Engineering Finite Element Analysis

Ramana M. Pidaparti ... 268 pages - Publisher: Morgan&Claypool; (May, 2017) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 1627058702 - ISBN-13: 978-1627058704 ...

Finite element analysis is a basic foundational topic that all engineering majors need to understand in order for them to be productive engineering analysts for a variety of industries. This book provides an introductory treatment of finite element analysis with an overview of the various fundamental concepts and applications. It introduces the basic concepts of the finite element method and examples of analysis using systematic methodologies based on ANSYS software. Finite element concepts involving one-dimensional problems are discussed in detail so the reader can thoroughly comprehend the concepts and progressively build upon those problems to aid in analyzing two-dimensional and three-dimensional problems. Moreover, the analysis processes are listed step-by-step for easy implementation, and an overview of two dimensional and three-dimensional concepts and problems is also provided. In addition, multiphysics problems involving coupled analysis examples are presented to further illustrate the broad applicability of the finite element method for a variety of engineering disciplines.

Engineering Finite Element Analysis, Ramana M. Pidaparti

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