A Primer on Theoretical Soil Mechanics

Dimitrios Kolymbas ... 199 pages - Language: English - Publisher: Cambridge Univ. Press; (August, 2022).

A Primer to Theoretical Soil Mechanics is about adapting continuum mechanics to granular materials. The field of continuum mechanics offers many fruitful concepts and methods, however there is declining interest in the field due to its complex and fragmented nature. This book's purpose is therefore to facilitate the understanding of the theoretical principles of soil mechanics, as well as introducing the new theory of barodesy. This title argues for barodesy as a simple alternative to the plasticity theory used currently and provides a systematic insight into this new constitutive model for granular materials. This book therefore introduces a complex field from a fresh and innovative perspective using simple concepts, succinct equations and explanatory sketches. Intended for advanced undergraduates, graduates and PhD students, this title is also apt for researchers seeking advanced training on fundamental topics.

A Primer on Theoretical Soil Mechanics, Dimitrios Kolymbas

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