Finite Element Analysis with Error Estimators

J. E. Akin ... 512 pages - Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; 1st edition (August, 2005) ... Language: English - ASIN: B005H8420Y by Amazon Digital Services ...

This key text is written for senior undergraduate and graduate engineering students. It delivers a complete introduction to finite element methods and to automatic adaptation (error estimation) that will enable students to understand and use FEA as a true engineering tool. It has been specifically developed to be accessible to non-mathematics students and provides the only complete text for FEA with error estimators for non-mathematicians. Error estimation is taught on nearly half of all FEM courses for engineers at senior undergraduate and postgraduate level; no other existing textbook for this market covers this topic. * The only introductory FEA text with error estimation for students of engineering, scientific computing and applied mathematics * Includes source code for creating and proving FEA error estimators * Complete with homework exercises and supporting website with instructor's solutions manual.

Finite Element Analysis with Error Estimators, J. E. Akin

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