Topology Optimization in Structural and Continuum Mechanics

George I. N. Rozvany,‎ Tomasz Lewinski ... 471 pages - Publisher: Springer; 1st edition (April, 2014) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 3709116988 - ISBN-13: 978-3709116982 ...

The book covers new developments in structural topology optimization. Basic features and limitations of Michell’s truss theory, its extension to a broader class of support conditions, generalizations of truss topology optimization, and Michell continua are reviewed. For elastic bodies, the layout problems in linear elasticity are discussed and the method of relaxation by homogenization is outlined. The classical problem of free material design is shown to be reducible to a locking material problem, even in the multiload case. For structures subjected to dynamic loads, it is explained how they can be designed so that the structural eigenfrequencies of vibration are as far away as possible from a prescribed external excitation frequency (or a band of excitation frequencies) in order to avoid resonance phenomena with high vibration and noise levels. For diffusive and convective transport processes and multiphysics problems, applications of the density method are discussed. In order to take uncertainty in material parameters, geometry, and operating conditions into account, techniques of reliability-based design optimization are introduced and reviewed for their applicability to topology optimization.

Topology Optimization in Structural and Continuum Mechanics, George I. N. Rozvany,‎ Tomasz Lewinski

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