Geotechnical Design and Practice: Selected Topics

K. Ilamparuthi, R. G. Robinson ... 261 pages - Publisher: Springer; 1st edition (June, 2018) ... Language: English - ASIN: B07F3C555X ...

This book presents articles covering a wide spectrum of topics in geotechnical engineering, including properties of soils, unsaturated soil mechanics, ground improvement, liquefaction and seismic studies, soil-structure interaction and stability analysis of man-made and natural slopes. The contributing authors are renowned researchers in their respective fields, which include soft ground improvement, seismic response of retaining structure using soil-structure Interaction (SSI) principles, and unsaturated soils. Based on keynote addresses and invited talks presented at the Indian Geotechnical Conference 2016, this book will prove a valuable resource for practicing engineers and researchers in the field of geotechnical engineering.

Geotechnical Design and Practice: Selected Topics, K. Ilamparuthi, R. G. Robinson

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