Articles by "Office"

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Hector Guerrero ... 338 pages - Publisher: Springer; (March, 2010) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 3642108342 - ISBN-13: 978-3642108341 ...

Why does the World Need―Excel Data Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation? When spreadsheets ?rst became widely available in the early 1980s, it spawned a revolution in teaching. What previously could only be done with arcane software and large scale computing was now available to the common-man, on a desktop. Also, before spreadsheets, most substantial analytical work was done outside the classroom where the tools were; spreadsheets and personal computers moved the work into the classroom. Not only did it change how the analysis curriculum was taught, but it also empowered students to venture out on their own to explore new ways to use the tools. I can’t tell you how many phone calls, of?ce visits, and/or emails I have received in my teaching career from ecstatic students crowing about what they have just done with a spreadsheet model. I have been teaching courses related to spreadsheet based analysis and modeling for about 25 years and I have watched and participated in the spreadsheet revolution.

Steven J. Peterson ... 432 pages - Publisher: Pearson; 2nd edition (January, 2011) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0138007195 - ISBN-13: 978-0138007195 ...

Construction Estimating with Excel, Second Edition, introduces readers to the fundamental principles of estimating. Using drawing sets, real-world exercises, and examples, the text offers students critical estimating experience. The book moves step-by-step through the estimating process, discussing the art of estimating, the quantity takeoff, how to put costs to the estimate, and how to finalize the bid. As students progress through the text they are shown how Microsoft Excel can be used to improve the estimating process. Because it introduces spreadsheets as a way of increasing estimating productivity and accuracy, the book can help both beginning and experienced estimators improve their skills.

Michael Alexander, John Walkenbach ... 240 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 1st edition (August, 2014) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1118902688 - ISBN-13: 978-1118902684 ... 

Mr. Spreadsheet has done it again with 101 easy-to-apply Excel formulas: 101 Ready-to-Use Excel Formulas is filled with the most commonly-used, real-world Excel formulas that can be repurposed and put into action, saving you time and increasing your productivity. Each segment of this book outlines a common business or analysis problem that needs to be solved and provides the actual Excel formulas to solve the problem—along with detailed explanation of how the formulas work. Written in a user-friendly style that relies on a tips and tricks approach, the book details how to perform everyday Excel tasks with confidence. 101 Ready-to-Use Excel Formulas is sure to become your well-thumbed reference to solve your workplace problems. The recipes in the book are structured to first present the problem, then provide the formula solution, and finally show how it works so that it can be customized to fit your needs. The companion website to the book allows readers to easily test the formulas and provides visual confirmation of the concepts presented. Teaches you how to implement the required Excel formula * Explains and details how the formulas work * Lets you reuse or customize the given formula to address your particular needs * Helps you make the formulas a regular part of your new, more efficient workflow. Specific real-world scenarios are used to demonstrate how to most effectively apply Excel and its powerful formulas to complete tasks faster and with greater accuracy than ever before. Now you can save time, automate, and be more efficient and productive with 101 Ready-to-Use Excel Formulas.

Gunthar Pangaribuan ... 387 pages - Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform; (July, 2016) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1535196521 - ISBN-13: 978-1535196529 ...

It's a Excel basics book that every civil engineer should have read by w. It addresses skills that may t be covered in most Excel for civil engineering texts, such as step by step guides to create an application program and how to convert the steps into VBA code, how to perform matrix operations (multiplication and inversion) using Excel-VBA, macro for creating an engineering chart, a brief and simple guide to become an instant Excel-VBA programmer, and more... Also to be presented the depiction in AutoCAD program. Yes! AutoCAD is chosen because one of its advantages that relies on high drawing accuracy. You will learn how to create a simple AutoCAD script file using Excel formulas and Excel-VBA. It is expected that you will be able to create simple Cartesian graph in AutoCAD, even you are an AutoCAD first time user! This book contains the author's collection of custom functions and also a series of engineering calculation programming that are very useful to adopt. With the ease of working with Excel, coupled with benefit of the given examples in this book, it is expected to increase the interest of the reader to create new original application programs. Thus, each model or even a specific calculation will be an exciting challenge for a programming job is already enjoyable. Happy Excel programming!

SRS1 Data Curve Fit Creator Add-In v2.62 [Size: 6 MB] ... The easiest way to do curve fitting, forecasting, and data smoothing in Microsoft Excel: Data Curve Fit Creator Add-in is an easy-to-use data analysis add-in for Microsoft Excel. It adds curve fitting, interpolation, and data smoothing functions to Excel. These functions work just like standard Excel functions, so they are simple to use. Curve fitting functions include polynomial fits and a versatile local regression (loess) function. Interpolations include linear, cubic spline, Bessel and monotonic splines, as well as a 'flexible spline' that allows you to specify the slope at each data point. Data smoothing functions include moving average, median filter, and a Gaussian smoothing filter. Automatic sorting and data repair functions are also included. The software comes with full help documentation and an example workbook that demonstrates each function. Microsoft Excel Versions Supported - Excel 2013 is fully supported (both 32 bit and 64 bit versions), as are Excel 2010, Excel 2007, Excel 2003, Excel XP and Excel 2000. Operating Systems Supported - Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Server 2012, Vista, XP, Server 2008, Server 2003, 2000.

Faithe Wempen ... 840 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 4th edition (April, 2013) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1118488113 -ISBN-13: 978-1118488119 ...

Master PowerPoint and improve your presentation skills with one book!: In today's business climate, you need to know PowerPoint inside and out, and that's not all. You also need to be able to make a presentation that makes an impact. From using sophisticated transitions and animation in your PowerPoint presentations to interfacing in person with your audience, this information-packed book helps you succeed. Start creating professional-quality slides that captivate audiences and discover essential tips and techniques for making first-rate presentations, whether you're at a podium or online.

Combines both the technical software skills and the soft presentation skills needed to be a successful presenter in today's business climate - Explains PowerPoint 2013's features and tools in detail, so you can create impressive,professional presentations for your job - Shows you essential formatting techniques, including tables and working with Layouts, Themes, and Masters - Covers working with drawings and SmartArt, photos, charts, sounds, music, video, and data from other sources - Explains how to prepare for live presentations and also how to create and present material in the Cloud or online, including e-learning. For compelling, successful presentations in person, in the cloud, or on the web, start with PowerPoint 2013 Bible.

Lisa A. Bucki ... 1056 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 4th edition (April, 2013) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1118488121 - ISBN-13: 978-1118488126 ... 

Top-to-bottom coverage of the top-selling Microsoft Office application: If you want to use Microsoft Word to create more than just simple documents, start with this ultimate Word guide. Packed with the in-depth content that is the hallmark of all Wiley Bibles, this book covers it all. You'll first find out what's new in Word 2013 on the features level - formatting, styles, tables, and more - before you dive into the big stuff that can help you become more efficient. From document design to creating master documents to applying security to collaborating in the Cloud, you'll learn not just how to do tasks, but the best ways to do them, and why.

Details everything you need to know to get the most out of Word 2013 - Walks you through new or refreshed basics, such as formatting, styles, charts, and tables - Shows you how to use data sources, create envelopes and labels, and make forms - Takes your Word skills up a notch with coverage of keyboard customization, security, collaborating on the Cloud, comparing documents, and much more. Start creating documents at a new level and wow your colleagues, with Word 2013 Bible.

Lisa A. Bucki, John Walkenbach, Michael Alexander, Dick Kusleika, Faithe Wempen ... 1512 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 4th edition (July, 2013) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1118488091 - ISBN-13: 978-1118488096 ... 

The best of the best from our Excel, Word, Access, and PowerPoint Bibles!: Learn the sought-after features of the core applications from the Office 2013 suite. This Office 2013 Bible features the best-of-the-best content from the Excel 2013 Bible, by "Mr. Spreadsheet" John Walkenbach; the Word 2013 Bible, by Office expert Lisa A. Bucki; the PowerPoint 2013 Bible, by MOS Master Instructor and PowerPoint expert Faithe Wempen; and the Access 2013 Bible from Microsoft Certified Application Developer Michael Alexander and Office and Access expert Dick Kusleika. This major resource also covers Outlook, Publisher, OneNote, SkyDrive, and other important features in the Office 2013 suite. If you want to quickly and effectively use Office 2013, start in the experts' corner with this must-have book. Gives you the best-of-the-best content on Office 2013 from the leading experts, authors, and contributors to our Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and Access Bibles - Includes content from John Walkenbach, aka "Mr. Spreadsheet"; Word and Office expert Lisa A. Bucki; MOS Master Instructor and PowerPoint expert Faithe Wempen; Microsoft Certified Application Developer Michael Alexander; and Office and Access expert Dick Kusleika - Takes you beyond creating simple text documents, spreadsheets, and presentations to help you use multiple Office applications at once to accomplish critical business tasks - Also covers Publisher, OneNote, SkyDrive, the Cloud, and other key features and topics for Office 2013. Get the best of four Office 2013 books in one with this power-packed reference!

Wayne Winston ... 864 pages - Publisher: Microsoft Press; 5th edition (December, 2016) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1509304215 - ISBN-13: 978-1509304219 ...

Master business modeling and analysis techniques with Microsoft Excel 2016, and transform data into bottom-line results. Written by award-winning educator Wayne Winston, this hands on, scenario-focused guide helps you use Excel’s newest tools to ask the right questions and get accurate, actionable answers. This edition adds 150+ new problems with solutions, plus a chapter of basic spreadsheet models to make sure you’re fully up to speed. Solve real business problems with Excel—and build your competitive advantage:  Quickly transition from Excel basics to sophisticated analytics - Summarize data by using PivotTables and Descriptive Statistics - Use Excel trend curves, multiple regression, and exponential smoothing - Master advanced functions such as OFFSET and INDIRECT - Delve into key financial, statistical, and time functions - Leverage the new charts in Excel 2016 (including box and whisker and waterfall charts) - Make charts more effective by using Power View - Tame complex optimizations by using Excel Solver - Run Monte Carlo simulations on stock prices and bidding models - Work with the AGGREGATE function and table slicers - Create PivotTables from data in different worksheets or workbooks - Learn about basic probability and Bayes’ Theorem - Automate repetitive tasks by using macros.

John Walkenbach ... 1152 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 1st edition (October, 2015) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1119067510 - ISBN-13: 978-1119067511 ... 

The complete guide to Excel 2016, from Mr. Spreadsheet himself: Whether you are just starting out or an Excel novice, the Excel 2016 Bible is your comprehensive, go-to guide for all your Excel 2016 needs. Whether you use Excel at work or at home, you will be guided through the powerful new features and capabilities by expert author and Excel Guru John Walkenbach to take full advantage of what the updated version offers. Learn to incorporate templates, implement formulas, create pivot tables, analyze data, and much more. Navigate this powerful tool for business, home management, technical work, and much more with the only resource you need, Excel 2016 Bible. Create functional spreadsheets that work - Master formulas, formatting, pivot tables, and more - Get acquainted with Excel 2016's new features and tools -Customize downloadable templates and worksheets. Whether you need a walkthrough tutorial or an easy-to-navigate desk reference, the Excel 2016 Bible has you covered with complete coverage and clear expert guidance.

David Slager ... 673 pages - Publisher: Apress; 1st edition (November, 2016) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1484221605 - ISBN-13: 978-1484221600 ... 

This book shows you how easy it is to create, edit, sort, analyze, summarize and format data as well as graph it. Loaded with screen shots, step-by-step instructions, and reader exercises, Essential Excel 2016 makes it easy for you to get to grips with this powerful software and what it can do. What You’ll Learn: How to create amazing visualizations of your data - Easy and accurate methods for entering data - How to extract just the information you want from imported data, and manipulate it and format it the way you want - Export your results to other programs or share with others in the cloud - Organize, Summarize, Filter, and Consolidate your Data in almost any way imaginable - Audit, Validate and Protect your Data. Who This Book Is For: Anyone new to Excel, or looking to take better advantage of the platform and find out its latest features.

From the Back Cover: Get up to speed quickly with Microsoft Excel 2016. See how easy it is to create, edit, sort, analyze, summarize, and format data. A broad range of other topics are covered, such as data import and export, sharing, visualization, validation, security, customization, and more. Loaded with screen shots, step-by-step instructions, and hands-on exercises, Essential Excel 2016 makes it easy for you to get started or ramp up your skills with this powerful software. In this book, you learn easy and accurate methods for entering data plus how to: Organize, format, filter, and consolidate your data in almost any way imaginable - Use built-in functions and customize your own - Create amazing visualizations of your data - Extract just the information you want from imported data, and manipulate and format the data in the way you want - Export your results to other programs or share with others in the cloud -Audit, validate, and protect your data. This book delivers the essential how-to and reference information for users new to Excel, those who want to continue building their Excel skills, or anyone who wants to get up to date on the latest changes and features in Excel 2016. 

Kenneth N. Berk, Patrick Carey ... 608 pages - Publisher: Cengage Learning; 3rd edition (June, 2009) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 0495391786 - ISBN-13: 978-0495391784 ...

This popular best-selling book shows students and professionals how to do data analysis with Microsoft Excel. DATA ANALYSIS WITH MICROSOFT EXCEL teaches the fundamental concepts of statistics and how to use Microsoft Excel to solve the kind of data-intensive problems that arise in business and elsewhere. Even students with no previous experience using spreadsheets will find that this text's step-by-step approach, extensive tutorials, and examples make it easy to learn how to use Excel for analyzing data. A downloadable StatPlus™ add-in for Microsoft Excel, data sets for exercises, and interactive concept tutorials are available on the Book Companion Website.

Gordon Filby ... 289 pages - Publisher: Springer; (September, 1998) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 354061253X - ISBN-13: 978-3540612537 ...

"Spreadsheets in Science and Engineering" shows scientists and engineers at all levels how to analyze, validate and calculate data and how the analytical and graphic capabilities of spreadsheet programs (ExcelR) can solve these tasks in their daily work. The examples on the CD-ROM accompanying the book include material of undergraduate to current research level in disciplines ranging from chemistry and chemical engineering to molecular biology and geology.

Bill Jelen, Szilvia Juhasz ... 278 pages - Publisher: Holy Macro! Books; (September 1, 2015) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1615470409 - ISBN-13: 978-1615470402 ...

The 40 essential tips that all Excel users need to know. Crowdsourced by more than 300 contributors who collaborated on choosing the 40 best Excel tips, MrExcel XL provides users with a concise book that can be absorbed in under an hour. Includes a bonus 30 tips, keyboard shortcuts, Excel jokes, Excel cocktails. Anyone who uses Excel will be able to turn to any page and pick up tips that will save them hours of work.

Ken Bluttman - 408 pages - Publisher: For Dummies; 4th edition (December, 2015) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1119076781 - ISBN-13: 978-1119076780 ... 

Grab these Excel formulas and functions to make your life easier!: Are you intimidated by major financial choices, like which loan to get or how to grow your savings? Don't worry—we all are! But Excel Formulas & Functions For Dummies, 4th Edition can take some of the pain out of the data organization and analysis processes. This step-by-step reference sheds light on Microsoft Excel's 150 most useful functions, and offers detailed instructions on how to implement them. Additionally, each function is illustrated by helpful, real-world examples that show how they are used within a larger formula. To take your knowledge of Excel's functions a step further, 85 specialized functions are described in abbreviated form so you can use Excel to better support your decision-making process when securing a mortgage, buying a car, computing classroom grades, evaluating investment performance, and more.

Functions are predefined formulas that you can use to make data analysis a bit easier within the Microsoft Excel framework. Functions use specific values, called arguments, to calculate a variety of things, from simple sums and averages to more complicated loan payments. Explore the 150 most useful functions that help Microsoft Excel make your life easier * Access real-world examples of how functions fit into larger formulas * Discover 85 specialized functions, which are described in abbreviated form and take your knowledge of Excel to the next level * Understand how Microsoft Excel can help you make key decisions, such as whether to go with a 15-year or 30-year mortgage. Excel Formulas & Functions For Dummies, 4th Edition brings order to chaotic data—and helps you make decisions with confidence!

Thomas J. Quirk ... 248 pages - Publisher: Springer; 1st edition (November 16, 2015) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 3319235540 - ISBN-13: 978-3319235547 ...

This is the first book to show the capabilities of Microsoft Excel to teach engineering statistics effectively.  It is a step-by-step exercise-driven guide for students and practitioners who need to master Excel to solve practical engineering problems.  If understanding statistics isn’t your strongest suit, you are not especially mathematically-inclined, or if you are wary of computers, this is the right book for you. Excel, a widely available computer program for students and managers, is also an effective teaching and learning tool for quantitative analyses in engineering courses.  Its powerful computational ability and graphical functions make learning statistics much easier than in years past.  However, Excel 2013 for Engineering Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Problems is the first book to capitalize on these improvements by teaching students and managers how to apply Excel to statistical techniques necessary in their courses and work. Each chapter explains statistical formulas and directs the reader to use Excel commands to solve specific, easy-to-understand engineering problems.  Practice problems are provided at the end of each chapter with their solutions in an Appendix.  Separately, there is a full Practice Test (with answers in an Appendix) that allows readers to test what they have learned.

J. P. Holman ... 242 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; 1st edition (June, 2006) ... Language: English - ASIN: B006QOGTDQ by Amazon Digital Services ...

With the many software packages available today, it's easy to overlook the computational and graphics capabilities offered by Microsoft® Excel™. The software is nearly ubiquitous and understanding its capabilities is an enormous benefit to engineers in almost any field and at all levels of experience. What Every Engineer Should Know About Excel offers in nine self-contained chapters a practical guide to the features and functions that can be used, for example, to solve equations and systems of equations, build charts and graphs, create line drawings, and perform optimizations. The author uses examples and screenshots to walk you through the steps and build a strong understanding of the material. With this book, you will learn how to… Set up the keyboard for direct entry of most math and Greek symbols + Build a default scatter graph that is applicable to most simple presentations with little cosmetic modification + Apply many types of formats to adjust the cosmetics of graphs + Use 3D surface and area charts for data and functional representations, with associated cosmetic adjustments + Correlate data with various types of functional relations + Use line drawing tools to construct simple schematics or other diagrams + Solve linear and nonlinear sets of equations using multiple methods + Curve student grades using Excel probability functions + Model device performance using different types of regression analysis involving multiple variables + Manipulate Excel financial functions + alculate retirement accumulation with variable contribution rate and retirement payouts to match increases in inflation + Apply Excel methods for optimization problems with both linear and nonlinear relations + Use pivot tables to manipulate both experimental data and analytical relationships + Calculate experimental uncertainties using Excel + And much more!

Michael Alexander, Dick Kusleika ... 816 pages - Publisher: Wiley; 1st edition (January, 2016) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1119067863 - ISBN-13: 978-1119067863 ...

Leverage the full power of Excel formulas: Excel 2016 Formulas is fully updated to cover all of the tips, tricks, and techniques you need to maximize the power of Excel 2016 through the use of formulas. This comprehensive book explains how to create financial formulas, release the power of array formulas, develop custom worksheet functions with VBA, debug formulas, and much more. Whether you're a beginner, a power user, or somewhere in between this is your essential go-to for the latest on Excel formulas. When conducting simple math or building highly complicated spreadsheets that require formulas up to the task, leveraging the right formula can heighten the accuracy and efficiency of your work, and can improve the speed with which you compile and analyze data. Understanding which formulas to use and knowing how to create a formula when you need to are essential. Access tips, tricks, and techniques that have been fully updated to reflect the latest capabilities of Microsoft Excel + Create and use formulas that have the power to transform your Excel experience + Leverage supplemental material online, including sample files, templates, and worksheets from thebook.

Ann Shaffer, Patrick Carey, Roy Ageloff, S. Scott Zimmerman, Beverly B. Zimmerman ...
936 pages - Publisher: Course Technology; 1st edition (August 7, 2013)
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1285167759 - ISBN-13: 978-1285167756

With proven pedagogy that emphasizes critical-thinking, problem-solving, and in-depth coverage, New Perspectives helps students develop the Microsoft Office 2013 skills they need to be successful in college and beyond. Updated with all new case-based tutorials, New Perspectives Microsoft Office 2013 continues to engage students in applying skills to real-world situations, making concepts relevant. A new Troubleshoot case problem enhances critical thinking, and a new tutorial on Managing Your Files helps students navigate Windows 8. As always, New Perspectives improves learning outcomes and transference of skills by helping students understand why what they're learning is important.

Ann Shaffer, Patrick Carey ...
1144 pages - Publisher: Course Technology; 1st edition (May 15, 2013)
Language: English - ISBN-10: 1285167643 - ISBN-13: 978-1285167640

With proven pedagogy that emphasizes critical-thinking, problem-solving, and in-depth coverage, New Perspectives helps students develop the Microsoft Office 2013 skills they need to be successful in college and beyond. Updated with all new case-based tutorials, New Perspectives Microsoft Office 2013 continues to engage students in applying skills to real-world situations, making concepts relevant. A new Troubleshoot case problem enhances critical thinking, and a new tutorial on Managing Your Files helps students navigate Windows 8. As always, New Perspectives improves learning outcomes and transference of skills by helping students understand why what they're learning is important.

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