Finite Element Analysis

S. S. Bhavikatti ... 348 pages - Publisher: New Age International Publishers; 1st edition (February, 2004) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 8122436714 - ISBN-13: 978-8122436716 ...

With the author`s experience of teaching the courses on Finite Element Analysis to undergraduate and postgraduate students for several years, the author felt need for writing this book. The concept of Finite Element Analysis, finding properties of various elements and assembling stiffness equation is developed systematically by splitting the subject into various chapters. The method is made clear by solving many problems by hand calculations. The application of finite element method to plates, shells and nonlinear analysis is presented. After listing some of the commercially available finite element analysis packages, the structure of a finite element program and the desired features of commercial packages are discussed.

Finite Element Analysis, S. S. Bhavikatti

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