Seismic Performance of Soil-Foundation-Structure Systems

Nawawi Chouw, Rolando P. Orense, Tam Larkin ... 214 pages - Publisher: CRC Press; (August, 2017) ... Language: English - AmazonSIN: B0754HHKX5.

Seismic Performance of Soil-Foundation-Structure Systems presents invited papers presented at the international workshop (University of Auckland, New Zealand, 21-22 November 2016). This international workshop brought together outstanding work in earthquake engineering that embraces a holistic consideration of soilfoundation-structure systems. For example, the diversity of papers in this volume is represented by contributions from the fields of shallow foundation in liquefiable soil, spatially distributed lifelines, bridges, clustered structures (see photo on front cover), sea floor seismic motion, multi-axial ground excitation, deep foundations, soil-foundation-structurefluid interaction, liquefaction-induced settlement and uplift with SFSI. A fundamental knowledge gap is manifested by the isolated manner geotechnical and structural engineers work. A holistic consideration of soil-foundation-structures systems is only possible if civil engineers work collaboratively to the mutual benefit of all disciplines. Another gap occurs by the retarded application of up-to-date research findings in engineering design practices. Seismic Performance of Soil-Foundation-Structure Systems is the outcome from the recognized need to close this gap, since it has been observed that a considerable delay exists between published research findings and application of the principles revealed by the research. Seismic Performance of Soil-Foundation-Structure Systems will be helpful in developing more understanding of the complex nature of responses these systems present under strong earthquakes, and will assist engineers in closing the gaps identified above.

Seismic Performance of Soil-Foundation-Structure Systems: Selected Papers from the International Workshop on Seismic Performance of Soil-Foundation-Structure Systems, Nawawi Chouw, Rolando P. Orense, Tam Larkin

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