Introduction to Linear Elasticity

Phillip L. Gould ... 256 pages - Publisher: Springer; 2nd edition (December, 1993) ...
Language: English - ISBN-10: 0199552134 - ISBN-13: 978-0387941004 ...

This applications-oriented introduction fills an important gap in the field of solid mechanics. Offering a thorough grounding in the tensor-based theory of elasticity for courses in mechanical, civil, materials or aeronautical engineering, it allows students to apply the basic notions of mechanics to such important topics as stress analysis. Further, they will also acquire the necessary background for more advanced work in elasticity, plasticity, shell theory, composite materials and finite element mechanics. This second edition features new chapters on the bending of thin plates, time-dependent effects, and strength and failure criteria.

Introduction to Linear Elasticity 2nd Edition, Phillip L. Gould

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