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Introduction to Probability and Statistics 2nd Edition

Narayan C. Giri ... 537 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; 2nd edition (January, 2019) ... Language: English - AmazonSIN: B07M7XVF7J.

Beginning with the historical background of probability theory, this thoroughly revised text examines all important aspects of mathematical probability - including random variables, probability distributions, characteristic and generating functions, stochatic convergence, and limit theorems - and provides an introduction to various types of statistical problems, covering the broad range of statistical inference.; Requiring a prerequisite in calculus for complete understanding of the topics discussed, the Second Edition contains new material on: univariate distributions; multivariate distributions; large-sample methods; decision theory; and applications of ANOVA.; A primary text for a year-long undergraduate course in statistics (but easily adapted for a one-semester course in probability only), Introduction to Probability and Statistics is for undergraduate students in a wide range of disciplines-statistics, probability, mathematics, social science, economics, engineering, agriculture, biometry, and education.

Introduction to Probability and Statistics 2nd Edition, Narayan C. Giri

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