Structural Analysis with Finite Elements

Casimir Katz ... 484 pages - Publisher: Springer; 1st edition (March, 2004) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 3540404163 - ISBN-13: 978-3540404163 ...

Structural Analysis with Finite Elements develops the foundations and applications of the finite element method in structural analysis in a language which is familiar to structural engineers. At the same time, it uncovers the structural mechanics behind the finite element method. This innovative text explores and explains issues such as: why finite element results are "wrong", why support reactions are relatively accurate, why stresses at midpoints are more reliable, why averaging the stresses sometimes may not help or why the equilibrium conditions are violated. An additional chapter treats the boundary element method and related software is available at Structural Analysis with Finite Elements provides a new foundation for the finite element method that enables structural engineers to address key questions that arise in computer modelling of structures with finite elements.

Structural Analysis With Finite Elements, Casimir Katz

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