Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering Practice in Industrial Projects

Mihir Roy ... 490 pages - Language: English - Publisher‏: ‎Springer; (January, 2024) - ISBN-13: 978-9819979059.

This professional book is an important resource on the topics of geotechnical and foundation engineering for practicing engineers and consultants. It fills the gap between classroom education and real-world professional practice in green and brown field projects. It provides hands-on knowledge on various topics such as engineering geology, geotechnical investigation, site preparation, ground improvement, foundation on soft and filled-up soil, pile foundation, seepage control, erosion control and retaining wall, marine projects, simplified liquefaction potential assessment, tailing storage management at mines, failure during construction, site hazard and remedy and geotechnical and foundation engineering practice.

This book will be highly useful for professionals and practicing engineers in the area of geotechnical and foundations engineering. It will also be a useful reference for graduate and postgraduate students and the faculty in the same field.

Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering Practice in Industrial Projects, Mihir Roy

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