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Learn Statistics Today: 50 Solved Equations To Easily Explain Statistics

Math Wizo ... 60 pages - Publisher: Independently Published; (February, 2019) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1793436789 - ISBN-13: 978-1793436788.

In this introductory guide, you will easily learn: An overview on data sampling + The calculation of measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode, and range). + How to calculate the measure of data dispersion (standard deviation) on both a population and on a sample. + Calculating the best fit line using the Least Squared Method. + Constructing Box-Whisker Plots, and how to calculate the 3 quartile values. + All about false positive and false negative results and how to calculate confidence intervals using the data information and z-scores. + How to calculate the margin of error and how to conduct Chi square p-values to measure the significance of test results. + And Much More!

Learn Statistics Today: 50 Solved Equations To Easily Explain Statistics, Math Wizo

... Coming.SOON: Machine Learning Algorithms and Applications in Engineering by Prasenjit Chatterjee, Morteza Yazdani, Francisco Fernández-​Navarro, Javier Pérez-​Rodríguez (CRC Press, 2023).

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