Practical Finite Element Analysis

Nitin S. Gokhale,‎ Sanjeev V. Bedekar, Anand N. Thite, Sanjay S. Deshpande ... 446 pages - Publisher: FiniteToInfinite; 1st edition (2008) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 8190619519 - ISBN-13: 978-8190619516 ...

FEA is gaining popularity day by day & is a sought after dream career for mechanical engineers. Enthusiastic engineers and managers who want to refresh or update the knowledge on FEA are encountered with volume of excellent books on this subject. Often working professionals realize that they are not in touch with theoretical concepts & find the subject too mathematical .... Authors of this book are from IIT's & IISc and after joining the industry realized gap between university education & the practical FEA. Over the years they learned it via interaction with experts from international community, sharing experience with each other & hard route of trial & error method. The basic aim of this book is to share the knowledge & practices used in the industry with experienced & in particular beginners, so as to reduce the learning curve & avoid reinvention of the cycle. Emphasis is on simple language, practical usage, minimum mathematics & no pre-requisites. All basic concepts of engineering are included as & where it is required. It is hoped that this book would be helpful to beginners, experienced users, managers, group leaders and as additional reading material for university courses. In order to display the color contours of FEA results & mesh details appropriately, the book has been printed on special paper which supports color images.

Practical Finite Element Analysis, Nitin S. Gokhale,‎ Sanjeev V. Bedekar, Anand N. Thite, Sanjay S. Deshpande

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