Stability Analysis of Earth Slopes

Yang H. Huang ... During the past several years I have been engaged in applied research related to the stability analysis of slopes. This research was supported by the Institute for Mining and Minerals Research, University of Kentucky, in response to the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, which requires stability analysis for refuse dams, hollow fills, and spoil banks created by surface mining. The results of the research have been published in several journals and reports and also presented in a number of short courses. Both the sim­plified and the computerized methods of stability analysis, as developed from this research, have been widely used by practicing engineers throughout Ken­ tucky for the application of mining permits. The large number of out-of-state participants in the short courses indicates that the methods developed have widespread applications. This book is a practical treatise on the stability analysis of earth slopes. Special emphasis is placed on the utility and application of stablity formulas, charts, and computer programs developed recently by the author for the analy­ sis of human-created slopes. These analyses can be used for the design of new slopes and the assessment of remedial measures on existing slopes. To make the book more complete as a treatise on slope stability analysis, other methods of stability analysis, in addition to those developed by the author, are briefly discussed. It is hoped that this book will be a useful reference, class­ room text, and users' manual for people interested in learning about stability analysis.

Info-Details: 316 pages - Publisher: Springer; 1st edition (April, 1983) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0442236891 - ISBN-13: 978-0442236892 ...

Stability Analysis of Earth Slopes, Yang H. Huang

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