Basic Mathematics: An Introduction - Teach Yourself

Alan Graham ... 376 pages - Publisher: Teach Yourself; (April, 2017) ... Language: English - AmazonSIN: B01KTS4XBO.

Basic Mathematics teaches you all the maths you need for everyday situations. If you are terrified by maths, this is the book for you. Do you shy away from using numbers? Basic Mathematics can help. An easy-to-follow guide, it will ensure you gain the confidence you need to tackle maths and overcome your fears. It offers simple explanations of all the key areas, including decimals, percentages, measurements and graphs, and applies them to everyday situations, games and puzzles to help you understand mathematics quickly and enjoyably. Everything you need is here in this one book. Each chapter includes clear explanations, worked examples and test questions. At the end of the book there are challenges and games to give you new and interesting ways to practise your new skills.

Basic Mathematics: An Introduction - Teach Yourself, Alan Graham

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