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Optimization and Anti-Optimization of Structures under Uncertainty

Isaac Elishakoff, Makoto Ohsaki ... 424 pages - Publisher: Imperial College Press; (March 8, 2010)
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1848164777 - ISBN-13: 978-1848164772

The volume presents a collaboration between internationally recognized experts on anti-optimization and structural optimization, and summarizes various novel ideas, methodologies and results studied over 20 years. The book vividly demonstrates how the concept of uncertainty should be incorporated in a rigorous manner during the process of designing real-world structures. The necessity of anti-optimization approach is first demonstrated, then the anti-optimization techniques are applied to static, dynamic and buckling problems, thus covering the broadest possible set of applications. Finally, anti-optimization is fully utilized by a combination of structural optimization to produce the optimal design considering the worst-case scenario. This is currently the only book that covers the combination of optimization and anti-optimization. It shows how various optimization techniques are used in the novel anti-optimization technique, and how the structural optimization can be exponentially enhanced by incorporating the concept of worst-case scenario, thereby increasing the safety of the structures designed in various fields of engineering.

Optimization and Anti-Optimization of Structures under Uncertainty, Isaac Elishakoff, Makoto Ohsaki

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