Using ANSYS for Finite Element Analysis: Volume II Dynamic, Probabilistic Design...

Wael A. Altabey, Mohammad Noori, Libin Wang ... 345 pages ... Publisher: Momentum Press (June, 2018) - Language: English - AmazonSIN: B07DHW1ZGB.

Over the past two decades, the use of finite element method as a design tool has grown rapidly. Easy to use commercial software, such as ANSYS, have become common tools in the hands of students as well as practicing engineers. The objective of this book is to demonstrate the use of one of the most commonly used Finite Element Analysis software, ANSYS, for linear static, dynamic, and thermal analysis through a series of tutorials and examples. Some of the topics covered in these tutorials include development of beam, frames, and Grid Equations; 2-D elasticity problems; dynamic analysis; composites, and heat transfer problems. These simple, yet, fundamental tutorials are expected to assist the users with the better understanding of finite element modeling, how to control modeling errors, and the use of the FEM in designing complex load bearing components and structures. These tutorials would supplement a course in basic finite element or can be used by practicing engineers who may not have the advanced training in finite element analysis.

Using ANSYS for Finite Element Analysis: Volume II Dynamic, Probabilistic Design and Heat Transfer Analysis,Wael A. Altabey, Mohammad Noori, Libin Wan

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