Deep Excavation: Theory and Practice

Chang-Yu Ou ... 
552 pages
Publisher: CRC Press; (September 18, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0415403308
ISBN-13: 978-0415403306

Accelerating economic development and urbanization has led to engineers becoming increasingly ambitious, carrying out excavations in more difficult soils, so that excavations are deeper and more extensive. These complex conditions require advanced analysis, design methods and construction technologies. Most books on general foundation engineering introduce basic analysis and design of excavation, but do not usually deal with analysis and design in practice. This book covers both areas, introducing methods currently used in modern engineering, which can readily be applied to analysis and design in actual excavations. Based on interaction between research results, analysis and teaching experience, the book is suitable for both teachers and engineers in advanced analysis and design. Each chapter ends with a series of problems and solutions, making it equally useful as a textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate levels.

Deep Excavation: Theory and Practice, Chang-Yu Ou

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