The Teaching and Learning of Statistics: Inter. Perspectives

Dani Ben-Zvi, Katie Makar ... 334 pages - Publisher: Springer; 1st edition (January, 2016) ... Language: English - ISBN-10: 3319234692 - ISBN-13: 978-3319234694 ...

This book presents the breadth and diversity of empirical and practical work done on statistics education around the world. A wide range of methods are used to respond to the research questions that form it's base. Case studies of single students or teachers aimed at understanding reasoning processes, large-scale experimental studies attempting to generalize trends in the teaching and learning of statistics are both employed. Various epistemological stances are described and utilized. The teaching and learning of statistics is presented in multiple contexts in the book. These include designed settings for young children, students in formal schooling, tertiary level students, vocational schools, and teacher professional development. A diversity is evident also in the choices of what to teach (curriculum), when to teach (learning trajectory), how to teach (pedagogy), how to demonstrate evidence of learning (assessment) and what challenges teachers and students face when they solve statistical problems (reasoning and thinking).

The Teaching and Learning of Statistics: International Perspectives, Dani Ben-Zvi, Katie Makar

... Our aim is Engineering Education Without Barriers: The notion of education being free for all is a revolutionary concept that is capable of transforming the world to a better place. Education has the power to uplift individuals, families, and entire societies out of poverty and provide them with opportunities for growth and development. Education is a human need, and it is essential for personal and societal progress. In today's world, technological advancement has made it possible to access education for free or at a reduced cost. This has become a game-changer in education, breaking down barriers and leveling the field for students across countries, societies, and classes.

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