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis has the same objective as the first edition, namely, to facilitate an easy and thorough understanding of the details that are involved in the theoretical formulation, finite element model development, and solutions of nonlinear problems. The book offers an easy-to-understand treatment of the subject of nonlinear finite element analysis, which includes element development from mathematical models and numerical evaluation of the underlying physics. The new edition is extensively reorganized and contains substantial amounts of new material. Chapter 1 in the second edition contains a section on applied functional analysis. Chapter 2 on nonlinear continuum mechanics is entirely new. Chapters 3 through 8 in the new edition correspond to Chapter 2 through 8 of the first edition, but with additional explanations, examples, and exercise problems. Material on time dependent problems from Chapter 8 of the first edition is absorbed into Chapters 4 through 8 of the new edition. Chapter 9 is extensively revised and it contains up to date developments in the large deformation analysis of isotropic, composite and functionally graded shells. Chapter 10 of the first edition on material nonlinearity and coupled problems is reorganized in the second edition by moving the material on solid mechanics to Chapter 12 in the new edition and material on coupled problems to the new chapter, Chapter 10, on weak-form Galerkin finite element models of viscous incompressible fluids. Finally, Chapter 11 in the second edition is entirely new and devoted to least-squares finite element models of viscous incompressible fluids. Chapter 12 of the second edition is enlarged to contain finite element models of viscoelastic beams. In general, all of the chapters of the second edition contain additional explanations, detailed example problems, and additional exercise problems. Although all of the programming segments are in Fortran, the logic used in these Fortran programs is transparent and can be used in Matlab or C++ versions of the same. Thus the new edition more than replaces the first edition, and it is hoped that it is acquired by the library of every institution of higher learning as well as serious finite element analysts.

      J. N. Reddy ... 488 pages - Publisher: Oxford University Press; (June, 2004) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 019852529X - ISBN-13: 978-0198525295 ...

      This book presents the theory and computer implementations of the finite element method as applied to nonlinear problems of heat transfer and similar field problems, fluid mechanics (flows of incompressible fluids), and solid mechanics (elasticity, beams and plates). Both geometric as well as material nonlinearities are considered, and static and transient (i.e.: time-dependent) responses are studied. Although there exist a number of books on nonlinear finite elements that serve as good references for engineers who are familiar with the subject and wish to learn advanced topics or the latest developments, there is currently no book which is suitable as a textbook for a first course on nonlinear finite element analysis. This book fills the void in the market, providing a clear understanding of the concepts of nonlinear finite element analyses through detailed theoretical formulations and computer implementation steps, examples and exercises. In addition, the book serves as a prelude to more advanced books on the subject.

      GEO5 Finite Element Method Analysis [Size: 48 MB] ... The FEM software program allows solution of general geotechnical tasks using the Finite Element Method. The modeling capabilities include the analysis of underground structures, tunnels and dams in addition to stability and water flow analysis. Adopting the Finite Element Method not only gives the user a broader insight into the analyzed structures, it provides verification of the results from classical methods. Application of the Finite Element Method in structural analysis is substantially more demanding in comparison to modeling approaches based on analytical methods. However, the modules contain a number of features (topology corrector, finite element mesh generator) which considerably simplify preparation of the computational model. The analysis provides information about the deformed shape of structures, distribution of stresses and location of plastic zones inside the soil body, internal forces developed in beams, anchors and geo-reinforcements. Performing stability analysis then considerably extends the knowledge acquired from the application of classical methods. The FEM-Tunnel module serves to analyze underground structures, including tunnels constructed using the New Austrian Tunneling Method. An important feature is a built-in generator of lining, which can be placed anywhere in the soil body. Creating the computational model including the finite element mesh is fully automatic. This module also accounts for various non-mechanical actions such thermal loading, technological shrinkage, swelling of soils and also the definition of anchored regions. The FEM-Water Flow module determines, depending on water flow boundary conditions, the ground water table, distribution of pore water pressures, flow velocities and overall inflow/outflow. The results of water flow (seepage) analysis may be automatically introduced into the structural analysis including stability simulations. The FEM - Consolidation module is used to perform time dependent settlement analysis under foundations, embankments and surface loads (surcharges).

      J. N. Reddy ... 672 pages - Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 3rd edition (April, 2009) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0071267611 - ISBN-13: 978-0071267618 ...

      J.N. Reddy's, An Introduction to the Finite Element Method, third edition is an update of one of the most popular FEM textbooks available. The book retains its strong conceptual approach, clearly examining the mathematical underpinnings of FEM, and providing a general approach of engineering application areas. Known for its detailed, carefully selected example problems and extensive selection of homework problems, the author has comprehensively covered a wide range of engineering areas making the book approriate for all engineering majors, and underscores the wide range of use FEM has in the professional world. A supplementary text Web site located at contains password-protected solutions to end-of-chapter problems, general textbook information, supplementary chapters on the FEM1D and FEM2D computer programs, and more!

      Wilhelm Rust ... 363 pages - Publisher: Springer; (February, 2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 3319133799 - ISBN-13: 978-3319133799 ...

      This monograph describes the numerical analysis of non-linearities in structural mechanics, i.e. large rotations, large strain (geometric non-linearities), non-linear material behaviour, in particular elasto-plasticity as well as time-dependent behaviour, and contact. Based on that, the book treats stability problems and limit-load analyses, as well as non-linear equations of a large number of variables. Moreover, the author presents a wide range of problem sets and their solutions. The target audience primarily comprises advanced undergraduate and graduate students of mechanical and civil engineering, but the book may also be beneficial for practising engineers in industry.

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