MATLAB Optimization Technique

Cesar Lopez ... 292 pages - Publisher: Apress; 2014 edition (October, 2014) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1484202937 - ISBN-13: 978-1484202937 ...

MATLAB is a high-level language and environment for numerical computation, visualization, and programming. Using MATLAB, you can analyze data, develop algorithms, and create models and applications. The language, tools, and built-in math functions enable you to explore multiple approaches and reach a solution faster than with spreadsheets or traditional programming languages, such as C/C++ or Java.

MATLAB Optimization Techniques introduces you to the MATLAB language with practical hands-on instructions and results, allowing you to quickly achieve your goals. It begins by introducing the MATLAB environment and the structure of MATLAB programming before moving on to the mathematics of optimization. The central part of the book is dedicated to MATLAB’s Optimization Toolbox, which implements state-of-the-art algorithms for solving multiobjective problems, non-linear minimization with boundary conditions and restrictions, minimax optimization, semi-infinitely constrained minimization and linear and quadratic programming. A wide range of exercises and examples are included, illustrating the most widely used optimization methods.

MATLAB Optimization Technique, Cesar Lopez

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