Scientific and Engineering Applications Using MATLAB

Emilson Pereira Leite ... 214 pages - Publisher: InTech ... ISBN-13: 978-9533076591 ... The purpose of this book is to present 10 scientific and engineering works whose numerical and graphical analysis were all constructed using the power of MATLAB® tools. The first five chapters of this book show applications in seismology, meteorology and natural environment. Chapters 6 and 7 focus on modeling and simulation of Water Distribution Networks. Simulation was also applied to study wide area protection for interconnected power grids (Chapter 8) and performance of conical antennas (Chapter 9). The last chapter deals with depth positioning of underwater robot vehicles. Therefore, this book is a collection of interesting examples of where this computational package can be applied.

Scientific and Engineering Applications Using MATLAB, Emilson Pereira Leite

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