Geotechnical Engineering and Soil Testing

Amir Wadi Al-Khafaji, Orlando B. Andersland ... 
714 pages - Publisher: Oxford University Press; (June, 1995) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0195107195 - ISBN-13: 978-0195107197 ...

This innovative soil mechanics text is intended for junior and senior civil engineering majors and contains unique lab experiments incorporating the most up-to-date material and broad range of testing methods. Features include integration of geotechnical topics with laboratory methods, numerous in-text problems and updated laboratory testing methods that meet ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) Standards. Consolidation and triaxial test data and results coverage offers a careful examination not found in other texts and the noteworthy section on the New Unified System offers easy-to-use tables and flow charts.

Geotechnical Engineering and Soil Testing, Amir Wadi Al-Khafaji, Orlando B. Andersland

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