Alessandro Tarantino, Enrique Romero ...
214 pages - Publisher: Springer Netherlands; 1st edition (December, 2008) ...
Language: English - ASIN: B002EEO6L4 by Amazon Digital Services ...
This collection focuses on recent advances in laboratory and field
testing of unsaturated soils. Leading researchers from fourteen
countries to represent global research in the area of experimental
unsaturated soil mechanics have been invited to contribute to this book.
Twelve reports are presented dealing with measurement and control of
suction and water content, mechanical, hydraulic, and geo-environmental
testing, microstructure investigation, and applications of unsaturated
soil monitoring to engineering behaviour of geo-structures. The main
motivation behind this book is the rapid growth of experimental
unsaturated soil mechanics over the last couple of decades. Several
innovative laboratory and field techniques have been introduced in
mechanical, hydraulic, and geo-environmental testing. However, this
information is widely dispersed in journals and conference proceedings
and researchers and engineers beginning to work in the field of
unsaturated soil mechanics may find it difficult to identify suitable
equipment and instrumentation for research or professional purposes. Audience: This volume aims at providing scientists and practitioners
with a comprehensive overview of experimental unsaturated soil